Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1486: Hard bones

St. Kaiser Island is still beautiful, Lin Rui and others returned to the island and reported the results of this mission to Long Zhengwu.

Long Zhengwu nodded, "Good job, employers appreciate your efficiency. In addition, I paid attention to some other information about Zhao Jianfei."

"Yes." Lin Rui nodded, "He has already joined the secret society. I don't know if he found the secret society or the secret society. Anyway, he personally admitted this to me, and he and Silver Wolf Hatred."

"Silver Wolf called me yesterday." Long Zhengwu sighed. "But fortunately, there are no other problems. Let this matter go for now. I need you to do another task. Fang Xin's task is easier. It is closer to the nature of an exercise."

"Exercise?" Lin Rui frowned.

"In addition to providing military services, our company also provides evaluation and testing services. Originally, Zhao Jianfei was responsible for these. You may not be very clear." Long Zhengwu said.

"What kind of evaluation? Combat capability?" Lin Rui frowned, "I think this requires professional evaluators, not operational personnel like us."

"It's not what you think. Our mission this time is a security and defense assessment, mainly for the confidential units of the U.S. military. We discovered various problems in their security and defense. You know that organizations like them will have very strict security. In the security defense plan, a professional team is responsible for security alert, but it must also undergo various tests and evaluations.

The security assessment we have done is to simulate intrusions and use our methods to conduct intrusive actions to evaluate their defensive capabilities and response capabilities. And provide a detailed report afterwards, pointing out the other party’s loopholes in security. "Long Zhengwu explained.

"This... is like a job similar to a security consultant?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes, full strategy and action evaluation consultant." Long Zhengwu nodded, "For two months, we will find out the security loopholes in a secret base within two months, and make decisions about their security work. Actual evaluation. We and their evaluators will evaluate all actions of you and the security forces in real time, and combine these to find out security problems."

"Understood, we were hired to invade. And they adjusted the existing defense plan to achieve a targeted defense by analyzing our successful intrusion operations. This is very easy." Lin Rui nodded.

"Don't tell the big story too early." Long Zhengwu shook his head, "because the place you are going to invade this time is not an ordinary place."

"Isn't it the US military base? We haven't seen it before, the navy and air force or the army base?" Lin Rui smiled.

"Your kid just doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. This time the target is the North American Air Defense Command." Long Zhengwu looked at Lin Rui.

"North American Air Defense Command? Isn't that in a room in the Pentagon? It's too easy." Lin Rui smiled and shook his head.

Long Zhengwu smiled and turned around, "I know that your kid is ignorant, come and look at the information." He turned and turned on the projector, and slowly said, "This is a building, yes, but it looks completely different from what you said. In the cave of Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, USA, there is hidden a building with the largest scale and the most modern equipment in the world. It is the Cheyenne Mountain Underground Monitoring Center of North American Air Defense Command and US Space Command." .

"This is an underground facility?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes, this center is 500 meters deep under the rock. But it is a multifunctional command and monitoring center that can monitor more than 8,000 man-made objects orbiting the earth thousands of kilometers away in space, including approximately 500 spacecraft in operation and more than 7,000 space debris." Long midday slowly said.

On August 21 and October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the world’s first intercontinental ballistic missile and the world’s first artificial earth satellite. The U.S. ruling and opposition parties were shocked. President Eisenhower hurriedly ordered the acceleration of the development of intercontinental missiles and aerospace technology, and at the same time called for strengthening air defense, supplementing and adding new surveillance and alert capabilities to intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In order to effectively monitor and alert possible attacks by ballistic missiles and long-range bombers from the Soviet Union, the United States and Canada, two North American countries, signed an agreement on May 12, 1958 to establish a joint air defense agency "North American Air Defense Command." This command requires at least an early warning and monitoring network and a data processing and monitoring center.

The early warning surveillance network consists of early warning radars distributed in Alaska and Canada, closely monitoring Soviet ballistic missiles and aircraft that may come from the north. The data processing and monitoring center is required to be located in a place where the backing is hidden, easy to defend, and difficult to destroy. At the same time, it is necessary to consider that key departments such as the monitoring center must be far away from other strategic targets such as military bases and industrial centers, and especially to be able to withstand attacks by Soviet nuclear weapons.

According to these requirements, the US Department of Defense organized experts to conduct inspections, investigations, and demonstrations, and finally decided to locate the new monitoring center in the mountains of Cheyenne Mountain. Cheyenne Mountain is located in the southwestern suburbs of Colorado Springs. It is a mountain that is not too high. Although it is 2400-2500 meters above sea level, its height relative to the local ground is only 600-700 meters. The mountain is entirely composed of hard granite, forming a strong natural barrier.

In May 1961, the underground monitoring center broke the ground. First, from the halfway point of Cheyenne Mountain, a main tunnel with a length of 0.5 kilometers, a width and a height of about 15 meters was dug inward. Then, in the depths of the mountain at the end of the tunnel, a huge artificial cave with a base area of ​​about 20,000 square meters and a height of about 25 meters was excavated. In addition, several auxiliary tunnels leading out of the mountain were opened. The excavation project alone took two years, and the excavated rock was about 600,000 to 700,000 cubic meters.

Beginning in June 1963, the US military built 15 buildings in the cave. The structure of the building, including walls, floors, ceilings, corridors and stairs, etc., are all tailor-welded by 20-30 mm steel plates. The bottom of each building is supported by nearly a hundred large springs to resist the strong vibrations of natural earthquakes or nuclear attacks.

There are hundreds of meters thick rock on and around the building, forming an unbreakable bunker. The tunnel leading to the cave is equipped with two gates made of reinforced concrete up to 2 meters thick. After being closed, the cave is isolated from the outside world. When it is subjected to a nuclear attack, it is sufficient to block the intrusion of shock waves, hot air currents and nuclear radiation to ensure the safety of the building. "

"I'll go, this is really a big deal." Lin Rui smiled bitterly.

Long Zhengwu smiled and said, "It is indeed a big deal, but during the Cold War, there were more crazy behaviors than this. Moreover, facing the maturity of precision strike weapons carrying high-yield nuclear warheads in the 21st century, Americans are not without worry. The surrounding underground buildings are not impenetrable and foolproof. Especially they worry that if someone deliberately sneaks in, they have been worried that this safest place in the world will have safety risks."

"So I asked us for a defense assessment?" Lin Rui sighed, "I thought it was a beautiful job, but it turned out to be a hard bone."