Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1526: Life hanging by a thread

There was a sound in the nearest wooden room, and the woman's sobbing sound was more pronounced. There seemed to be more than one person in the room. Some people were walking up and down in the room, and there were shouts of militants shouting.

Lin Rui leaned his body against the wall, ready to move against the wall to the door. But the sun was shining at noon, and the two reflections on the ground stopped him. There is someone at the door! Lin Rui immediately stopped moving and adjusted his breathing, leaned against the corner of the wall and put down the gun, but drew out the dagger.

There are militants in the room, and he must eliminate the two at the door silently, otherwise the militants inside will take hostages. This will bring more trouble to his rescue operation.

Lin Rui looked up at the sun and then at the shadows on the ground, and well judged where the opponent was standing. He turned around abruptly and dashed up. The two armed guards are at most five meters away from him, and at his speed, they can shoot without them having time to react.

The gunshots outside made the two remaining militants very uneasy, and they leaned together and talked quietly. Unprepared, the militant with his back facing Lin Rui was knocked unconscious by Lin Rui before he could turn his head. The remaining one saw the situation badly and quickly raised the spear, but Lin Rui still took a step forward, turning the dagger quickly. "Chi La" a deep **** mouth cut the nerve on the militant's wrist.

The militant pulled the trigger in horror, but found that his index finger could not move at all. He wanted to shout, but Lin Rui covered his mouth with his hands, and the **** dagger suddenly pierced his heart. Lin Rui covered his mouth with one hand and made a silent gesture to him. The militant slumped slowly to the ground.

Lin Rui helped his body slowly fall down, then pulled out the dagger and put it away. Turned around and retrieved his Type 97 assault rifle that was placed against the corner.

He was not confident enough to rush in with a knife, especially when he didn't understand how many people were inside. Lin Rui walked over and put his ear to the door to listen carefully for the sound inside. He actually complained a bit that the quality of the weapons provided by Qin Chuan was not bad, but the technical content was almost the same. Especially in other more detailed tactical equipment.

Originally, the US military had a detector that could determine the specific location of the person in the room through the door. You can also use a small speculum to connect to a tactical helmet, sneak in through the gap to observe the internal situation. But now, he has nothing, he can only rely on feeling and experience.

He put his ear on the door and squatted to listen to the movement inside, judging by his feelings how many militants were and where they were. Because once the door broke and rushed in, there was not much time to react. He didn't want to shoot the hostages because of a momentary mistake.

He felt that there were at least two people inside, both armed personnel of the secret society. Because this can be judged from the sound of their slightly heavy military boots. A person with weapons and ammunition will weigh more than ten kilograms out of thin air, and he will naturally appear heavier. Lin Rui is very experienced in this.

"There are two guards inside, and the two outside are four. They will not only leave four people guarding this area, because the other laborers did not run away in a panic. This shows that there must be other guards nearby. Looking at the workers." Lin Rui thought silently: "If you rush in and shoot, even if you save these hostages, you may still be unable to kill them. Because after the gunshots, other guards will definitely come over."

It doesn't matter to me. Even if it doesn't help, he can still deal with it by taking advantage of the complicated environment here in the valley. But if you take five hostages in panic, it's not easy to say.

So after struggling for a while, Lin Rui put down the gun and drew out a dagger with both hands. He took a deep breath, ready to take a gamble. If you are lucky, the opponent will be killed by him before he can fight back. But if you are unlucky, the ending is hard to say.

He carefully distinguished the sound inside, and felt that one of the guards was closer. With a sudden kick, he kicked the wooden door open. With this kick, he used great power, kicking his legs and twisting his waist to exert force, but not only the door was completely blasted in, but also the militants standing inside the door were knocked down together. Lin Rui rolled in, and the knife in his hand suddenly stabled and assassinated the militant on the ground on the spot.

When he turned back and chased another one, it was still a step too late. The militant of the secret society turned around very vigilantly and blocked the femininity in front of him. At the same time, one hand shot the gun at Lin Rui, and the gunshots and clanging bullets landed on the woman. She screamed and struggled.

Fortunately, she was struggling instinctively in a hurry, and the militant himself was holding a gun with one hand. Even a fairly strong man can hardly hold the ak47 in one hand and shoot steadily. Because the recoil of ak47 itself is not small, plus his other hand is dragging a struggling woman. It also had a certain impact on his body's balance ability.

So it almost took Lin Rui's bullets, but in the end he couldn't kill Lin Rui. A raised muzzle caused the bullet to deviate, but it just ran across Lin Rui's cheek. The first shot deviated, and it deviated even further behind.

Lin Rui threw off the knife and ran in the opposite direction, pulling out the pistol tied to his leg. It was difficult for him to shoot the armed personnel of the secret agency because of the female hostage blocking him. In desperation, he held up his gun, muzzle down, and kept shooting. Several bullets penetrated the instep and leg of the armed man, and he finally couldn't support his body leaning to one side.

Lin Rui missed the opportunity to make up a shot and opened a hole in the forehead of the militant, and the blood sprayed the woman to scream.

Lin Rui touched her face with her hand, feeling a little swollen, and she was also afraid for a while. I was swept by that bullet just now, and I really only almost got a headshot. Until now, his heart was still beating wildly.

He pushed away the femininity and said solemnly, "Take off the skirt!"

His Chinese made the woman stunned. The other hostages also looked at Lin Rui in surprise.

Lin Rui whispered, "I'm here to save you. Can you still walk around?"

"Yes, but this...skirt..." The feminine was obviously choked.

"Don't be shy when this is terrible. Wearing that long skirt, can you run. Miss, you think you are waltzing at the ball. This is running for your life, so you can't keep up with the team. , The next row of bullets comes up, you have to do a cramp dance." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "You guys help her. It's really impossible to let her change into these two men's pants."