Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1534: Black bar

"Don't do that, Lin Rui, I'm still very sincere. You can't shirk this responsibility on me because the situation is complicated and your own person almost suffered losses. I am the representative of the employer, and you are the representative of the executive. That's all That's it. From the contract, I don't owe you anything." Qin Chuan shook his head.

"That's good. Anyway, it's not the first time we have been deceived by a sincere employer." Lin Rui shook his head.

"You have nothing to lose. Besides, those who do your job are selling their lives. When you take over the task, you have put your life in a position to be sold. Even if there are casualties, you can't blame anyone. "Qin Chuan shook his head.

"You are only right to a small part. Our business is very dangerous. Our life and death have nothing to do with the employer. But we don't sell our lives. We sell services. A personal design, very precise military service. .

This service is based on the employer providing accurate information, we design and implement for the employer, the premise is based on the accurate information. If employers provide false information or deliberately withhold information, it will endanger us and the task itself. And for those who endanger us, we never give up. Do you know how we will deal with such people? "Lin Rui looked at Qin Chuan unceremoniously.

Qin Chuan pondered for a while and smiled bitterly, "So, did you really do the stabbing of the Russian female bear?"

"So for our patience, you'd better be fortunate." Lin Rui said as he looked at him.

Qin Chuan didn't speak any more, just turned and left, "Talk again when you have time." He got on the helicopter, and flew out of the area amid the roar of the engine.

Lin Rui also turned and shouted, "Get in the car, let's leave this ghost place."

"Where to go, boss?" Sausage asked.

"There is wine, a big meal, and a place for women." Lin Rui said casually, "I'm going to be unlucky." The group of mercenaries were in ecstasy and drove away. Two cars raised two billowing smoke and dust on this land. Qin Chuan watched them leave from the helicopter, his mouth raised a sneer.

Two days later, Lin Rui and others arrived in South Africa, and Sergei's injuries needed to be hospitalized for observation for several days. Others fell into a brief madness after the mission.

It takes a bit of courage to enter a black bar in South Africa, because the social security in South Africa is relatively bad. In the bar and dance hall, you often encounter entanglement from drunks, gangsters, or harassment by thieves and rogues. But South Africa’s bars are very emotional, and the bar in West Bay Village on the outskirts of East London Port made the o2 team members linger.

During the day, outside the window of the bar you can see the blue and snowy Indian Ocean, the church built by Europeans in the 16th century, the post office, and the black brothers holding wine bottles on the grass in the sun. The entire picture is a thick South African landscape. . At night, the East London lighthouse with a history of more than 100 years off the coast of the village, like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes, stands on the southernmost coast of Africa.

Sitting alone in a corner of the bar, you can vaguely see the traces of apartheid in South Africa for more than 350 years-the wall that divided the entire bar in two, in the age of "dogs and chickens hear each other, old and dead", one side is white The bar has a black bar on one side and is connected by a corridor for the operators to pass through.

There are huge differences between a wall, the layout is different, and the door orientation is also different. One facing the downtown area is a purely European traditional style. One faces the small road and enters by the side door. In the two bars, the money is different. The black bar is 50 cents cheaper. Just like the bus fare to the black area, it reflects the preference for black people.

Apartheid and discrimination have been abolished for several years, and blacks are free to enter and leave the white bar area, but there is a kind of restraint in the manner, not as relaxed as in the black bar. This may be a cultural difference, I hope it is not a shadow that cannot be erased in my heart.

Watching black singing and dancing in this bar is a kind of enjoyment. That night, singing and dancing were happily. A white youth appeared in front of the door leading to the corridor. His eyes were dull, and he staggered into the dance floor, obviously alcohol was working. Suddenly, the girl screamed "no" from the dim dance floor. Several black girls fled like frightened antelopes in the African wilderness, and the atmosphere in the bar became tense.

Many people are worried that a riot will start at any moment. At this moment, an Asian greeted him calmly. He spread out his arms and danced with a blonde woman, and immediately dispelled the tension on the court. It was Lin Rui and Yelena. The other o2 players around them were drinking lazily. This is their gathering point in South Africa.

In fact, this is also the assets of the Black Island Company. While making good profits, it is also a place to exchange information.

When Lin Rui walked back to his seat, he ordered another glass of wine, staring at the light of the lighthouse outside the window, staring at the shaking figures on the wall, the restless bar, with another taste of alcohol. He brought the players here, not just for relaxation.

After the original mission is over, they can rest for a few days as usual. But Lin Rui was worried that the Russian Sergey's injury would worsen and advocated sending him to the hospital first. In Africa, the only medical condition that is still going on is South Africa.

So when Sergey was being examined in the hospital, Lin Rui received a text message with only this address. The message was sent to him alone, using a special password, and Lin Rui also knew who the message was sent. This special password was used to send special messages between mercenaries through text messages, but now few people use it.

Lin Rui only learned it after he became a mercenary, and the person who taught him was the one who sent him this message. How could Zhao Jianfei, who had disappeared for a while, sent him a message at this time? What was his purpose?

Lin Rui didn't think much, but he knew one thing, no matter what the situation, Zhao Jianfei would not attack him, just as he could not attack Zhao Jianfei. However, Zhao Jianfei has always acted cautiously and seldom contacts him in this way. Mobile communications are easily intercepted and very unsafe. Generally, people like Zhao Jianfei use some very remote online chat rooms or encrypted email communications.

So when someone broke in by mistake just now, Lin Rui immediately pulled Yelena over. But it turns out that it was just a misunderstanding. So even if Lin Rui sat down to drink, his eyes kept looking around.

Yelena seemed to notice his strangeness and frowned, "Are you waiting for someone?"

Lin Rui was silent for a while, then nodded, "I think so."

"A man or a woman?" Yelena smiled.

"It's bad, maybe it's a man or a woman. I hope it's a beautiful woman, at least it can be pleasing to the eyes." Lin Rui smiled.