Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1719: The man of miracle

"Jian An, what about Jiang An? What's the situation with you?" Lin Rui said loudly.

"It's very bad. We have already seen our intentions by focusing on evacuation of the rebels. They are gradually moving closer to the north. If we can't break through in time, we will all stay here." Jiang Qiang said in an already hoarse voice. Soundtrack.

"No! You won't!" Cobain's voice came from the wireless headset, "Captain Rick, actuary, I will not let you die, nor will our brothers die. I said, I will It is your backing. Now, I want to rescue you."

"Kebain, I am very grateful, but as far as the current situation is concerned, you can't help much..." Jiang An frowned, his voice already hoarse because of the loud command.

"I can, as long as you believe me." Cobain's voice was accompanied by a rapid keyboard sound. "But I need you to retreat some distance, I beg you to believe me." Cobain said eagerly.

"Kebain! What's the matter?" Lin Rui asked.

"There is no time to explain, you must withdraw two hundred meters later." Cobain said loudly in the communications command center of the Black Island Company. "I need your trust. I told you that I am a person who can perform miracles."

Lin Rui was silent for a few seconds. Immediately ordered, "Actuaries, do as he says. Retreat!"

"Are you sure?" Jiang An said loudly.

"This is the battlefield. In addition to trusting the weapons in my hand, I also trust my comrades in arms." Lin Rui shouted in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Jiang An reluctantly executed the order, and commanded the troops to retreat as much as possible.

On St. Kaiser Island, in the Black Island Communications Command Center, there was a moment of silence. A technician in the Cobain team said solemnly, "Boss, it's ready. Are we really going to do this?"

"Connect the UAV communication channel to me." Keben said solemnly.

"Okay." The technician tapped the keyboard in a low voice.

Cobain switched the communication channel and said in a deep voice, "This is usafri U.S. Africa Command. Report on the deployment of drones."

At a drone base in Djibouti, an African country, four US soldiers sit in a remote control cockpit and control the drone. After receiving the order, a U.S. military officer whispered, "Emergency night flight mission number: rk0098. According to the order, the mq-9 Reaper drone has been deployed to the designated airspace and is cruising. The situation of the battle below has been confirmed, and permission to fire is requested."

Cobain responded, "It is allowed to fire, and all resistance forces on the north side of the designated coordinate area are cleared.

"Understood." The U.S. army turned around and ordered, "Execute the order to accurately clear all the resistance forces on the north side of the coordinates."

As soon as Jiang An and the others led the team back, they heard a series of explosions behind them, and several flames fell from the sky. The armed vehicles of the rebels and the soldiers encircled one after another suffered a devastating blow. "Hellfire" anti-tank missiles and gps guided bombs instantly ruled the entire battle. The rebel soldiers discovered with horror that they were under heavy fire. Began to run away.

"What the **** is going on?" Jiang An turned his head and asked in surprise. "Where did the drone come from?"

Lin Rui's face changed suddenly, "Damn it must be Cobain. He must have invaded the UAV command system of the U.S. Air Force and commanded UAVs of the U.S. Army remotely. These UAVs should be the U.S. unmanned aircraft from Phuket. The plane took off. God, this guy is in big trouble."

"Boss, it's this time, I'm afraid of fart trouble. Take the opportunity to charge!" Ahu roared.

"Stop it for me!" Lin Rui held him down and said angrily, "You are going to die now. Wait until the air raid has passed!"

"This is the U.S. military drone? Boss, you have enough face." Ahu whispered.

"It's not that we have the face, but the courage of this guy Cobain. Look at it, this is definitely a big trouble. When the Americans understand it, they will definitely become angry." Jiang An wryly smiled.

Cobain sat in front of the computer and looked at the satellite images on the screen. There was already a sea of ​​fire below. The entire north side of Redstone Town has been completely emptied. This sudden air strike by drone formations completely collapsed the rebels. They scattered and fled, completely afraid to approach this area.

"The target has been cleared, and the mission is complete. The Reaper formation begins to return." A communication signal from the US military came.

Cobain whispered, "Received, it's over." He shut down the communication, and the whole communication command room burst into applause, and cheers resounded throughout the room. Cobain shook his head and said, "We must clean up all traces immediately before we celebrate. The US military command must have noticed the anomaly. We must clear all login information before they initiate an investigation."

After Lin Rui and others received Cobain's response, they rushed out of the rebels' northern defense line with them. It was bombed beyond recognition everywhere, houses and vehicles. The corpses of the rebels and the thin mud that burned with gasoline was a mess everywhere.

Lin Rui shouted sharply, "Go! Get out!"

"This time we all owe Keben a favor." Jiang An shook his head. "This **** technical nerd saved us all. He actually did a miracle."

"Stop talking nonsense, get up and go!" Lin Rui pulled a few other exhausted mercenaries.

From here further north is the hilly area that surrounds central Anmore. When the battle is in a stalemate, you can still feel tired and bored. And now each one has the joy of rebirth, even though everyone is shivering on the cold mud ground. Lin Rui stopped and looked back. Each of these brothers was wrapped in dirty, ragged, and soaked clothes.

But everyone has a relaxed smile on their faces, it's not easy for them. They saw too many deaths this night, and finally took a life. But they have to keep running, because no one knows whether the rebels will catch up.

Until they really couldn't run, these people hid in a small wood. After the fall, no one still had the strength to get up, including Lin Rui. He didn't know whether he slept or passed out. Anyway, they fell asleep in the dense vegetation on a small hill until the next day.

The next day, Lin Rui was shaken awake. Jian An was relieved when he saw him awake. "He's still alive."

Lin Rui tried to straighten up, looked at the sunlight in the sky and said, "How long have I slept?"

"It didn't take long. This place is too close to the rebels. We have to continue on our way." Jiang An whispered.

Lin Rui nodded, "How many people are left?"

"Our people have lost a lot. There are two hundred and eighty people just named. There are even fewer people in the government army. They still have 72 people." Jiang An said in a low voice.

"More than a thousand people, only three hundred and fifty-two are left." Lin Rui didn't know whether to cry or laugh. The others were equally silent. He sighed, "Let's go."