Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1764: Downtown hideout

"It's a pity, it's different." Lin Rui shook his head, "Compared to being let go by you, I prefer to rely on my own ability."

Mr. K gave a wry smile, "Well, you won." He turned his head and said, "Put away all the weapons and let them go." The surrounding CIA agents were still staring at Lin Rui and Yelena, with some expressions. Hesitate.

"Didn't you hear my order? Put away the guns and let them go." Mr. K said sharply. These agents put their guns away, and Yelena also inserted the safety pin of the grenade again. Lin Rui threw the pistol to the ground and strode away with Yelena.

"Sir, are we still chasing?" An agent walked up quickly and whispered to Mr. K.

"No, let them go." Mr. K said indifferently, "Silver Wolf already knows my attitude, I think he will make a change. This Rick is his person, and now if he really moves this person, It will mess things up instead."

"But Mister was so insulted..." the agent whispered.

"Do you really think there is any self-esteem for people like us? If you think there is, then you have to go back and continue training. Remember, a spy never has personal dignity, only our mission." k Mr. coldly and honestly.

"Yes sir." The agent lowered his head.

A few hours later, Lin Rui and Yelena rushed to the place indicated by Aladdin's people.

This hidden place is the business district of Trikala. The streets are full of pedestrians, busy with their own affairs. The battle at the ancient monastery at night has nothing to do with it.

Lin Rui looked around to open the gates of the building. The security personnel did not know where they were. Maybe there were no security personnel at all.

The agreed location is on the eighteenth floor of this building, which is the highest floor. Lin Rui and Yelena entered the elevator, pressed the number 18 on the elevator, the door of the elevator was closed, and they rose slowly. Lin Rui felt a little uncomfortable due to the CIA's disruptor. The most urgent thing to do was to find Aladdin and his brothers.

The elevator reached the eighteenth floor, stopped, and opened the door.

But Lin Rui did not move. Because at least three guns were pointed at him at the elevator entrance. Silencers are installed on the barrels. Judging from the steady hands and indifferent faces of these gunmen, the opponents are all top-notch players. Aladdin has always only hired capable people.

The man in black on the left said in English: "Mr. Rick, hello."

As soon as he said, Lin Rui knew that he was Russian. Although he wears a black mirror, it is difficult to distinguish his face, but this English is obviously with a Russian accent.

Lin Rui smiled slightly, and said, "I can't see anything good about being pointed at by so many guns?"

The loud man was expressionless and didn't care about Lin Rui's ridicule. He spoke in impure English, "Don't make any movements with your hands. Come out slowly." As he said, backing away, the other two followed him. , Slowly retreat, revealing a space outside the elevator. The positions they stand are very clever and important, that is, Guan Lin Rui and Yelena have the most agile skills, and they cannot attack three at the same time.

The situation is better than others, Lin Rui shrugged and walked out generously.

The big man raised his gun and pointed to the front and said, "Go in!" Lin Rui walked towards the door. It is not yet certain whether these people are from Aladdin or Mr. K. So Lin Rui was watching whether the opponent would sneak attack him from behind, that would be a chance to fight back. Fortunately, nothing happened behind him.

The door opened automatically, as if sensing Lin Rui and others. There are several other men in the house. These people are all sturdy, wearing black suits, but they can hardly hide their muscles, like four powerful leopards. They didn't have guns, but Lin Rui knew that he had moved slightly, and his body would be full of bullet holes.

They are scattered in the house, forming a closed situation. Two other people consciously blocked the window, presumably to prevent them from jumping out of the window to escape.

Seeing this, Lin Rui wanted to laugh. He shrugged and said, "What does this mean, you guys are too programmatic? Are you afraid that I will jump out of the window and escape? This is the 18th floor. People who have problems with their brains will meet. Thinking of jumping out of the window to escape, at this height, jumping window suicide is about the same. Even if you want to commit suicide by jumping off the building, you can’t do it, because the windows and doors have anti-theft grilles. Your position should be more reasonable if you stand a little inside."

The big men ignored him. One of them was carrying a matchbox-sized instrument and moving up and down in front of him. After checking, he whispered in English: "No gun, no tracker found."

Guarding at the door of the room inside, the tall and powerful man in black suit nodded and said: "Just a procedure, Mr. Rick, please go in." The words were quite polite.

Lin Rui and Yelena walked in, but found that the other o2 players were there. Jiang An immediately greeted them and said, "Lin Rui, Viper, are you all right?"

"Hey, I knew they would be fine." Sergey laughed.

"Indeed, there was nothing serious, and no one was following. We checked on the road several times, and didn't come directly but went around in a few circles. I came here without any suspiciousness." Lin Rui nodded. "Where is Aladdin?"

"He is talking to Adric." Jiangan whispered.

"Adric woke up?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes. What's the matter with you? How did the CIA target us?" Jiang An whispered.

"It's a long story. Let's talk about it when Aladdin comes. I am a little surprised about the origin of Mr. K. I don't know what his origin is." Lin Rui whispered.

While talking, Aladdin was pushed out by Duncan, his black bodyguard. Aladdin in the wheelchair seemed to be a little tired, but after seeing Lin Rui, he smiled at him, "Good job, this time, I promise you will not do it for nothing."

"Why, did Adric speak?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Not yet. I just watched him through the glass window. Adric is not an ordinary person, and he is very loyal to the Duke of the Secret Society. It is not easy for us to pry his mouth open. However, I still have a way. Just need Do some preparations." Aladdin whispered.

"Can you really influence the current situation in Africa through him?" Lin Rui frowned. "The current situation of the Black Panther Gulei's troops is very difficult. And other mercenary alliance companies can't help us. If this continues, he will support. It won’t be long."

Aladdin was silent for a while, "I can't guarantee it will work. But as long as this Adric confesses the truth, we have a chance."