Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1832: Caucasian Grim Reaper

"Who is this person?" Lin Rui frowned.

"No one knows. Even the Russian intelligence services don’t know much about this man. There is only one name called Renélev, and the only Chechen gang leaders who have seen him are dead. During the Chechen War During the period, he was feared by the Russian army, so the Russian army gave him a nickname." Silver Wolf Michel whispered.

"Caucasian Reaper." Yelena whispered, "Is that him?"

Michelle the Silver Wolf looked at her and nodded, "It's him, kid."

Yelena suppressed her low voice, "Where is he?"

"Calm down, kid, you don't have to face him directly. And you have to wait for the opportunity." Silver Wolf Michelle turned and hugged her, patted her shoulder and whispered.

"But I have been looking for him for many years and finally found him. Can you be sure that it is him?" Yelena raised her head.

"It is basically certain that his gun is self-made, and the size is longer than the average rifle. The ammunition used is a 4.1g double-core bullet with a tungsten alloy steel core and a green tip painted by the Swiss ruag ammunition company. . This time our employer is a Russian." Silver Wolf Michele whispered, "They asked us to kill the Caucasian **** of death at all costs."

"What about them?" Lin Rui looked at the men in suits.

"French, British and American." Silver Wolf whispered, "The group of peacekeepers who were killed was mostly theirs. The observers and reporters who were kidnapped are also the ones. They also need us. Go and rescue the hostages."

"I don't understand. You are all armed with great powers. You want to rescue the hostages. Why hire us? Americans, your special forces? And you, Her Majesty’s 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, SA? Ability to run for thousands of miles, and good at hostage rescue missions." Sergey frowned. "It really doesn't work. You can still pressure South Sudan to hand over the murderer."

"Big countries naturally have their difficulties and concerns. Peacekeeping forces are not allowed to participate in offensive operations. The UN peacekeeping forces are used to protect civilians. They are not to punish the murderers." The old man turned his head and said, "Given the current situation, The British government cannot send troops into South Sudan. Even an armed rescue team will be accused of interfering in the situation in South Sudan."

"So they want to hire us to save people from the Caucasian **** of death, and the Russians want to hire us to get rid of this Caucasian **** of death." Lin Rui frowned as he looked at the silver wolf Michel, "Is that right?"

"Yes." Silver Wolf Michelle nodded, "This mission is very dangerous. This Caucasian **** of death has disappeared for several years, but now he has appeared in Africa. This shows that the employer behind him is definitely not simple, and very good. It may be the driving force behind the war in South Sudan. Aside from this, the death of the Caucasus himself is definitely not a man who has lost his reputation."

"I will kill him, I will shoot him myself." Yelena suddenly said.

Silver Wolf was silent for a while, nodding his head sadly, "Be careful yourself."

Yelena nodded and turned and walked out. Silver Wolf whispered to Sergey, "Sergey, go and watch her. Don't let her make any trouble."

Lin Rui turned around and said in a low voice, "Yelena has something to do with this Caucasian **** of death named Renierev?"

"Her father and uncle were both Russian soldiers, and her uncle was also awarded the Medal of Heroes. They died in two Chechen wars respectively. They were both killed by the legendary sniper, the Caucasus Reaper. She has been sniping since then. Hand-trained, from a junior contestant in competitive shooting events, gradually became Viper Yelena." Silver Wolf said slowly.

"So, that guy named Renélev killed her father and uncle?" Snake Eye said in surprise.

The Silver Wolf nodded, "Yes. This is Renélev, the Caucasian **** of death. She joined the mercenary when she was very young. I know she was trying to hone her skills and find this person. I persuaded her more than once, but I failed. Hatred can change a person. It can make the weak stronger. So I thought, since I can’t stop her from revenge, then I will train her. But I still doubt whether I’m doing this right."

"I'm going to find her and I'll be back soon." Lin Rui stood up and said.

Jiang An nodded and said to the men in suits, "Gentlemen, we need all the information about your last operation. Is it possible that the UN observers’ itinerary may be leaked? If it is leaked, then in which environment did they appear? Because Judging from your intelligence, the last operation was a premeditated interception."

"I don't understand, we hire you, you only need to be responsible for saving people. Why was the last operation involved? It was an investigation task authorized by the UN Security Council. The level of confidentiality is very high, and even many soldiers who accompanied them were not protected. Know the specific route. If there are any, just a few reporters and investigators who provide intelligence." A man in a suit shook his head.

"Will it be a trap at the beginning? Someone deliberately provided clues to guide the UN observers there and then ambush and kidnap them." Jiang An frowned.

"It's unlikely, because the clues were not provided by them. A press release issued by those reporters revealed that there is a large arms trade problem behind the armed conflict. Then the investigation has attracted the attention of the Security Council. "The old man in a suit frowned.

"In other words, there is no problem with your environment, right?" Jiangan looked at them.

"You can say that, but what do you mean?" the old man frowned.

"Before the mission begins, I must determine whether our actions are likely to be exposed. Gentlemen, although you are so sure that you have no problems, I still doubt it. So what I want to tell you is that all our arrangements for this operation are I won’t reveal it to you. You hired us, and there is only one thing to do, which is to wait. I need you to not interfere in all our actions at all." Jiangan looked at them.

"Yes..." The men in suits nodded.

Lin Rui walked outside and watched Xie Er whispered, "Where is she."

Sergey pointed to the distance, "It seems that this little girl is in a bad mood."

Lin Rui was silent for a while and nodded, and walked over. Yelena lowered her head and sat there, her face covered by her hair. Holding a silver hip flask in his hand. Lin Rui sat next to her and whispered, "Vodka, can you give me a sip?"

Yelena handed him the flask in her hand. Lin Rui took a sip and whispered, "I don't know what to say. It's just that everyone has a past, and some things always need to be closed. Some things make people sad, but we still have to get out of the sadness. . Go, follow me in."