Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1884: Great mess

Over time, several warlord leaders with sufficient weight came in surrounded by bodyguards. The four major warlords are the pudgy warlord Fisher of Anmore, Andrew the warlord known as the hyena, and the armed leader of the northern tribes Joe Yang, and the recent head of the Cannon Republic Bagnell.

These people were originally armed bandits and warlord leaders with inferiority. Now, with the secret support of the secret society, they have succeeded in reaching positions through rebellions and have become leaders of small African countries. The entrances and exits are all prestigious.

Although under the secret agency’s secret coordination and promotion, they had to announce a meeting to discuss the formation of a federal state. But in fact, they look down on anyone in their hearts, so the scene looks a little cold. Except for a few painless greetings, just stand together and shake hands and let the reporters take a few photos from a distance. It's a simple meeting etiquette.

Then they each went down to the conference center upstairs surrounded by bodyguards, and the reporters were all stopped by security personnel. The official spokespersons responsible for this meeting will convey some information to them. He also promised them that the wars in these countries will eventually pass, and the future will be an era of cooperation and development, and the conference will proceed in the direction of the ideals of the people of these countries.

On one side is the spokesperson’s talk, and he is responsible for delivering the beautiful message of peaceful development to the media. On the other side is a group of armed bodyguards with guns waiting for inspection. They will check the video and text materials taken by the media to ensure that there is no information that is not conducive to the meeting, otherwise they will all be destroyed and expelled on the spot. The thinking of these warlord leaders is indeed different, which makes people stunned. However, these reporters are also well-informed. When interviewing African warlords, they met a lot of this.

"Rick, they went in." The guns staying outside to observe the situation watched Fisher and a group of bodyguards walk into the elevator, and he immediately reported it to Lin Rui via wireless communication. Lin Rui checked the time, then strode from the stairs to the second floor.

The two bodyguards saw Lin Rui go and return, and were about to ask questions. Lin Rui walked over first and said, "The bodyguard downstairs will not let me go down, saying that there are VIPs here, so I have to stay here for a few minutes. I can only leave after they leave. Or you can help me out. call?"

The bodyguard frowned, "In this case, you can wait a few minutes before going down. Don't run around at this time."

"Well, I understand, I understand. A big man has arrived." Lin Rui shrugged, he suddenly looked behind the two bodyguards and said, "By the way, who is that?"

The bodyguard was deceived by his eyes and turned his head immediately, thinking that there was something behind him. But just when they turned their heads. The screwdriver in Lin Rui's hand suddenly pierced out, piercing under the skull of one of the bodyguards, straight into the brain.

And the other bodyguard turned around and found no one, the secret path was not good, he had already touched his gun. However, Lin Rui no longer gave him a chance to turn around. Using a standard anti-joint movement with both hands, his shoulders suddenly lifted to hold his arms. Amid the crisp sound of bone fracture, the bodyguard's hand was reversely broken from the elbow.

Lin Rui didn't stop at all, suddenly turned over, screwed the bodyguard under him, pressed his knees against his neck, and broke his neck in almost a few seconds. Lin Rui stopped and checked the number of floors displayed on the elevator. He quickly walked to the side, took the lighter out of his pocket, and hit it several times.

There was a huge explosion, as if the whole building was shaking.

The lighter in Lin Rui's hand is a disguised remote control ignition device. The c4 he placed above the elevator car exploded, and the steel cable used to lift the elevator was broken. Since the braking device had been destroyed by Lin Rui with thermite in advance, the elevator fell freely from a high altitude, fell rapidly, and hit the ground heavily. It caused a shock larger than the explosion.

Lin Rui shook his head and said, "God, it hurts to hear it." Without hesitation in his hand, he quickly opened the elevator door on the second floor, looked down, and then took off the maintenance staff. Work clothes. What he was wearing was a black suit.

He quickly jumped from the elevator door on the second floor and landed on the top of the elevator car, then went down from above and got into the elevator. There was already a mess in the elevator, blood everywhere. Almost all of the bodyguards died of broken bones, and the warlord Fisher, the target they wanted to protect, had already fallen into a dreadful fall.

Lin Rui pulled out a **** bodyguard by the way. He took his place, smeared blood on his face, and lay in the pile of corpses.

The following has already become a mess. For reporters, ordinary international conferences are not news, let alone a few small African countries. But if the meeting were to be attacked, it would be a sensation. As reporters, they were born for this moment. Of course, he wouldn't let this famous opportunity pass, and he squeezed the security personnel away desperately, rushed over, and took the camera desperately.

"The Four Nations Conference is suspected of being attacked and the elevator crashed. It is expected that many people will be injured, including the head of the Anmor military government, Fisher. It is not known whether this attack is related to the recent Anmor Civil War. I On the first scene, timely information will be provided. Hurry up and give a close-up."

"I'm an Agence France-Presse reporter. What do you think of this attack? Was it a deliberate assassination?"

"Is there a loophole in your security? What is your opinion about the attacker?"

Octopus finally broke free of these reporters and shouted and ordered, "Damn, the second team stopped these **** reporters, and the first team managed to open the elevator door. The others protected the delegation members. The backup team immediately contacted the medical staff to proceed. rescue!"

The guns and others outside received Lin Rui's news and immediately led people in.

"Mr. Matthews! We received a warning that an unknown object was found on the west side of the conference center. The explosion-proof team is arriving. Ask your people to protect the members of the delegation and leave the area. There is also a medical rescue team arriving, please You evacuate the crowd immediately. Prevent them from affecting the rescue." Guns shouted loudly.

"But, Captain. How is it possible that there is a bomb in the convention center? Our people have checked it many times before." Octopus Matthews shouted.

"Then how do you explain the elevator bombing?" The guns said solemnly, "Evacuate immediately. Make room for the explosion protection team and the medical emergency team unless you all want to die here."

Octopus glanced at the extremely chaotic situation in the hall, then gritted his teeth and turned around and said, "Clear the field and drive everyone away. A group of people will stay here with me, and the others will protect the delegation and leave and wait outside."