Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1890: Security Advisor

In the security office of the conference center, the octopus was watching the surveillance screen and pacing back and forth anxiously. ?? While pressing the headset, he asked his men, "How is the situation now?"

"Everything is normal, and many reporters have already started to enter the venue. It seems that they are looking forward to this official news conference, and they are also very concerned about the assassination and the progress of the Quartet meeting. Our people are checking them. , So far there is no problem." The bodyguard guarding the entrance of the venue replied in a low voice.

"Let me keep watching." Octopus ordered in a low voice.

Maklovsky smiled, "Mr. Octopus, I think you can relax a little. Sit down and have a cup of coffee, it should be a good choice."

"I'm working." Octopus said coldly.

"People who can't take a break can't work." Maqlovsky smiled, "And I think you have misunderstood what I asked you to check their intentions. Since they dare to come back and pretend to be reporters, it must be early There is a plan, it is difficult for you to find out their problems from their documents."

"Then you let me set up a card to intercept and check them?" Octopus frowned.

"This is a strategy. Let them feel nervous first, and then carefully observe the expressions of each of them. You can quickly target suspicious targets." Maklovsky whispered.

"I still don't think those people are that stupid. They won't jump in even knowing this is a trap." Octopus frowned.

"On the contrary, the more so, the more they will get the bait. Because they understand that staying outside is more different and easier to be spotted." Maklovsky said slowly, "Mixed into the venue, although it is dangerous , But it is not impossible to survive in danger."

"Why? Are they not afraid to be exposed?" Octopus frowned.

"They are not afraid, because you have no evidence at all. Besides, you are just some private bodyguards and have no interest in arresting them. And there are so many South African military police around, what can we do to them?" Maqlovsky sneered coldly. "They must think so, and maybe they still mock us coldly in their hearts."

"Damn, I didn't think of this level. That is to say, even if we can locate suspicious characters, we can't move them?" Octopus frowned.

"Yes, but only if you and your bodyguard team can't move. Others don't have any scruples." Makovsky smiled, "For example, the terrorists who carried out this terrorist attack can attack them grandiosely. The venue, kidnapping these so-called reporters."

"You..." The octopus was taken aback for a moment.

"I brought a team of people this time. When we lock down these suspicious people, we can let my people take them forcibly. Leave them alone, you and your bodyguards, this matter will be over. Our people will Negotiated with the South African police as the attacker and asked to take these so-called reporters to leave. Everything went smoothly. In the end, we took down these suspicious elements." Maqlovsky smiled slightly.

"You mean, use your people to impersonate the attackers, and in turn kidnap those attackers who pretend to be reporters?" Octopus frowned.

"This is the only way. Everyone thinks that some desperadoes kidnapped hostages in order to escape, but in fact our goal is the so-called hostages. I want to use these people to talk to their behind-the-scenes bosses." Sky nodded.

"Well, whatever you want. This time, you are the boss." Octopus shook his head.

Maklovsky smiled, but soon the smile disappeared from his face. Even when he was talking, his eyes did not leave the monitoring screen.

When Lin Rui and the others appeared, the octopus's eyes suddenly fixed, and he said in a deep voice, "The few people who entered the venue just now, all the cameras are watching them."

"What's wrong, what's wrong with them?" Makovsky frowned.

"They have a problem. When these four people came in, the woman seemed to stretch out her hands to tidy up her head intentionally or unintentionally, but she happened to cover her face with her hand when she was monitored by cameras. If this is only a special case, then the few people behind her Even stranger, one of them wears a baseball cap on his head to block the color, and then wears a big earphone. Anyway, he doesn't want to expose himself too much." Octopus frowned.

"On this basis, can you lock them out as suspicious?" Maqlovsky frowned. "It seems sloppy, right?"

"It's not just these, if they don't have ghosts in their hearts, they should walk more naturally, and these people seem to be quite afraid of camera surveillance. When passing by, they are a little unnatural. Although their reaction is very subtle, But it can still be seen." Octopus was definitely authentic.

Maklowski looked at the surveillance screen, and dozens of camera devices in the entire venue were turned to Lin Rui and others, monitoring them covertly from all angles. Maklovsky sighed, "Worthy of being the best private security consultant in Europe. When you are focused enough, you have a pair of eyes that can see almost everything. That's right, at least I know one of them. "

"You know?" Octopus frowned.

"Yes." Maklowski nodded. "Now is the time for us to act."

Octopus frowned, "Wait, what are you going to do?"

"You don't care about anything. I will let the news conference be held as normal for you. Your personal security had better not do anything. After five to ten minutes, my people will try to rush in and control the whole situation. Interference, the rest is our business." Maqlovsky sneered.

Octopus grabbed his wrist and said, "In full view, I was mixed into tight security twice and caused serious consequences. If this is the case, my reputation in the industry will be lost."

"What? Do you have other ideas?" Maqlovsky looked down at his hand, mockingly. "If there is one, then talk about it."

"No." Octopus took a deep breath, let go of him, and whispered, "I just remind you, don't forget what you promised me. You said that it won't hurt my family because of this. Compared with this, Nothing matters anymore."

"A wise choice, I can tell you responsibly. We will not move your family. Now let go and do what you should do." Makovsky raised his hand slightly and broke free of the octopus. hand. "Tell your subordinates, don't get in the way. Let's go, let's go down together."

The octopus was silent, he knew what Makovsky was going to do, but he couldn't stop it, and had to cooperate with him. From the outside, the conference where he was responsible for security work was invaded twice, and for the first time an important target was assassinated. The second time, several reporters were kidnapped, which can be said to have caused serious consequences. This is tantamount to establishing him alone, and the golden sign of the best private security consultant has been smashed. Moreover, he had nothing to say.