Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1897: A group of thugs

At the command center of the South African Police Service Special Task Force. The leaders of several police forces in South Africa gathered together to discuss the current situation in a low voice.

"It is said that the gangsters shot and killed people just now. There were some problems with the circuit in the conference center, which caused a brief period of darkness. So it caused a small riot. The armed rioters shot and killed several hostages." The colonel of the police force whispered.

"The circuit is faulty? With such a good opportunity, why didn't our people break in?" Another black man in a police uniform frowned.

"Because we don't know the internal situation, and there are too many hostages inside. It is not wise to rush into it rashly, and fortunately we didn't do this. Otherwise, not only would we not be able to save the hostages, but we would also annoy the armed thugs. They will get their crazy revenge." The colonel whispered.

"What did the negotiators we sent to the scene say?" The chief of police frowned.

"They said they have never encountered such a terrorist. Many terrorists are radicals who act on impulse. Even if they plan well in advance, they will inevitably be a little nervous and panic when they really encounter problems. But the reaction of these people is surprising. This is enough to show that their psychological quality is excellent. Experts also believe that we should not conduct a strong attack, otherwise even if the culprit is killed, the hostages inside will be greatly harmed.” The black man in police uniform replied.

"And they are still asking us to send a helicopter over." The colonel whispered.

"Then give them the helicopter, hell! Where can they go even if they get the helicopter? As long as the hostages are safe, we have a way to catch them." The chief of police punched the table.

"The helicopter has been dispatched. It is expected to arrive in a few minutes." The black man in police uniform replied, "They demanded that once we land the helicopter, we will remove the pilot. And there can be no aircraft tracking them in the air."

"What we gave them is the police used **********, and there is a gps on it. We can track them wherever they fly. There is no need to send a plane to track. We can satisfy them. "The other black nodded.

"Then it depends on whether they will keep their word and whether they are willing to release the hostages." The chief of the police force looked down at his watch and said, "How is the medical rescue team prepared? We may have to deal with the worst situation."

"Everything is ready. Once the confrontation is over, they will do their best to treat the injured hostages." The black replied.

In the International Conference Center, Makovsky sat leisurely, drinking a cup of coffee.

"There are still ten minutes to the time we requested. Sir, what should we do?" The masked little boss of the secret society whispered.

"Take the six hostages outside to ensure that people from the South African police can see them being executed." Maklovsky said slowly.

"Understood. But sir, the South African police can't be so honest, maybe they arranged a sniper outside. We are exposed like this, is it a little risky?" The masked little boss whispered.

"Do as I said." Maqlovsky whispered in the ear of the little masked boss.

"Understood." The little boss turned and waved, letting his subordinates walk outside with several hostages.

The South African police force, which has been hiding from a distance to observe the situation, discovered this situation. Several snipers raised their binoculars to observe, while whispering, "We have come out, there are six people. Five of them are kneeling there, and a man in black wearing a hood is holding a gun. It looks like they want to Executing the hostages in front of us."

"We have targeted the execution gangster. We can shoot and wait for the order." Another sniper replied.

"Damn, they are going to execute the hostages again?" A colonel commanding the scene was a little anxious. "You can't let them be so unscrupulous. We must do something to stop them. Kill the executioner and protect the hostages."

"But if we kill this executioner, it will inevitably lead to the other hostages in it being retaliated. We saved these five people, and maybe more people will die because of this." Another colonel appeared to be calmer and analyzed.

"Are we going to watch them assault and ignore it?" the police colonel said angrily.

The other colonel also felt that this was not a solution, and it seemed too aggrieved anyway. Perhaps it is time to take tougher measures against these robbers. After thinking about it, he also nodded and said, "Well, then kill the executioner. Save these hostages first."

"Understood!" The snipers ambushing around the International Conference Center were all ready. Seeing the robber with the gun in his hand approaching, the sniper disconnected the gun. The robber was shot at the time, and the sniper rifle's bullets blew up half of his skull, making him bloody.

There was cheering in the South African police command center. They were controlled by these robbers, and now they can finally breathe out a sigh. But soon they received a staggering news.

A video image came from the press conference. Several militants threatened a person to put on a black hood and asked him to walk out of the International Conference Center with a pistol without bullets.

These South African soldiers and policemen were all stunned. This man wearing a black hood turned out to be a hostage forced to wear a hood. And the sniper they just shot exploded with a single shot, turned out to be the head of the hostage. Everyone fell silent.

Only the voice from the International Conference Center is still coming. "I have to admit that the sniper marksmanship of the South African police force is very good. And when we knew we needed to execute the hostages to show our determination, we didn't hesitate to work together. It's a moving scene. But you'd better listen to them all. Let all your snipers go away.

Because in a moment, everyone will appear wearing a black hood. Your snipers are simply too busy. This is the last warning, take away the snipers you arranged around. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious. "

There was a dead silence in the temporary command center. It turned out that the opponent had known that they were lying in the surrounding sniper position. They deliberately made a hostage dressed up as a robber, and then let the police sniper kill him. This is more shocking than a personal killing, and it will shake the confidence of the South African police and even feel self-blame.

This gang of robbers is not only calm, but also good at psychological tactics. What kind of monsters is this! The two colonels in command of the police force on the scene looked at each other and felt a chill.