Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 2303: Hand-to-hand killing

The torrential rain has gradually diminished, and the smell of after rain is everywhere in this jungle. The game of cat and mouse between the secret society and Lin Rui continued. Many people in the secret agency's armed forces have discovered Lin Rui's traces and tracked them all the way, but there was no result. Instead, the secret agency's search team often lost contact inexplicably.

Several elite fighters from the secret society gathered again.

"Wait, you look at the footprints on the ground. We've been to this place before. Damn, that guy is leading us around." An elite soldier from the secret society leaned down and looked at the footprints on the ground.

"He was too cunning. He used the messy footprints we left when tracking him to cover up his own whereabouts. His footprints were mixed with ours. It was in a muddy, and in the messy footprints, It is difficult to distinguish a specific footprint." Another member of the secret society armed forces also nodded.

"Where are the other search teams?" The secret agency armed little boss whispered.

"They are responsible for the search in several other areas, but they don’t seem to have found much. And we can only get here. If we go further, we will be too close to the US military base. This is too risky. In addition, I think These people are so cunning that they will not do this. They will not risk themselves being discovered by the US military. You know, we are all operating within the military restricted zone delineated by the US military."

Another Secret Service elite soldier wearing grey combat uniform replied, "The four teams have different levels of missing personnel, but so far, except for the two killed before, we have not found any other missing members who have been killed. Definite evidence. Maybe they just affected the communication because of the heavy rain, and the thunder and lightning during the previous heavy rain also had a temporary effect on our communication."

"Perhaps, I hope there is no accident. Keep on guard, the guards around the woman should be tricky characters." The secret society leader frowned and continued to move forward. But when he separated the bushes and walked forward, he clearly seemed to be stimulated, and quickly adjusted and made an attacking posture. The same is true for the armed personnel of several other secret agencies. Because they all found a black shadow in front, standing by the tree, motionless.

Despite the dim light, the secret society militants can still see the night vision device, which is definitely a human form.

Elite armed personnel from several secret agencies immediately surrounded the black shadow.

"No!" They found that the dark shadow was still motionless, standing there with his head hanging down, rain dripping down the man's beret.

"It's ours!" An elite soldier of the secret society put away his dagger and went up to check it. The look was stern and authentic, "There were no other injuries. I was killed by a knife in the heart. The technique was very professional."

"Look at which group he is from?" The secret society leader whispered.

"It looks like it should be one of the missing members of the third group." The elite soldier replied in a low voice, "Be careful, everyone, maybe the one who killed him is nearby." He didn't finish his words. The corpse leaning on the big tree fell to the side, a black shadow flashed past, and the talking elite warrior was instantly knocked to the ground.

"Be careful!" Several armed personnel of the secret agency were shocked. But it was too late. The elite soldier was knocked to the ground by a branch with excellent resilience. That branch was tied behind the corpse, with a sharp dagger tied to it. When the corpse fell to the ground, with the help of the elastic force of the tree branch, it struck vigorously in an instant, and the dagger swept deeply through the neck of the elite soldier.

The elite warrior struggled frantically with his throat, but soon died. A terrifying cut was made from the aorta of his neck to the trachea and throat, and blood foam rolled out of the mud on the ground.

The head of the secret society checked, took a breath, shook his head and said, "He is no longer saved. It's a Malay trash trap, this **** bastard! He expected that we would come to inspect the corpse and deliberately gave us A trap is set."

"Captain, what shall we do?" Another elite soldier of the secret society turned pale. "Maybe the brothers who lost contact are already...I think we still..."

"What do you say?" The head of the secret society grabbed his clothes and pushed him on the tree beside him, grinningly, "We lost several people, but we didn't even catch the shadow of the other party. At this time, you want to say What? I want to talk about giving up the task? Do you know the consequences of refusing to execute the order?! With just this sentence, I have the right to execute you!"

"No, no, captain." The elite fighter of the secret society said with difficulty, "I'm just thinking, we should still gather people together. It's difficult to take care of each other if we spread the search like this. It also gives each other a chance to defeat one by one."

"Huh!" The little boss let go of the secret society's elite fighters under pressure and whispered, "Notify the other groups, narrow the distance, and meet in front. The difficulty of the opponent is completely beyond our expectations. But this It further explained that this person was hiding nearby."

"Yes, yes captain." The other elite fighters of the secret society all responded in a low voice.

Ten minutes later, several other search teams gathered together. The squads also found the bodies of several killed members one after another, basically all of them were clean cut wounds. And they all seem to be made by the same person.

"Most of them were pierced from the side of the neck under the ears, and the cuts were clean and neat. Another part was the technique of piercing the kidneys of the lower back with a dagger, and then cutting the throat. It should be a typical back attack. It looks like The same person did it." A secret agency militant looked around and whispered. "Because the knife is very accurate, it cuts off the artery with a single knife, or directly penetrates the heart from between the ribs. This person is as accurate as a dissecting machine."

"The most typical assassination of the subclavian artery is about 6.5 cm below the skin between the clavicle and the scapula. It is very difficult to pierce the subclavian artery. Fighters should hold the knife like a cone of ice. Normally. When drawing the knife, you should shake the blade to expand the wound as much as possible, because this artery is difficult to pierce. But once pierced, the bleeding cannot be stopped, and you will lose consciousness within a few seconds and die soon.

But this person was fatal with a single blow, as accurate as if he had done it on the operating table. Several of our soldiers died like this. "Another secret agency armed group member whispered.

"Is there only one of them?" The little head of the secret society frowned, "This is absolutely impossible. We have already had seven people killed in battle, and one person can't do it anyway. It will kill us so much in a short time, and it is through Cold weapon fighting,

The physical strength of a person cannot be so. "

(End of this chapter)