Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 2516: Want to cover up

The secret society shelled the outskirts of Alkahn the second day. Actuary Jang Ki still stayed at the Anmor Coalition Command. He was ordered to analyze battlefield intelligence and make predictions based on this intelligence. Because every day all the intelligence information of the Anmore military will be gathered here. The Anmor Army's work efficiency was relatively low. When their intelligence was analyzed, everything was delayed, so Jiang An had to do it himself.

He flipped through the information gathered yesterday, frowned slightly, turned and asked an officer of the Anmore coalition command, "Is this all the information received yesterday?"

"Yes, sir." The officer nodded. "It's all here."

"They shelled the suburbs yesterday, but did not take advantage of the gap after the shelling to attack our position?" Jiang An asked with some doubts.

"Yes, it is also our luck. General Kadom asked us to withdraw from the outskirts of the city in advance, so that more casualties were avoided." Officer Anmore nodded.

Jiang An pondered for a moment, then immediately turned and walked towards the map, "Pen and ruler!"

Officer Anmore immediately handed him the pen on the table, and continued to draw on the map with a red pen, and then stared at the map in a daze. "Strange, really strange."

"What's the matter?" General Kadom had just entered the command post, and saw Jiang Anzai talking to himself, and immediately walked over. "What's wrong?"

"The enemy's dynamics are a bit weird." Jiang Jian pointed to the locations marked on the map. "These are the locations of the enemy's main shelling yesterday. It can be clearly seen from the map that the enemy's shelling location is the outskirts of the city. In the area of ​​the defense line. But after they launched such a fierce shelling, they did not carry out any form of infantry charge. Isn't this a bit weird?

The position of the bombardment usually indicates the attacking intention and direction of the enemy. Because the shelling is to effectively suppress the opponent's firepower and create opportunities for your own infantry to charge. This is the most basic infantry coordinated operation. It is impossible for the secret society to not even understand this. But after they shelled the suburbs for a long time, they did not launch an infantry offensive. This is one of the weirdest places. "

"I also find it strange." General Kadom frowned. "But what does that mean?"

Jiang Jian looked at the map, his eyes flickering, and suddenly reached out and picked up the ruler, making several gestures back and forth on the map. After a long while, he turned around and looked at the pieces of paper among the pieces of information.

"What are you looking at?" General Kadom frowned.

"Analyzed from intelligence, the enemy’s artillery attack points are relatively scattered. Although there is a lot of movement on the outskirts of the city, there is no obvious focus. The biggest possibility is that their commander did not give a clear Instructions." Jiang An groaned.

"There is no clear order, what does this mean?" General Kadom asked strangely.

"That is to say, there is no definite target, but only shelling harassment. Shelling harassment is very common, usually this kind of shelling does not use precise targets, but frame a rough range for shelling. But usually this kind of shelling is compared Sporadic. It is rare to fight as long as yesterday." The Anmor Army staff officer beside Kadom nodded.

Lin Rui and General Kasang also walked over at this time. After listening to their discussion, General Kasang said strangely, "Is there any problem with this?"

Lin Rui looked at the map and nodded, "The actuary said well, there is indeed a problem here. The general gives a simple example: two people fight. They will definitely beat each other on the face, chest and abdomen. Of course, there is no lack of a little bit of dirty embryos. Like to attack the opponent's lower body. But it must be focused, not very average. The enemy's defense is the same for us. They can't attack the entire line of defense, so the force will be scattered.

Instead, we must choose a certain point and concentrate our power to attack, hoping to penetrate a point on our entire defense line and form a breakthrough. Therefore, shelling without a focus like this is either ordinary shelling harassment, or it is a special purpose. "

"Mr. Narek, what do you think is the secret society's approach? If it is the latter, then what is their purpose?" General Kadom frowned.

Lin Rui walked to Jiang An, "What do you think?"

"You are right, there must be a problem in this." Jiang An nodded, "They are bluffing like this, it is very likely that they are making movement to cover their true actions."

"Where do you think the enemy's real purpose is?" Lin Rui looked at the map and said, "They should also know that we have evacuated the suburban defense line. But they still have no intention of pushing us. This shows that their real interest is not in the suburbs. Defense line, and in other locations."

"You may be right, I just observed it carefully. I came to a preliminary conclusion, I am afraid it is a bit bad." Jiang An said in a low voice, "Even if the troops are superior, what they want is a quick battle and a quick decision. We won the city of Anmore, so we won't fight close street fights with us in Alkahn. They went to the train station."

"Train station?" General Kasan frowned. "Why? How did you see it?"

"The railway station is located near the northern suburbs. You can see the enemy’s bombardment position, and you can infer that the area around the northern suburbs is also the ideal range for enemy bombardment. But the strange thing is that the bombardment at this location is more Less. This is called trying to cover up. The enemy's purpose is to take down the train station and open up the North-South railway. On the one hand, it can get enough supplies and on the other hand it can go straight to Anmore City." Jiang An pointed to the map and analyzed.

"Fortunately, there is also our key defensive position. Then why did they continue to shell us for a long time yesterday?" Kadom asked unsurely.

"Because they are going to create an illusion for us, let us think that they are going to storm Alkahn city next. Let our attention be drawn to one side. When we reacted, they had already taken the train station. And quickly project troops through the railway, occupying the railway line." Jiang Jian pointed to the road.

"Oh, no! In this way, they can go south quickly, and when we are left behind by them, Anmore City is in danger." General Kasan said in surprise. "Immediately send my order to send the two battalions stationed in the North District to immediately rush to the railway station, and then transfer two groups of people from the reserve forces to station in the North District."

"The strength of the two battalions is probably not enough." Lin Rui shook his head, "The location is open, and the secret society's strength is far better than yours. This is extremely disadvantageous for you."

"Then transfer my people." General Kadom gritted his teeth. "It really can't, I'll take the guards. Alkahn Railway Station is not only our transportation supply line, but also the lifeline of Anmore City. We must not lose it."