Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 2642: Saku Mamori

"This person is in Africa? Isn't it a member of the Self-Defense Force of the Ministry of Defense?" Lin Rui frowned.

"This person belongs to a special force called the Outlying Islands Guard Mobile Group in the Self-Defense Force. It is said that this special force was formed in 2002 by Japan to strengthen the defense of the southwestern Kyushu region and the islands of Okinawa. The Special Forces plans to have 6,000 personnel. Most of the members are officers and non-commissioned officers. The number of soldiers is very small. The ratio of officers and soldiers far exceeds the current ratio of officers and soldiers of the Self-Defense Force. The quality and professionalism of the members are also the first in the Japanese armed forces." The wolf whispered.

"What kind of unit is this?" Lin Rui frowned, "How could it appear in Africa?"

"As a defeated country in the Second World War, Japan has suffered many restrictions on the development of its military power, especially the construction of special forces, which is even less known, and there is no officially declared special forces. However, in recent years Japan has quietly formed various special forces special forces. For various reasons, little is known about their insider.

At present, the Japan Self-Defense Force has two actual special operations forces. The first is the special operations group of the land and the second is the special guard of the sea, which are equivalent to the green berets of the US Army and the seals of the Marine Corps. The commando is an elite force among the elite. Our target is an officer of the Outlying Islands Guard Mobile Group. Previously, he was carrying out special missions at the Self-Defense Force base set up in Djibouti, an eastern African country. "The Silver Wolf replied.

"It was dispatched by the Self-Defense Forces." Jiang Jian nodded. "In September 992, Japan participated in the United Nations peacekeeping operation for the first time and dispatched 1,200 engineering troops to Cambodia. In order to reduce sensitivity, these troops only carried guns and other light weapons. In Cambodia, he is also engaged in building bridges, building roads, and supplying oil and water.

But also in this year, Japan passed the "Assisting the United Nations Peacekeeping Activities Act," the famous PKO Act. It provides legal protection for the Self-Defense Forces' overseas activities.

Since then, with the support of this law, Japan has successively dispatched its Self-Defense Forces to participate in UN peacekeeping operations in Mozambique, Golan Heights, East Timor, etc., participated in transporting Rwandan refugees in Zaire and Kenya, and dispatched military forces to Nepal. Observer.

After the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force also dispatched planes to transport supplies to the UN refugee agencies in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is not surprising that they currently have expatriates in Africa. "

Lin Rui nodded, "Who is this person?"

"This person is Shinmiyahara's nephew, Sakuma Mori, third-class Haizuo of the Outlying Islands Guard Mobile Group." Silver Wolf whispered.

"What?" Lin Rui frowned.

"The third-class Haizuo of the Self-Defense Forces is equivalent to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. After these missions are over, he may still be promoted." Silver Wolf whispered. "According to the information, this man is extremely clever and very difficult to deal with. The soldiers around him are also highly trained masters."

"Really." Crazy Horse sneered, "I'm afraid that few Japanese samurai who have undergone strict training have seen blood?"

"This is not the case." Silver Wolf whispered, "Their unit is nominally dispatched to perform peacekeeping missions. In fact, they are exchanging and learning the most advanced special counter-terrorism operations from the U.S. military, including on sea and islands. In several In a confrontation exercise a month ago, they even won the US Navy SEALs. It made the US Navy very shameless."

"Seal troops are like that. Without the advantages of equipment and intelligence, their combat effectiveness is not the best. It is not difficult for us to win this Sakuma Mori." Lin Rui shrugged. "But why didn't Aladdin do it himself, and came to us again?"

"Because Shinmiyaharaichi is in his hands, and Sakuma Mori is Shinmiyaharaichi's nephew, he can't let people connect the two things, otherwise it will be easy to expose. That's why he let us do it." Silver Wolf Michelle Erdao. "This time, it is also time to verify the capabilities of Reya and others. Our current intelligence is limited, and we must rely on Reya and others to collect enough intelligence in a short time to cooperate with your actions."

"Well, I want to be more clear, where is this person currently in Africa?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Djibouti, a country in eastern Africa. It is a country on the west coast of the Gulf of Aden in northeastern Africa. It borders Eritrea to the north, Ethiopia to the west, southwest and south, Somalia to the southeast, and Yemen across the Mande Strait in the Red Sea to the northeast. It faces the Red Sea to the east and enters the Indian Ocean through the Mande Strait. Therefore, its strategic position is very important. The country has the largest US military base in Africa and the largest French military base overseas. In addition, China has also built overseas military bases here. But its domestic Poor natural resources, weak industrial and agricultural foundations, coupled with political instability, so it is one of the least developed countries in the world." Yinlang nodded.

"The Japanese also have a base there. What kind of place is this?" Sausage smiled.

"The Mande Strait near Djibouti concentrates 14% of the world's trade traffic. Because it controls the other end of the Red Sea, it is as important as the Suez Canal economically and strategically. But this area is not so safe and stable. Somalia in the south is famous for pirates, while Ethiopia and Eritrea, which are located to the west and north of Djibouti, fought because of ethnic and independence issues.

However, Djibouti itself has few wars, and its society is relatively stable. It can be regarded as a quiet land in East Africa. This is an important reason why countries have set up military bases in Djibouti. "Jian An replied.

"Well, when shall we leave?" Lin Rui asked.

"The sooner the better, the situation here will become more and more tense with the disappearance of Shin Miyahara. It's only good for you to leave as soon as possible, but there is no harm. I have asked Ke Ben to arrange the itinerary for you." Silver Wolf whispered. "You need to get to Djibouti as soon as possible. Especially Rhea’s intelligence team must be deployed in advance."

"Understood." Lin Rui nodded and looked at his watch. "Let Cobain send us the schedule of the operation so that we can act as soon as possible."

"Lin Rui." Silver Wolf looked at him and whispered, "Be careful, don't be careless. This Sakuma Mori is a very difficult target. Not only is he an officer of the Self-Defense Force, but it is also said that the secret agency is preparing to replace the new one. Candidates for Miyaharaichi. At present, Shin Miyaharaichi’s people are still pressing the news of Shin Miyahara’s disappearance, and it has not been announced. But this news will not be kept for long, the secret agency will know. Once the secret agency knows about Shin Miyahara’s missing , Then this person will become the highest person in charge of the secret agency in Asia."

Lin Rui's expression moved, "I understand that people who can be appreciated by the Secret Society's Grand Duke are certainly not ordinary people."