Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 2649: Trident

The sun is blazing and the sea is blue. Sea Snake Griffin did not break his promise. Two days later, his boat arrived on time to greet Lin Rui and the others on board.

After Lin Rui took the brothers aboard the ship, he stepped onto the ship's deck and moved his body. Sea Snake Griffin walked towards him and said with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"The boat is a good boat, but are the people on your boat reliable?" Lin Rui looked at him. This ship is like his owner Griffin, dark and rough, even a bit ugly, steel plates are welded in many places on the ship, but it is still full of horsepower.

"You can rest assured about this. They are all brothers who have been with me for many years. When I was successful, there were more than a dozen boats and hundreds of brothers. Now there is only this boat and these dozen brothers. If they were unreliable, there would have been no me." Sea Snake Griffin patted Lin Rui on the shoulder. "I just hope that I can help you with this matter, don't harm my brothers. Go in and sit, the sea is windy. Even if it is full speed, we still have more than ten hours to get there."

Lin Rui nodded, turned and returned to the cabin, Griffin walked behind him. The O2 team members also sat in the cabins, organizing equipment and simple weapons. Even if they are wearing tattered pirate costumes, these players still have a very fierce temperament. This kind of warrior temperament honed in the rain of bullets is difficult to change through dress.

Griffin sat beside Sergey, patted his shoulder and said, "Little brother Sergey, mixing with us again, do you feel like you are back in the past?"

"You are old, and this ship has changed a lot." Sergey sighed, shaking his head.

"Yes, I'm old. But it's not a bad thing, at least I am still old." Griffin laughed, "Most of those brothers back then did not live to my age, did they? But I Still Griffin, able to drink two bottles of spirits in one breath, still able to knock down the strong young man with his fist, and still satisfy the most insatiable woman. It’s just that I’ve experienced too much, I’m used to life and death, and my mentality is old "The black man's face showed an indescribable depression.

Sergey patted his shoulder understandingly, "I understand. So retirement is the best option for you."

"Okay, let’s not talk about this. Remember my ship? The Trident, modified with a steel trawler. After modified engines and other measures, the speed can reach 17 knots or even higher. If the horsepower is full, it can chase Aboard a foreign warship sailing at cruising speed." Griffin said proudly.

"Of course I remember that you guy used to install two Soviet-made rocket launchers on the front deck." Sergey also smiled.

"Yeah. I really miss those two cannons. In my days as a pirate, this thing helped me a lot." Griffin smiled. "However, the times are different. My times are over. Look at you now. Tactical computers and satellite communications are almost equipped with drones. You can actually get the floor plan of the platform occupied by Tamsin so soon. This was hard to imagine before us."

"Technical means can always only be assistance, and the final action still depends on people." Lin Rui continued. "Captain Griffin, how about coming over to help? You have been to the offshore platform in Tamsing. I need you to confirm for me. Is there any change in the structure of this platform?"

Griffin walked to Lin Rui and sat down, looking at the plan on the computer screen and nodding, "This is a drilling rig ship, and the internal layout should not have changed much. Although Tamssin occupied it, he did not Any major modification of technical capabilities is just to use this platform as a stronghold at sea. The platform has several layers, and the hostages are generally held on the upper layer to prevent them from escaping. The middle floors are their residences and warehouses, because The cranes there can lift large cargo, and the lower level is the engine room and power system. There are also some pirates controlling it."

"Apart from the channel on this map, are there other channels?" Lin Rui continued to ask.

"The ladder channel should be gone. But there are two elevator channels on the back of the platform. They are also used to transport goods and personnel. I have seen it." Griffin looked at the drawing and said, "This does not seem to be on the drawing. ."

"That's right, there is no mark on the drawing, because there is no one. It is these pirates using the lifting equipment and noose on the ship to make a lift. Although it is not on the drawing, this is mentioned in the plan of the US military, and they plan to use At this point, people will be sent to the top of the platform to rescue the hostages." Jiang An nodded.

"U.S. Army?" Griffin frowned. "You didn't mention this before. I don't really like dealing with Americans."

"I understand, you don't need to deal with them. In this incident, you only play a role, which is to bring us up, and then you can leave. The rest of the work is a bit dirty and we will take care of it. Lin Rui patted Griffin on the shoulder.

Griffin nodded thoughtfully, "Well, I see, this is dirty work. Then don't tell me the details. The less I know about these things, the safer they are."

"You are right." Lin Rui patted him.

Jian Ki hit the computer keyboard in a low voice, "Nightingale has sent a message again."

"What's the situation?" Lin Rui frowned and asked.

"It seems that the Americans intend to act on the day after tomorrow. Now the U.S. military bases and the bases of the Self-Defense Forces seem to have begun preparations." Jiang Jian said in a low voice, "The exact time should still be confirmed, but it should be the day after tomorrow. At night. They should be approached by a warship. Near the target location, they used underwater infiltration to carry out rescue and attack."

"Are you sure?" Lin Rui frowned.

"I can be sure, because Nightingale got the news from the U.S. military equipment maintenance contractor. In recent days, they have tested and debugged the underwater propeller. It is not a routine inspection, but an equipment inspection before the mission. This is usually before the mission. The purpose of this is to prevent the failure of underwater infiltration operations due to equipment problems. Therefore, their diving instruments and equipment need to be tested and adjusted before the operation." Jiang An replied.

"The day after tomorrow." Lin Rui groaned, "We will be there tomorrow, which means we will be able to arrive one day before the US military operations. There is enough time to provide Tamssin with the details of the US military operations so that he can deal with the United States. Human preparation."

"I don't think so, since the target is on the top of the offshore platform, why don't the US military use helicopters to land directly on the top of the platform? Isn't it faster and more direct?" Sergey frowned.

"The sea is open, and the helicopter's target is too large to be easily spotted by pirates. At that time, the helicopter will not even have time to hover on the top of the platform, and it will be swept down by the large-caliber machine gun on the platform." Jiangan whispered. Said, "From this point of view, this intelligence of Nightingale is accurate."

"Write this down." Lin Rui nodded.