Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 2721: Expropriation of fishing boats

"We have to get a boat and sail overnight." Sergey whispered.

"Do you have a way?" Lin Rui looked at him.

"There are boats in that small fishing village, and they go fishing all year round. There should be boats suitable for going to sea." Sergey whispered, "We can try to borrow one."

Crazy Horse frowned, "You are talking about the kind of ‘borrow’ again?"

"Although I am a thief, I don't steal anything when I see it." Sergey said plausibly, "I'm not going to steal this time. I am expropriating. With this outfit and that broken car, we It is the rebels in the eyes of the fishermen who temporarily requisitioned a civilian boat for the future and destiny of the country."

"Okay, you changed it to steal this time. Not only is it robbed, but the pot of robbing the ship has to be carried by the rebels. The mind turns fast enough, but it is shameless enough." Crazy Horse smiled bitterly. .

"You die Yankees are shameless." Sergey shook his head. "You can't wait to rob the world."

Lin Rui waved his hand, "Don't be nonsense, do it quickly, we have to start as soon as possible. We have wasted too much time, and now one minute late will be an extra minute of danger."

Sergey nodded, pulled a few team members and left. After half an hour, they successfully "requisitioned" an 18-meter-long medium-sized fishing boat and sailed away in the wind and waves.

Going to sea at night is not an appropriate time, especially at night when the waves are heavy. Because of the strong wind and waves, everyone hid in the main cabin except for Sergey, Crazy Horse and Sausage who was in charge of the boat.

One after another huge waves hit the bow of the ship, and the fishing boat was like a leaf spinning in the water, without any autonomous ability at all. The long wind blows, and sometimes the entire sea collapses, opening its mouth like a monster, trying to swallow the ship mercilessly. Yelena and Scarface couldn't help vomiting. They were bent in one corner and looked like a human. Lin Rui watched them utterly.

"Damn Russian, will he sail a boat?" Scarface cursed while vomiting. "When I was in Haiti, I never encountered such a bumpy boat."

"It has nothing to do with the technique of sailing, it's just that the wind and waves are too great." Lin Rui looked at the wind and rain outside, thinking of something in the past. For some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart. The storm came suddenly, and there was no sign in the weather report he heard. First, there was no wind on the ground and the sea, so depressed that people wanted to commit suicide, and then this terrible rainstorm. Squally.

The huge waves surging on the ship seemed to be the ocean outside the cabin. When the huge waves returned from the deck to the sea, the bow of the ship reappeared.

"Boom!" Amidst the wind and rain, the sound of glass breaking faintly came.

The sausage in the cockpit jumped up and shouted: "No! The steel arm of the fishing trawl has loosened and hit the boat. It must be fixed again." He immediately pushed out the door, entangled in rain and wind. , Crazy Horse followed.

Lin Rui said to Jiangan: "Watch everyone, don't go out!" Then he plunged into the raging world outside the cabin. As soon as Lin Rui rushed out the door, he heard a scream, but before he could see it clearly, a huge wave hit the sky, making people suspect that Su Erjian had reached the bottom of the sea.

However, Lin Rui's reaction was extremely quick, and he had grasped the steel handrail next to the cabin early, so he still had to use his best to resist the pushing and pulling force of the giant wave. The sea receded. From the left came the call of sausage. Lin Rui looked away in amazement. I saw the sausage drifting outside with the flow of the sea, and it was about to fall into the surging sea.

Lin Rui yelled wildly and rolled on the spot. He came to a lifebuoy hung next to the cabin, took off the lifebuoy, and threw the power to the sausage. Such a complicated action can only be accomplished by Lin Rui's superior skill in that instant. , And if it weren't for him to use the centrifugal force of the lifebuoy itself when he threw the lifebuoy, it would be difficult for him to pass unimpeded in such a gust of wind, and cleverly land beside the sausage.

The sausage had just hit the iron fence at the edge of the boat. Seeing that it was about to be thrown up and over the fence by the current, the lifebuoy was swiftly carried by his eyes and hands. The impact of the waves stretched the nylon rope of the lifebuoy tied to the iron ring beside the cabin straight. Sausage grabbed the lifebuoy in one hand and crawled back desperately, pulling the nylon rope. Shouted to Crazy Horse and Lin Rui: "You try to fix the boom. I'll see if anyone is injured."

Sergey drove the fishing boat around in the waves, sinking into the bottom of the sea at any time.

Lin Rui quickly rushed to the deck, and the crazy horse who had just climbed up shouted: "Be careful!"

A black shadow flashed in the corner of Lin Rui's eyes, and the boom of the trawl on the fishing boat swept towards him driven by the strong wind and big waves. Lin Rui's heart moved, and her head shrank suddenly. Just as the boom was sweeping over his head, he leapt up like a leopard, holding the boom, and swept over the crane frame. Everyone screamed, no one knew him. What do you want?

"Boom!" The boom slammed back into the crane frame.

Immediately before the collision, Lin Rui grabbed the sling at the end of the boom and jumped to the hoisting frame, while rolling on the spot, using the sling to tightly wrap the loose boom around the frame. Another huge wave came. Lin Rui's body was drenched again.

Once the huge wave passed, Crazy Horse gave him a loud thumbs up and joined the ranks of re-fixing the hook.

In the cab, although Sergey staggered, his forehead was also injured. But still holding the rudder. Although he is not a layman for sailing, he is caught in the unguarded cab when the storm is overwhelming. It's still a bit unstoppable. With just one release, the whole boat was thrown to one side by a wave, causing even Lin Rui and Crazy Horse to fall to the ground. Everyone thought that the boat capsized was imminent, but the fishing boat slowly recovered its balance. .

"I got it under control!" Sergey leaped forward, clutching the rudder. Under his control, the fishing boat slightly shifted to the right by an angle, and faced another big wave that smashed its head and covered its face. In an instant, the deck was surrounded by water, and everyone else fell to the ground, making it a problem to get up.

Crazy Horse couldn't help but scold again, "Damn Russian, you can control your fart." But without a word of cursing, his anger was drowned out by the huge waves. He could only follow Lin Rui and crawl back to the cabin.

In the violent sea, Sergey relied on his boating skills to fight for survival. An hour later, exhausted, the wind and waves gradually calmed down. When rechecking their positions, their heading was nearly twenty nautical miles away. But this big storm also pushed them further forward. Counting it down, it didn't take much time because of course deviation.

It was just the bumps that made Lin Rui and the others weak, and the bones of their bodies seemed to be taken apart. Fortunately, no one crashed because of wind and waves, and no one was injured by the boom of the fishing trawl. The ship was only slightly damaged on the hull, and a few pieces of glass were broken, which did not affect the navigation.