Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3040: The attack begins

Lin Rui came out of the hiding place and got into the car with Scarface.

"Let's go, go to the joint force headquarters." Lin Rui jumped into the car and waved.

Scarface looked at Lin Rui after the car, "Are the new ones reliable?"

"I don't know yet. But the quality should be good. I have seen it personally. If it doesn't work, I won't bring it back. Of course, there will always be a break-in phase at the beginning. They are different from your situation. You are from Lincoln. Generals, when I recruited you, I was alone in group B. And group B is almost in the same line as our group A, and will definitely be more integrated into the team.

They may have to run in for a period of time and have to perform several more tasks to adapt slowly. "Lin Rui nodded.

Scarface drove the car all the way to the Joint Force Command. Mr. K was already there waiting for them.

"Did you get what you want?" Mr. K looked at Lin Rui.

"Yes. Your work efficiency is quite high." Lin Rui smiled slightly, "The French really give you face."

"This has nothing to do with face. We exchanged with them with three important prisoners of terrorist organizations. Originally, these prisoners might have brought us more information. Now the credit is probably theirs. So you better promise. The information you provide is valuable, otherwise I don't know how to explain to it." Mr. K said coldly.

"Take our information back. You don't have to worry about your superiors anymore. Because you will be promoted directly to the superior." Lin Rui smiled slightly.

Mr. K frowned, "Stop talking nonsense, where is the stuff?"

Lin Rui turned on his personal computer, retrieved a map through the satellite network, and handed it to Mr. K. "That's it. All the locations marked above may be the locations where terrorists deploy missiles."

"This is unlikely." Mr. K frowned. "The position above is a little far away from the government forces and the newly built anti-terrorism outposts. The Dot missile has a range of 120 kilometers."

"But they used a vehicle-mounted launch, and a modified large truck can reach the ideal range within a few hours." Lin Rui pointed to the map. "And these areas are the areas where extreme terrorist activities are most rampant. The presence of government forces there is very low, and they can drive their cars and swing to where they want to shoot."

"Well, if what you say is true, then the value of this map is not a little bit." Mr. K whispered. "There is only one way to prove it, and that is to send a reconnaissance team to see where the situation is. I will contact the military to organize a reconnaissance operation. But now there is a trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Lin Rui frowned.

"The Russians got mixed in. Their special forces did not know if they got any news and were also operating in these areas. Although their tracks were secretive and undetected, they still failed to escape our satellite surveillance." Mr. K Whisper.

"Russian special forces?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It should have come to track down the dot missiles. You must know that the dot missiles are produced by them. If they are used by terrorists to make large-scale attacks, they will also be in a very unfavorable public opinion vortex.

Prior to this, they had publicly stated that the dot missile design had been missing for a long time. And it is currently rarely produced in Russia. It sounds like a defense. But we know that this matter does not have much to do with them. Although the Russians hate them, they have not fallen to the point of providing weapons to terrorists. I feel that they are tracking down the dot missile. "Mr. K shook his head.

"Oh?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Look at the locations marked on the map, we all noticed signs of Russian special forces operating there. Do you know which Russian special forces are operating there?" Mr. K asked in return.

"The signal flag force, this is the force Russia used to perform missions abroad." Lin Rui nodded.

"Yes. There is one more thing that you probably don't know. The signal flag force belongs to the Russian intelligence service." Mr. K frowned. "In other words, this matter is not a matter of the military, but a matter of the intelligence department. So I think they are tracking the dot missile."

"They are also tracking down these missiles, isn't it a good thing for you?" Lin Rui frowned.

"You think too simple. These signal flag forces have always been cruel. And don't expect them to be polite to the Americans." Mr. K said, "and the military has repeatedly received requests from above. Regarding the joint African anti-terrorism operation, no Dispatch ground troops. At most, you can dispatch air force and drones to carry out strikes within a limited range. Or cooperate with joint forces to undertake air support."

"So what you mean is that the US military should not be involved in this operation. In particular, there may be contact with Russian special forces, and I am afraid that the military will not move," Lin Rang looked at the map and said.

"Yeah, now we can only wait. Unless you are willing to take another trip. The price is still the same as last time." Mr. K looked at Lin Rui.

"I'm afraid this won't work. The joint counter-terrorism operation is about to begin. During this period, we can no longer accept other tasks and must be on standby. After all, if the US and French forces start a joint operation to eliminate those terrorists. We must stay at the base to prevent terrorists. Carry out a retaliatory attack." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "We can't help you with this, you still have to do it yourself."

"Well, I can understand. However, this operation will not take a few days. The US and French forces actually started attacking those terrorists this morning." Mr. K said.

"What? Today has already started, didn't they just act in a week?" Lin Rui said in surprise.

"This is the idea of ​​the intelligence department. The public attack will start in a week. It is actually a smoke bomb, which makes terrorists relax their vigilance at this time. They know that they will be attacked in a week, and they must be busy arranging them again Evacuate personnel and materials to avoid massive losses.

We can use this to obtain many aspects of information, including their hidden camps and material distribution centers. There is even their intelligence network. It can be inferred from their reactions these days. "Mr. K replied.

"Are you deliberately attacking one week in advance?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes. We have collected enough information now. We will not wait until they are completely evacuated before going to the air. Instead, we will wipe out their hidden camp and other personnel who are preparing to evacuate. We hope that through this This attack severely hit terrorist organizations operating in the Sahel region of Africa.” Mr. K replied,