Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3058: Split the troops

"What kind of place is that?" Lin Rui asked.

"It's at the northernmost end of the factory. But it's weird. From the map, most of the roads there have been completely sealed." Scarface said in a low voice, "If Yusof hides there, wouldn't it happen? When there was nowhere to escape?"

"On the contrary, you look at the location on the north side to the east. There is a high wall, but there is a small door underneath. You can slip out through a very narrow aisle. It seems that this Yusof is old and cunning, he chose Hiding here is because it is easy to escape. This position is at the deepest point, even if there are troops from the outside, you will encounter terrorist resistance. He cannot reach his area within ten minutes.

And you see, the hiding place he chose is fundamentally far away from the workshop and storage facilities. Under normal circumstances, if the joint counter-terrorism forces attack this factory, the main goal is to find and control these missiles. It is impossible to go to where Yusov is hiding.

He can use this gap to safely evacuate from that hidden trail. If the target of the joint force were those missiles, Yusov would have slipped away before the joint force rushed into the warehouse to find the missile. Lin Rui pointed to the map.

"Is there a path here?" Scarface asked in surprise.

"It's not very clear on the aerial photos, but if you can see it clearly on the architectural drawings, this is a very narrow aisle, originally used by the factory to process waste. But then the construction was not completed, and the factory was put into use. So it can only be seen clearly on the early construction drawings. In fact, a simple roof was built here, which is not visible on the aerial photos." Lin Rui patted Dao Scarface’s shoulder, "So, sometimes you can’t blindly trust satellites. With drone aerial photography, it must be combined with architectural drawings."

"Okay. I have to say, his hand is concealed enough." Scarface nodded.

"Anything that has advantages has disadvantages." Lin Rui nodded, "The escape route he kept can help us enter this factory. For the purpose of concealment, Yusoff will definitely not set up guards on this path. Because that would attract attention, but he probably arranged a few secret guards to ensure the safety of the passage.

If we can clear the secret sentry he left behind, then we will have sufficient time to walk in along this path, reach Yusov's hiding place, and capture him directly. "

Scarface nodded, "This is a way. But what about those missiles?"

"We divided the action into two groups. One group first got Yusoff out, while the other group sneaked in from the other side, found the missiles and completed the markings. After completion, they will gather at the predetermined location." Lin Rui pointed to the map. Position said, "The rest, don't worry about us."

"You mean to act in batches." Crazy Horse frowned.

"Yes, we divide it into two groups." Lin Rui nodded.

"We don't have many people. When we are operating in groups, will our strength be too weak?" Crazy Horse asked.

"This is not a head-to-head operation in itself. The most important thing is concealment. If we are discovered, then even if we are together, there is no possibility of success. On the contrary, it is a group operation. The staff will be more scattered, reducing the risk of being caught. The possibility of discovery." Lin Rui pointed to the map.

"Then, Scarface and I, plus three newcomers, are responsible for walking the north passage and getting in to catch people." Crazy Horse nodded, "You are responsible for finding and marking these missiles."

"This is not a surprise operation, but a sneaky capture of prisoners. Can you do it?" Sergey smiled.

"I'm from an Army Special Forces background, do I still do this kind of thing?" Crazy Horse sneered.

"Ha, I almost forgot, you are also a member of the green beret. However, I heard that there were a few green beret members a few days ago and they were bombed by terrorists." Sergey laughed. .

"Then do you want to try it?" Crazy Horse looked at Sergey.

"Okay. I'm talking about business. If anyone makes trouble again, I'll clear him out of this operation." Lin Rui tapped the desk with his pen.

"Boss, I'm just kidding." Sergey waved his hand, "Go ahead, continue to introduce the task."

"Then, according to Crazy Horse's opinion, the five of them set out from this position and are responsible for the capture mission. However, please note that here and here, as well as the commanding heights of these two places, it is very possible to ambush the enemy's secret post. .Because from these locations, the entire road can be observed." Lin Rui pointed to the map and said, "If you want to sneak in, you have to clear the secret whistle.

Crazy Horse, take your sniper crossbow, I think this time, it should also be used. Remember, the action must absolutely avoid being discovered, even if you give up, you cannot take risks. understand? Lin Rui said solemnly.

"I understand." Crazy Horse nodded.

"Then the rest follow me, our mission will be a bit more complicated." Lin Rui looked at the other team members and said, "Our intrusion point is here. After crossing the wall from here, we arrive at this location in the factory, and then Note that we must complete the search for these important workshops in half an hour or even less.

Collect all the information and details about the missile assembly workshop, and then we must rush to this closed warehouse. Try to sneak into it and use the tools provided by Mr. K to mark all the missiles. "

"It doesn't look easy. I'm not saying how difficult the task is, but that it may be difficult to do it without being discovered." Sausage shook his head, "We have to go through multiple areas of this factory. But it can’t be discovered at all. This is probably a very difficult thing. Especially the other side is so strictly guarded, and the roads in the factory are restricted in many places."

Lin Rui nodded, "Yes, and the red tide troops should be responsible for the security of this area, and they are a complete squad. Although we don't know who their commander is at the moment, they are undoubtedly very difficult to chew. Bones, so this task is not easy."

"Gather things and go on the road. I'm already hungry and thirsty." Sergey rubbed his hands and said, "Those red tide guys, I've long wanted to teach them."

"During the mission, you'd better not disturb them." Lin Rui turned his head and said, "Because we only have one chance. And it's a two-way operation, so if either side is discovered, everything is over. Not this group of people. The action will fail, and the other group will not be able to complete it smoothly.

To be honest, this will be the worst situation, and I don't want to see this happen. But once the above situation occurs, we have to declare the mission failure, resolutely evacuate, and must not fall in love with the battle, otherwise not only will the mission not be completed, we will not think about it. "