Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3366: Shaking Conspiracy 2

Victor's face was pale, and he was a little restless and said, "No, no, this is still impossible. To do this, it is too difficult. For example, how can they complete the adjustment, and other details are not able to Easy to do. The nuclear suitcase has a soft black leather bag on the outside, but it also has an ultra-strong titanium metal bag inside. It weighs about 18 kilograms and is equipped with a strong code lock. Only those who know the code can It opens.

Whether the president is traveling in the country or visiting abroad, a special bodyguard will follow behind your president like a shadow carrying a suitcase with a nuclear button. This suitcase is kept in turn by 5 special bodyguards 24 hours a day, and these special bodyguards cannot leave the president.

The nuclear suitcase contains 4 documents. One lists the action plans for different levels of nuclear attacks, as well as the number of nuclear bombs, deployment locations, and scheduled launch routes, etc.; a list of secret bases lists what can be used by the president in an emergency. Base; an emergency broadcast program that records the president’s national broadcast program after a nuclear attack; a certification card that contains the president’s certification number. When the card is not confirmed, any order issued in the name of the president is invalid . The terrorists get this nuclear lock box, but it has no effect. "

"You may not understand that the terrorists' target is not the nuclear lock box itself. They just want to complete the assassination through this cover." Lin Rui shook his head, "The process is also very simple. He only needs to replace the outer box. In one minute, they can put the bomb box in the leather bag and the real password box in their equipment box. No bodyguard dares to open the leather bag for inspection without the president's direct permission."

"This is just your speculation, it can't really happen." Victor shook his head.

"It's a guess, but it's a reasonable guess." Lin Rui replied.

"Well, even if your speculation is reasonable. We can't really verify this possibility. We can't check the president's nuclear lockbox, no one except the president himself." Victor said a little anxiously. "I can't even tell others about your speculations. Because of the lack of reasonable evidence."

"We really can't make any response before things happen, but that doesn't mean that we have nothing to do. To prevent such things from happening, I have one way. That is to monitor Mr. President's security team. In this bodyguard operation At the time, he was captured on the spot. Or after he transferred the contract, immediately took countermeasures. Before Mr. President entered the venue, prevent this from happening. We can't touch Mr. President, but we can use his bodyguard." Lin Rui low Soundtrack.

Victor calmed down and thought about it carefully, "You mean to start with Mr. President's personal bodyguard?"

"Yes, before entering the venue, investigate the suitcases of all of them. Once a nuclear lock box is found, it means that Mr. President has a bomb that has been adjusted." Lin Rui nodded, "Think about it carefully. , Is there anyone beside Mr. President who you think is absolutely reliable."

"Yes, the leader of the security team, Captain Collins. He is an absolutely trustworthy person. I have worked with him three or four times and have had good personal relationships." Victor replied.

"It's not just that you trust him, how is his trust in you?" Lin Rui looked at Victor and said.

"He should believe me too." Victor nodded. "So what do you want to do?"

"For the time being, let’s stay quiet. When the French president arrives, we will closely monitor his bodyguard team. Before entering the venue, we must make a surprise check on the president’s personal bodyguards. We need the leader of this security team to be able to give We cooperate to the greatest extent." Lin Rui nodded.

"Do I need to inform him now?" Victor whispered.

"No, not now. We need to conduct a surprise check before they enter the venue." Lin Rui nodded.

"But I still don't quite understand. If terrorists want to carry out an attack, why do they have to make it so complicated? If they have bought the bodyguard next to the president, they can completely let that bodyguard take action and directly carry out the assassination. Why use bomb attacks? "Victor said with some confusion.

"Maybe these terrorists do not want to assassinate the French president, they want more. Their real target may be the heads of the five countries of the North African Maghreb Alliance. These countries are different from your France. Even if the terrorists assassinate the French president. After the French president, France is still France. As soon as the heads of those countries die, the country will be headless and fall into great chaos. Then terrorists will take advantage of this chaotic situation and take the opportunity to rise. Just like the postwar Iraq and Libya. As after the war, extreme terrorist organizations will take advantage of the situation and even take their place." Lin Rui said calmly.

"If their target is only the heads of the five Maghreb countries, why do they want to draw the French again?" Victor frowned.

"Because you are French. France can be said to be the European country with the strongest presence in Africa. France has many overseas bases in Africa. According to statistics, the French garrison in the region includes 500 from Côte d’Ivoire, 825 from Chad, and 3,200 from Djibouti. , Gabon 680, Senegal 1,170, plus others, the total force exceeds 8,000. Almost tens of thousands of soldiers.

Many people say that you French are the African military police, and it is clear at a glance how strong your military intervention capabilities in Africa are. "Lin Rui sneered, "Terrorists want to show the world that France's influence in Africa is declining." "

"I don't agree with you. After the independence of the former African colony and protectorate of France, eight countries voluntarily asked the French to jointly defend their territories, signed a mutual defense agreement with France, and later Chad joined in. This is France. The reasons for the long-term presence of troops on the territories of these countries are all requested by certain African countries. Although Mali does not belong to the scope of the common defense country, the French intervention in 2013 was also at the request of the Malian government, not if we wanted to go.” Victor shook his head. Tao.

"Don't say that you are not benefiting. Most of the military bases outside French territory are located in Africa. The largest military base is located in Djibouti, Africa. The second most important French military base is located in the Gulf of Guinea. In this way, the French military base is located in the Gulf of Guinea. Overseas garrisons appeared on the east and west coasts of the African continent.

Because the oil reserves in the Gulf of Guinea can rival the Persian Gulf. Chad also has a French military base because it can provide uranium resources. "Lin Rui shook his head, "What do the extreme terrorists want?" What they want is to get rid of French influence and dominate the African continent. If you don't do it, who do you do it? "