Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3404: Tactical confrontation 2

"Boss, they went to the warehouse area. Then what are we going to do next? When will we continue?" Sergey was a little helpless, but his question was also very practical.

"This, I don't know yet. I have confirmed to Lincoln that they are on the way, maybe ten minutes, maybe even half an hour later. No matter what, the enemy must not attack us from the flanking warehouse! We must guard This last moment. This will ultimately determine the success or failure of the mission." Lin Rui said in a low voice, two sharp gazes shot in his eyes.

Just as these guards quietly adjusted their attack direction, Lin Rui and others also completed the redeployment. Sausage abandoned the original sniper spot and directly boarded the water tower in the distance from outside the workshop. This was the highest commanding height in the valley. From here he can overlook the entire warehouse area.

"Pop!" A bullet shot near the sausage.

The sausage was creeping, and the bullet was clearly directed at him by the opposing sniper. For him, this is undoubtedly a despised provocation! He didn't fight back immediately, and took a closer look at the impact point of the bullet. .

"The bullet was shot from the bottom right, combined with my position just now, then according to the ballistic analysis, the person who wanted to snipe me should be somewhere on the opposite right. There should also be a high point, but not so high, otherwise he would not You will find me. In the entire valley, where there are high points, except for a few water towers here, the rest is the location where Crazy Horse and others are located, and the guard tower on the opposite side!" Sausage's mind quickly and carefully Analyzing carefully, the murderous aura suddenly filled his eyes.

"This sniper has moved to the guard tower on the opposite side." Sausage whispered, a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth. He also looked through the scope in a straight line. Although it was very conspicuous, it was A good place for snipers to hide. The shooting hole is small and concealed, and it is hard to spot if you don't look carefully.

"Boss, I found him, that enemy sniper, he moved to the flanking sentry tower." Sausage immediately notified Lin Rui via radio, "Can you knock me down that tower?!"

"This can't work. The tower is too far away from us for the grenade to reach. Besides, we don't have many grenades in our hands. We have to use them in key places." Lin Rui whispered.

"Can't you go ahead?" Sausage asked

"Impossible, the opponent's offensive is so fierce, and there is also a sniper." Lin Rui thought for a while and replied immediately. Sausage is not a fool either. Knowing that the brothers will be approached at this time, he will definitely be threatened, and he did not insist. Just slowly load the magazine of the precision rifle. He also has two full-load magazines with 30 rounds, plus the one he is using, and there are more than ten rounds left. One by one, the icy bullets were pushed into the magazine and arranged closely together.

After the bullet is loaded, Sausage snaps the magazine into the magazine and pulls the bolt. The opponent's sniper was still shooting, and the crisp sound of the sniper rifle struck his heartstrings. If this sniper is not destroyed, the team's losses will increase.

"Boss, we don't have many bullets. Although we can stop them, if we don't get supplies, we will be eaten by the enemy sooner or later." Scarface also returned to Lin Rui from the defensive position on the other side. The harsh truth was said dismal.

"I know, I only have one magazine left, plus more than ten rounds. However, as long as there is one bullet left, we have not failed. We must believe Lincoln, he will lead us to support us!" Lin Rui No fear at all, still a calm look. Because he knows that all the brothers are watching his attitude now, as the captain, he must not shrink and hesitate.

At this time, Crazy Horse said to Lin Rui via radio: "Boss, what's your situation now? They seem to have retreated."

"They did not retreat, but changed the direction of their main attack. Moreover, we have run out of ammunition and urgently need support but have not arrived. You can retreat, and there is no point in sticking to that highland. Come back here and participate in the warehouse area. Defense at the intersection!" Although the battle situation was very tragic, Lin Rui was able to calmly analyze the situation and make the most accurate judgment.

"Yeah! I'll support you right away, hold on!" Crazy Horse also knew how bad Lin Rui and the others were.

"I have already called the headquarters for support through the satellite channel. Lincoln and the others will be there. We just need to hold on here and wait patiently! Just like we have always done." Lin Rui repeated.

"Boss, don't worry! As long as we are still alive, we will never give up." A mercenary nodded, and they believed Lin Rui very much. After so many battles, all O2 players also understood that they believed Lin Rui was the basis for their survival.

After the two of them finished talking, the enemy's offensive began.

"Da da da! Bang bang! Boom!" The mixed sound of bullets and grenade explosions suddenly hit, causing Lin Rui's high attention. A large number of guards raided from the warehouse area. The battlefield, which had been quiet for more than half a minute, became lively again, bullets were fired desperately without money, and grenades poured down like rain. The first group of guards who attacked was hit by the mercenaries as soon as they charged up. At the same time, dozens of their followers were also suppressed at the open-air warehouse exit, unable to come to support.

Lin Rui ran forward while dodge the passing bullets. Sometimes he leaped into the bunker, sometimes raised a temporary counterattack, sometimes crouched on the ground for a second, sometimes ran towards the entrance at full speed, looking desperate. "Sausage, tell the opponent's sniper. Take advantage of his appearance, kill him." Lin Rui whispered, "I'll attract their attention."

Sausage felt nervous when he heard Lin Rui's order. This time, the boss really did it! Before the opponent's sniper was defeated, he dared to take the initiative to attack. This was to actively send it to the tiger's mouth to attract the opponent to show up.

Sausage immediately pointed the muzzle of the precision rifle at the opposite tower, and scanned any visible target in the scope. Whoever dared to show it was a bullet. This time he vowed that he would never fail again.

"Da da da!" Lin Rui shot in the direction where the guards rushed as he ran. The accuracy of these shots was very high. It can be said that the shots almost all hit. Of course, he has to make the opponent aware of the threat before he can induce the opponent to take action.

After Lin Rui shot a few shots, he leaped forward, fell to the ground and rolled desperately, rubbing sand and dust on the ground and hiding behind the bunker. Lin Rui succeeded in attracting the enemy's attention, and the opponent's sniper finally got the bait. He stuck his head out and aimed at the top of the bunker with his muzzle. As long as Lin Rui raised his head, he would be given a fatal blow.