Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3507: Adventure exploration

The Olumi Federal Capital Territory, the management committee building behind the Capitol, is the real power core of the entire Olumi Federation.

All Orumi Federal military orders are issued by this building. Because the management committee holds the absolute power of the Orumi Federation from beginning to end.

The majestic Capitol is just a pattern printed on federal banknotes. Like federal currency, it is just a facade.

The security measures of the management committee are far superior to the Capitol. In these two places, Lin Rui and other team members had been there in the last assassination of the Red Baron.

But now it seems that the level of security is more upgraded than before. There are sentries and surveillance cameras everywhere.

Armed soldiers guarded the entrances and exits of various areas. These armed soldiers, all wearing gray combat uniforms, are elite troops organized by the secret society.

After the secret agency controlled the Orumi Federation, some of their military and paramilitary organizations became the security forces of the management committee.

Because the secret society never believed in the real locals. So this place has become a true restricted area of ​​the Orumi Federation.

The surveillance cameras around and inside the Federal Building have advanced facial recognition equipment.

It will monitor and recognize the appearance characteristics of outsiders in real time, and feed them back to the computer, which then retrieves the personnel information database. Give the person's unit number and personal number.

Once the information is untrue, a full alert will be triggered. Security forces will immediately lock the alarm area. Within one minute, complete the complete blockade of the alarm area.

So it is extremely difficult to get in. The only chance is before 5:00 in the morning.

This time period is the time for equipment maintenance and internal cleaning work, between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning.

The time Zhao Jianfei arranged for Lin Rui and others happened to be stuck at this point. Use the identity of the cleaning staff to enter the building.

Two cyan cleaning vehicles drove slowly towards the building. Zhao Jianfei asked in a low voice during the wireless communication, "Are you ready? The security monitoring equipment will be shut down within two minutes, during which there will be one hour of equipment maintenance."

You also only have this period of time, which can be used to investigate the security situation inside the building.

Remember, the staff magnetic card you are wearing has a limited level and can enter limited areas. Do not try to enter areas beyond your level of authority.

There are guards everywhere in this place, and once they find that someone of you has entered a place that should not be entered, they will immediately shoot and kill. "

"Okay, I understand." Lin Rui whispered, "In two minutes, we will enter the Federal Management Committee building. It is a high-risk area, everyone is prepared."

A few minutes later, the cleaning vehicle was parked in a dedicated parking space outside the building.

Immediately a few guard soldiers came up and waved to them to get out of the car for inspection.

Lin Rui and the team members are all wearing the uniforms of cleaning staff. After getting off the car, the guards immediately stepped forward and asked, "Which department? What is the number?"

"Logistics group 5, number 4681." Lin Rui replied.

Soldiers immediately checked through their handheld computers, and this number was the access number to enter the building. Anyone who enters the building has a unique number.

The guard can use this group number to find out who entered the building and the legitimate reason for entering the building.

After inquiring, the guard nodded to the other guards, "The 5th group of cleaning staff, the time limit is one hour, and the verification code meets."

The other guard waved his hand and said, "Take Passage 2 and be checked."

Lin Rui and the others nodded, followed the instructions of the guards to enter through Channel 2 and accepted the guards' inspection.

They carry vacuum cleaners, mops and brooms, detergents, etc. They must be checked before they can be brought into the building.

The inspection is very strict, even the cleaning agent must be poured out a little carefully to distinguish. Because according to regulations, any unknown liquid cannot be brought into the building.

"All electronic equipment, all left." The guard motioned to the safe deposit box next to him.

"I'm afraid it won't work. We can't keep the vacuum cleaner. We have to use it for work." Sausage shook his head.

The guard nodded and checked their equipment. Holding a thing, frowned, "What is this?"

"Ultrasonic equipment is used to repel pests and mice. There is no other way. After all, there has been a serious rat infestation recently. God knows how many rats there are in this country.

If the baron finds a mouse **** on his desk, I'm afraid everyone will suffer. "The Crazy Horse shook his head.

The guard nodded and returned the instrument to Crazy Horse, but he noticed the wireless headset on their ears.

"Sorry, leaving the communicator may not work. We are temporarily deployed to work, and there is only one hour to work, some people do it fast, some people do it slow.

We need to use communications to rationally deploy personnel. We don't want to finish the cleaning task after the time is up. "Lin Rui pointed to his wireless headset.

The guard checked the wireless earphones, looked at them again, and finally nodded, "Go in, move faster."

After a comprehensive inspection, Lin Rui and others were allowed to enter the building.

There are a total of 5 floors in the building. According to the plan, Lin Rui's people are divided into three groups. Started their cleaning work.

Although the internal monitoring of the building has been closed for maintenance, the guards did not get off work. Each floor has an independent guard team.

Lin Rui and Sausage's group pushed the cleaning truck into the fourth floor. With the help of the cleaning machine, I noted down the locations of all the monitors.

"Boss, it's so tight here that even a fly can't get in. If all these monitoring are on, we won't even have a chance." Sausage whispered.

Lin Rui nodded, "It's no wonder that even Zhao Jianfei is not optimistic about this action. But don't rush to judge and complete our task properly."

Sausage nodded, turned and turned on the ultrasonic mouse repeller on the cleaning cart.

Although this thing is called an ultrasonic mouse repeller, it is actually an ultrasonic detector for cave exploration.

Some expeditions, before entering the unknown cave. Will use this instrument to probe the internal structure of the cave.

Using the reflection principle of ultrasonic waves, the internal structure of a cave can be drawn.

Also in the building, this thing can quickly detect the structure of the entire building. Including which side is a passage, which side has a door, which side is a room, and what is the area of ​​the room?

After the data is collected, it can be restored on the computer side to draw the structural graphics of the entire building with extremely high accuracy. These structural diagrams will be used as accurate references during actions.