Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3534: Valley road

The mangrove valley is a narrow valley on the border of the Orumi Federation. During the colonial period, there used to be a No. 4 highway that passed under the valley.

It's just a long time. Highway 4 has long been abandoned, and even the roadbed has been severely destroyed in some places. Weeds are everywhere.

Taking into account the needs of the war, the Orumi Federal Army transferred two small forced labor camps from the field, with more than 600 people, to carry out the repair work of this canyon road.

A large number of black labor prisoners were sweating at the bottom of the valley, carrying their hands on their shoulders with the most primitive tools to repair the destroyed road.

The defenders of the Orumi Federation were divided into two groups, each guarding at Taniguchi.

An overseer in a labor camp shouted with a whip in his hand, "Don't be lazy. Today's schedule must continue to advance sixty meters. Only when the schedule is completed can there be food. If it fails, everyone will have to starve."

After speaking, he whipped the whip and drew it at one of the black laborers, "Don't be too slow, give me a quick job.

Criminals like you must use labor to reform their minds and cleanse themselves of their sins. Long live the Federation! Give me all the slogans of labor. "

The concealed Scarface passed the telescope in his hand to Lin Rui, and said in a low voice, "I can see it clearly, and the workers are all working there.

There are not many guards in the valley, more than fifty meters apart is a warning point, and there are only two people at a warning point. The other Orumi Federation forces are mainly concentrated at the two ends of the valley.

Those in uniforms with whips and sticks in their hands should be supervisors, and they are responsible for the progress of the project.

The number is about dozens, and one person is probably responsible for dozens of labor prisoners. "

Lin Rui nodded and raised the telescope to observe. After a while, he put down the telescope and whispered while pressing the communication headset, "Sausage, what's the current situation?"

"As long as it has been buried, the mountains here are severely weathered, and it can easily collapse a large area and then roll down under the canyon. Several rows of explosives explode at the same time, which is not as simple as dropping a few rocks.

It was landslides in pieces, not to mention blasting the entire canyon, but at least half of it could be buried. The people below, I am afraid that they will not even be able to shout for help, they will live and live.

This scene is scary even when I think about it. "Sausage whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense, be prepared." Lin Rui whispered.

"Understood, boss." Sausage agreed.

"What's going on with the hammer? As agreed, they should have been in place. Why didn't they send us a message?" Crazy Horse turned his head and whispered, "He won't change his mind again?"

"Don't worry, he doesn't have the guts. Even if he has the guts, he will not give up these six hundred laborers. His resistance organization is currently in short supply. These people can be said to be his best supplement." Lin Rui whispered. .

After a few minutes, Lin Rui finally heard the report from the communicator.

"We are in place. You can launch a feint at any time."

"Very well, remember that when launching a feint, you must raise the banner of your resistance organization, shout your slogans, and build up your momentum." Lin Rui nodded and responded.

In less than a minute, a series of explosions and shouts came from across the valley.

"Long live Orumi, Free!"

"Long live the liberation!" These are the common slogans of the Orumi Resistance, and there is also a huge hammer logo flag.

The members of the resistance organization have begun their offensive. Although Lin Rui and others have been standing still, they are also observing the battlefield situation.

"These resistance group members are indeed quite experienced." Crazy Horse said in a low voice while holding up a telescope. "They attacked in batches. And with a little bit of force, it is easy to mobilize the Orumi Federal Forces. But I think it should be. There are more than sixty people. There should be at least a few hundred people."

Lin Rui put down the binoculars and said, "That's right. This time the hammer has been lost. He pushed all of his people up to create momentum."

"This guy is really cruel, he really needs to be cruel at the critical moment." Crazy Horse said in surprise.

"He is just cautious. Because he is worried that the death fighters will be difficult to complete the task of lure the enemy.

That's why he mobilized all his teams. Attack a little bit, and open a channel for his death squads so that they can go deep into the valley.

Only in this way can the people of the Orumi Federation be led into the valley. It can be said that everything he is doing now is to ensure that he can lure the enemy deeper. Lin Rui whispered.

"How sure do you think they are?" Crazy Horse asked.

"If only their 60-person death squad is responsible for attracting firepower, and breaking through the Orumi Federal Army's defense and rushing into the valley, it is probably 60 to 70% certain.

But if the Hammer uses his other troops as a cover to help them clear the way into the valley, then the possibility of them accomplishing the task of lure the enemy will be guaranteed. "Lin Rui replied.

"It seems that this guy, Iron Hammer, really took the risk. In addition to letting the death squad go to death, he also used his other troops to cover. To ensure that they were successfully sent to death." Scarface shook his head. , Will never sacrifice his subordinates."

"He is not in charge of soldiers, like a hammer. Once he has made up his mind, it is hard to shake. He has made up his mind to sacrifice his few troops in exchange for these 600 workers to join the resistance army." Lin Rui Road coldly.

Scarface said in a low voice, "Boss, do we also prepare our people?"

Lin Rui nodded and said, "Notify the brothers that they are ready, and when the Orumi Federal Army on this side rushes over to support. That's when we act."

Lin Rui's judgment was quite accurate, and within a few minutes, the Orumi Federal Army on the side of the canyon began to lose its breath.

Because these Olumi Federation forces learned that the opponents were attacking forces from the Resistance Hammer.

Everyone knows that this hammer is currently the most wanted criminal in the Orumi Federation offering a huge reward. Grasping him is naturally a great achievement.

Such a good thing, naturally everyone wants a piece of the pie. Therefore, the Orumi Federation Army on the side of the valley naturally did not want good things to be taken over by the brothers.

They assembled almost immediately, leaving only a handful of troops guarding this section of the canyon at the intersection, while other troops quickly circulated and interspersed to the other end of the canyon, preparing to join forces to encircle the head of the Federation Resistance Army.

And just after they left. Lin Rui also started an offensive here.

The members of the O2 squad, with more than two hundred Kanavian guerrillas, attacked the few Orumi federal guards left behind like a tiger descending the mountain.

Due to the absolute disadvantage of the number of people, these Orumi Federation guards were almost collapsed. Lin Rui led people into the valley quickly.