Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3565: Hand in hand

"Boom boom boom..." Several mortars hit the steep **** in the direction of Lin Rui and the others' main attack. This is the biggest support Crazy Horse uses with limited weapons. The vanguard armed by the secret society is not far from them. At this time, Lin Rui and the others were entangled in a fierce exchange of fire with an enemy nearly three times their own.

Crazy Horse continued to send firepower to the enemy's deep positions, firmly suppressing the enemy that threatened them most. But Lin Rui and others must fight for some last time. If the enemy rushed up, completed the flank tactics, and continued to approach, then Crazy Horse and Scarface could only retreat again. The enemy army will directly face this dilapidated small village, and Crazy Horse and Scarface will lose the last area they can hold on. At that time, all the previous efforts will be in vain. The Canavian company led by Crazy Horse will face the danger of the entire army being wiped out, and the situation is extremely critical!

"What!? You insist on at least another thirty minutes? Understand!" Lin Rui, who had received the report from Crazy Horse, immediately tightened his brows at the risk of enemy bullets. At this time, the assault squad, including him, had been in close contact with a platoon of enemies under the soil slope. Sausage’s men have been seriously injured by two mercenaries. If Sergey had not discovered that the situation was not good, the people leading him were retreating. These mercenaries relied on the terrain and outstanding technology to outnumber the enemies, using the bushes, thatch, and rocks. The cover of the environment and terrain, sniping, and guerrilla fighting involve the enemy. Faced with an absolute number of enemies, sausages and others are in danger.

The bullet hit the shockwave and smashed it up and down, and the grass made waves of frightening crackling noises. A mortar shell hung with a long sound and hit the **** of the position less than 100 meters in front of them, flying clods and gravel down to the ground like raindrops.

The secret society armed forces are different from ordinary African soldiers. Many of them have experience fighting in hot spots around the world. He would continue to try to detour, or find a safer place, and flanking Lin Rui and others. Although all failed. But this kind of small-scale coordinated operations, with point-to-face tactics, puts great pressure on Lin Rui and others. What they adopted is a partial, rigid defense and flexible defense, a combination of fixed-point defense and mobile defense.

A part of the secret society armed forces relying on temporary defensive points to stifle a section of the hillside below the eastern hillside leading to the high ground. Other secret agency armed forces continued to carry out various side attacks and harassment against Lin Rui and others in the periphery of the exchange of fire. Take advantage of the number of people to the extreme.

Lin Rui and the others dispersed into three teams. When the enemy forces tried to detour and use dense plants to hide their intentions, they would all snipe and sneak attack. When encountering three or five small units with more enemies, they will secretly use grenades to attack the enemy and remind the other two groups of the direction of attack. But once it was discovered that there were a large number of enemy forces, the three groups' defense points immediately became horns for defense, and Sergey's mobile group rushed toward the enemy's sneak attack to support.

At the same time, Lin Rui quickly called the artillery of the Canavia Company to cover the enemy with firepower.

The place near the village in Africa is usually close to the water source, and there will be plants if there is water source. The dense bushes and bushes and bushes have almost become a nightmare for all infantrymen; no matter what guns are blocked by the bushes, their range will not be too far, and rocket launchers and throwing grenades will hit the bushes more often.

Under the circumstances that it was difficult to find the target and hit the target, there was a fierce confrontation and exchange of fire, and the distance between each other was less than 100 meters. The secret society militants have an advantage in numbers, while mercenaries such as Lin Rui have the advantage of being able to move flexibly and not easily detected under the cover of vegetation. Because of this, Lin Rui and others used sporadic artillery cover to sneak secretly all the way from behind, sneaking to the top of the hillside. At this time, gunshots, bullets, and shouts were heard from the frontal positions of Crazy Horse and others, and the battle was heating up sharply!

Lin Rui knows that in such a dense jungle, the battles are often hand-to-hand, lack of vision, and insufficient effective range. Because of the mortar bombardment of the collapsed shrubs, the uneven terrain becomes more complicated; the deep thatch, The bushes are almost 1 meter high, and people will disappear when they squat down or bend down a little. So no one can predict where the enemy in the battle is; maybe when you spotted the enemy in an instant, and quickly drew your gun to knock the enemy down, the enemy hidden in the deeper will quickly find you and shoot you. . No one can predict such a thing. Here, fighting boldness and quick response are the most important, and of course there is a little luck as a shelter.

He led the team members, without making a sound, circled a large circle toward the approximate assembly location of the enemy, searching forward. He clenched the dagger in his left hand, held the pistol in his right hand, and carried the assault rifle behind him. Try not to step on the fallen branches, and quickly approached the enemy under the cover of grass and bushes.

While trotting, he pricked his ears and listened to the bursts of gunfire and explosions, predicting the location and distance. When he estimated that he was approaching the enemy, Lin Rui slowly slowed down, slowly lifted away the branches and thatch, braving the sting of the thorns, bent down, and the cat stepped forward and sneaked in the direction of the enemy's gunshots. Past.

In the distance was Yelena and Eric's sniper team. After they individually ambushed two secret society armed forces that were interspersed in a circuitous manner, after involving the main enemy's guard, they slowly leaned towards the enemy. The secret society militants seemed to be alert, and the gunfire was no longer as intense as before. In order to paralyze them, Sausage and others once again strengthened their firepower. Attract their attention.

Just when Lin Rui led the team to estimate that he was near the enemy, he quickly stopped and fell in the grass. Hiding his body in the dense shrubs and leaves, relying on the shelter and gaps of the leaves, he quickly captured almost all of the battlefield hiding in the thatch bush.

enemy! A group of enemies were silent, and the three of them moved back to back step by step in their direction, less than 20 meters away from him. Just across the thick thatch and dense bushes, through the mottled gaps between the leaves, under the sun, he could almost see the black reflections on the enemy's guns. And immediately behind the trio and less than ten meters away is another two-man team of the enemy. Slant forward are the other two enemies, and then the enemy who is attacking Sausage and others.

Less than twenty people!

Lin Rui was very clear in his heart. It seems that the enemy is indeed using the same tactics as them, using small teams to turn around and sneak attacks to create chaos in order to facilitate the frontal assault.