Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3610: Extra plan

Lin Rui did not enter the meeting place, because he knew that it would be more dangerous to enter the meeting place. Instead, he chose to wait in the corridor, like an ordinary Orumi government office worker, somewhat restrained and dull.

But in fact, he has been observing the surrounding environment with the corner of his eye. The location he chose is very advantageous. It is in a blind spot for camera surveillance. Moreover, you can clearly see the people coming out of the venue.

"General Logan has come out." Lin Rui's concealed headset came from the intelligence team's prompt.

He turned his head slightly and found that General Logan was walking out. General Logan looked no different from before. He seemed to be in adversity and didn't change much of him.

He strode past Lin Rui's side, and Lin Rui followed him to a staircase entrance.

"General, long time no see." Lin Rui said.

"You?" General Logan hesitated, then his eyes lit up, "It's you?"

"I'm sorry, we have to meet in this way, but I need your help." Lin Rui looked at him.

"Sorry, I can't protect myself now. You may not know my situation. I have been under the surveillance of the secret society organization. I am afraid that nothing can help you." General Logan shook his head.

"I know the general's situation, but I also believe that the general is not reconciled to this result. Although your people are here, but your troops still control Anmore City is the best proof. You still have not completely given up. "Lin Rui said calmly.

"If I give up completely, I won't stand here anymore. They have 100 ways to make me die unclear." General Logan replied. "Go ahead, what do you want from me? Let me see what I can do."

"We need a weapon from the general's collection, the QLU-11 light semi-automatic sniper grenade launcher. There is also a matching thermobaric ammunition." Lin Rui whispered.

General Logan was stunned for a moment, "Although this thing is not common, it is not something particularly difficult to obtain. You should be able to get it."

"We can indeed get it, but I don't have such time. I need it within these two days." Lin Rui looked at General Logan.

"What are you going to do?" General Logan frowned.

"What I want to do is better if the general doesn't know it. Because judging from the current situation of the general, you'd better not know. You just need to lend me that weapon." Lin Rui whispered.

"This is no problem for you, but this thing is in my private collection. Very few people know that I have this. Is it the **** Eric, who has followed you now?" General Logan whispered.

"Yes." Lin Rui looked around.

"I've known this **** for a long time, and I'm not dying of that gunman. Well, since you've come forward. I'll give you some face. Tonight, I'll let someone deliver things to your people.

But after this, we had better not meet again. No matter what you want to do here, it has nothing to do with me. I am a hostage now, and I don't want to be implicated in it. "General Logan whispered.

"Thank you." Lin Rui nodded, "If the general needs it, we can help the general escape. Escape from the Federal Capital Territory."

"Are you serious?" General Logan frowned slightly.

"Of course, but we have to wait until we finish today's task. If the general needs it, we can help you figure out a solution." Lin Rui shrugged.

"Well, the people in your intelligence team know how to contact me. We can't talk any more. I'm leaving for too long and it will be suspicious." General Logan looked around and turned away.

Lin Rui also took the opportunity to leave. He quickly went downstairs, and after leaving the federal government office building, he quickly returned to their safe house.

"Boss, you are back, how is the situation?" Crazy Horse asked.

"I have met Logan, and he promised to lend us things. But I want to finish this ticket and get General Logan out by the way." Lin Rui whispered.

"Boss, this is not our mission." Scarface shook his head and said, "Our mission this time is to kill people, but we are not here to save them. Moreover, there must be someone from the secret society watching General Logan. It’s not so easy to rescue him."

"I think so too. General Logan has completely lost power now. He is no longer the leader of the northern coalition forces. Now his territory is almost occupied by the Orumi Federation forces. Only Anmore is an isolated city. , Saving him does not seem to be of any value, but will add a lot of unknown variables to our actions." Crazy Horse shook his head.

"I understand what you mean, but I have another plan to save him. Let's leave it aside for the time being. Let's finish the assassination of David before talking about it." Lin Rui smiled slightly.

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say." Sergey shook his head.

After eight o'clock in the evening, the members of the intelligence team arrived. It was the same black man last time, he put a heavy box on the table.

"This is what you need. In order to bring things out from General Logan, we took a lot of effort." The intelligence team member whispered.

"Thanks." Lin Rui walked over and opened the box.

Inside the box is a disassembled weapon that looks like a heavy sniper rifle.

The launcher is composed of barrel receiver assembly, automata assembly, integral rail assembly, transmitter assembly, tripod assembly and 4 rounds/15 rounds ammunition.

It adopts the automatic principle of compound floating launch, the chamber is closed for attack, and the locked structure. The launcher is 1415 mm long and weighs 25 kg. It is equipped with a tripod and 15 rounds of drums. It seems to be able to launch semi-automatically.

"It's this thing." Eric nodded, "The key is that this thing is equipped with a high-performance photoelectric sight with fire control and resolution capabilities. Its launch tube uses only high-precision rifles. The floating barrel design makes it not only able to strike a single target, but also against a group of targets, and even more capable of striking the opponent’s equipment and equipment.

Its muzzle velocity is as high as 450 meters per second, and a 35mm grenade flies through space at such a speed to reach a target about 2 kilometers, which is about 5 seconds. It can be said that the enemy has no reaction time. "

"You want to kill the target with a grenade? I may have to remind you that the glass in the room where the target is located is bulletproof." The black man in the intelligence team frowned. "This is quite clear in our intelligence."

"Yes, but the bulletproof glass may be able to withstand bullets, but it can't prevent this." Lin Rui picked up one of the ammunition, "Sniper Sunder Armor, high-speed ammunition."