Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3620: Rescue operation

The next morning, General Logan cleaned up. His secretary has helped him arrange all the itineraries for today, and he will report all the things to do today when he has breakfast.

General Logan held a cup of coffee and frowned and asked, "Is there another meeting today?"

"Yes, General. The meeting is scheduled for 10:30 in the morning. The committee requires you to attend on time in the morning," the secretary replied.

"It's another old-fashioned meeting. It's nothing new to say it." General Logan shook his head.

"This meeting may be about fighting Kanavia." The secretary nodded.

"Combat meeting? When will it be my turn to participate in the combat meeting of his mother. General Lao Tzu has almost no say in any military action now." General Logan shook his head, "Forget it. Let's take a look. It’s good to be idle at home."

General Logan pushed aside the plate and coffee cup in front of him, got up from his seat, and strode outside.

The driver was already waiting in the car, and the two bodyguards followed him every step of the way.

One of the bodyguards opened the back seat door for him. General Logan looked at the bodyguard, "You guys also go with me?"

"This is the rule, General." The bodyguard nodded to General Logan. "Resistance groups have been active recently, and the committee has paid great attention to the protection of the general."

"Hammer Resistance?" General Logan shook his head. "This is in the Capital District. How dare they?"

"It's always good to be careful, General." Another bodyguard nodded to General Logan.

General Logan glanced at them and turned back into the car. One of the two bodyguards sat beside the driver and the other sat beside General Logan.

General Logan also understood that the bodyguards arranged by the two management committees seemed to protect themselves, but in fact they were for comprehensive surveillance.

"Where is the general?" the driver asked.

"Federal government building, in fact, where I am going, you should know better than me." General Logan mocked.

The driver smiled awkwardly, "I am also in accordance with the general's schedule." The vehicle slowly drove out of General Logan's residence.

At the residence of General Logan, another of his bodyguards looked at the leaving vehicle, walked to a hidden place, and whispered on the communication headset, "General Logan has set off."

"Understood." Nightingale's deep voice came from the headset.

Soon, the news that General Logan had set off reached Lin Rui and others' ears through Nightingale.

"Logan has set off, how is your current situation?" Nightingale asked in a low voice.

"We have entered a storage room for cleaning tools at the corner of the second floor of the Olumi Federal Government Building." Lin Rui replied.

"Did you not draw any attention when you entered?" Nightingale asked in a low voice.

"Relax, we were very careful when we came in." Lin Rui whispered.

"In this case, you are on standby. General Logan is expected to arrive within half an hour. When he arrived, the meeting had not yet started.

He should have more than ten minutes of free time. You'd better make good use of this time. "Nightingale whispered. "Our people will cooperate with you." "

"Understood." Lin Rui replied.

Half an hour passed quickly, and General Logan had entered the federal government building. The meeting room is on the 3rd floor, but the meeting has not been held yet.

So General Logan did not rush up. He met an acquaintance in the aisle on the second floor and greeted with a smile, "Baria, long time no see."

The man named Barea is also an official of the federal government. Seeing General Logan greeted him, he walked over and nodded, "The general looks good."

"Baria, how is your son? The last time I saw him, he was about 8 years old? Now I guess he should be this tall." General Logan smiled and gestured with his hands.

Mr. Barea nodded, "Yes, he is about to grow into a young man..."

The two of them were chatting with each other. The bodyguard behind General Logan immediately took a step forward and whispered in Logan's ear, "The general meeting room is upstairs."

"Of course I know that the conference room is upstairs. Isn't it more than half an hour away? Besides, you know that Barea is my old friend, so we can't chat?" General Logan turned around.

"I didn't mean that..." the bodyguard explained awkwardly.

"Then what do you mean, and for my safety? Do you know who Mr. Barea is? He is a ministerial senior official in the federal government.

We have known each other since middle school. Do you suspect that he is also a member of the resistance organization and wants to murder me? "General Logan said with a bad face.

The two bodyguards were a little embarrassed, but did not make any concessions. "Sorry General, but this is the request of the committee. We must protect the general's safety at all times."

"Then you guys can watch us chat by the side." General Logan shook his head.

The two bodyguards stood on the sides as they should. In addition to staring at General Logan, the outside light of their eyes also glanced at the sides of the corridor from time to time to see if anyone else was coming.

"Barea, how is your health recently? I don't think you look good." General Logan continued to chat with Barea.

"Recently, my body is not as good as before, and you know that my heart disease is getting more and more serious." The black Barea shook his head. After speaking, he seemed to be short of breath, pressing one hand on his chest, "I seem to... I seem to be something wrong..."

"What's the matter?" General Logan immediately supported him.

Barea shivered, opened her briefcase, and smiled with a bit of pain on her face, "I...nothing big, I have medicine...not good, not good."

"What's wrong, you have a heart attack... Where is your medicine?" General Logan said loudly.

"At... at my bodyguard, he just went to the bathroom..." Barea's face was ugly.

General Logan supported him, turned and shouted to the bodyguard beside him, "You two, why are you stupid standing there? You, go to the bathroom over there and find Mr. Barea's bodyguard.

And you, come over and help me, first help him to the rest area next to him. "

Suddenly, the two bodyguards beside General Logan were also taken aback. Hearing this call from General Logan, he subconsciously followed his instructions.

Although they are responsible for monitoring General Logan, they are after all the bodyguards and entourage of General Logan.

Since the general had spoken, they had no reason to disobey. And it seems that the situation of that person named Barea is really not so good.

One of the bodyguards nodded to the other, "You stay here to take care of the two of them. I will go to the bathroom to find this gentleman's bodyguard."

The other bodyguard also nodded to him, "Go, I'll stare here."

Logan's bodyguard immediately turned and ran to the toilet at the corner of the corridor.