Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3628: Strategic shift

"Listen to me, brainless bastard." General Logan scolded while looking at his son. "If you are not my son, I should take you out and shoot you based on your public rebuttal at the meeting."

"General, Quinn is just young and vigorous." Gullit waved his hand. "However. If we want to evacuate, it will take some time. With so many brothers, we have all kinds of weapons and equipment, and heavy supplies, it is impossible to complete the evacuation in such a short time."

"We dealt with this **** Alex, and the secret agency will definitely notice it. We are running out of time and must complete the evacuation before they react to us.

If necessary, we give up some chores. Strive to evacuate quickly. This time, while you are all here, I just want to ask you to come up with a more appropriate plan. General Logan said solemnly.

"But we are currently under the siege of the Orumi Federation Forces. During our evacuation, there is a possibility that there will be an exchange of fire with the Orumi Federation Forces.

If you want to avoid them, you have to go from Alkahn. Alkahn's railway can help us transport a lot of materials and personnel.

And there was a railway that entered Canavia before, and we can enter Canavia directly from there. This is our best evacuation method.

But the current obstacle is that the city of Alkahn is currently under the control of the Orumi Federal Army, where they have a garrison of 800 to 1,000 men.

Although the number is small, it is likely to hold us back and attract more reinforcements. "Gullit frowned.

"Is there no other way?" General Logan frowned.

"There are other ways. But in that case, we are bound to start a fierce battle with the Orumi Federal Forces.

The Orumi Federal Army has sporadic garrisons in the surrounding areas. Although the number is small, once a large-scale battle breaks out. They will immediately organize and support each other. This will cause us a lot of trouble.

In particular, our purpose is to preserve vitality, not to entangle the enemy. So from this point of view, Alkahn and the railway in Alkahn may be our only choice at present. "General Gullit nodded.

"I agree with General Gullit." Lin Rui also looked at the map and said, "What we need is to fight for time. The railway line in Alkahn is the fastest way for us to enter Canavia."

"But in order to do this, we must first capture the city of Alkahn." General Logan frowned, "If it's other places, it's better to solve.

But in Alkahn, we all know that the place is easy to defend and hard to attack. We were there last time, dealing with enemy forces several times ours for a whole month.

They did not defeat us until the end, we took the initiative to evacuate there. In fact, according to conservative estimates, if we continue to stick to it, it can even be delayed for a month.

This is enough to show that this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. My position on both the offensive and the defenders has changed. They became the defensive side, but we became the attacking side. "

"This is indeed a problem. Alkahn is simply a fortress city, full of barriers, trenches and bunkers. This will drag the attacker into a hopeless street fight.

After the last war, our soldiers even called that place Alkane meat grinder. No one wants to fight in that environment. "Quin also shook his head.

"Moreover, if we want to take Alkahn City, we can't finish it within a day or two. At present, we still have some heavy artillery, which can be useful against some small enemy positions, but against Alkahn. Planting a place has little effect.

It can only rely on infantry to fight forward bit by bit. In this case, the results of a day's battle during the day are often lost due to the secret attack of the enemy at night. "The other officer is not optimistic about this battle.

"General Quinn, where are your troops currently deployed?" Lin Rui asked while looking at Quinn.

Quinn stood up and walked to the map, "My troops are currently deployed here, here are here." He marked several areas on the map with a pen.

"How many people are there in total here?" Lin Rui asked, pointing to the location closest to Alkane City.

"There is a regiment of troops deployed here, about a thousand people." Quinn thought for a while.

"Then how many people have you deployed here?" Lin Rui asked, pointing in another direction.

"In this position we only have more than 700 people. And lack of infantry support weapons, all are light infantry units." Quinn explained.

"Then can we launch a surprise attack from these two points at the same time, open the gap along this line, and separate this area from the entire Alkane city." Lin Rui drew a diagonal line on the map.

"You mean, distract and cut the enemy?" General Logan muttered.

"It can be said that there is currently only a garrison of more than 800 people in Alkahn, and they are not gathered in the same area.

If we get through this line and cut open the whole area along the railway, we won't have to occupy the entire Alkahn. We only need to occupy this station area and the railway along the northwest corner of Alka. Lin Rui pointed to the map.

"Can this be done?" General Logan asked, looking at Gullit.

"I think it is possible. In this case, we only need to annihilate the defenders in the station area. And rely on this line to deploy defenses to ensure the safety of the station and along the railway line until we evacuate the troops from the railway transportation." Coulee nodded.

"This has two advantages. This is a small-scale low-intensity battle, similar to the friction that often occurs between the two sides.

From the Orumi Federal Army's point of view, they only lost a small piece of territory, and the entire Alkane city is still under their control. The Orumi Federal Forces did not move further forward.

This will paralyze them and make them think that this battle is just a sporadic conflict between the two sides. In fact, such conflicts and frictions are not uncommon during the confrontation between the two sides. "Lin Rui replied.

"And the most important point is that the current elite of the Orumi Federal Army are concentrated on the front line of Kanavia.

They did not make clear requirements for the troops around Anmore City, they only need to maintain the status quo. Under such circumstances, the troops who stayed in Alkahn do not seek merit, but seek no fault.

They did not realize that such mild friction was actually preparing us for a full evacuation from Anmore.

By the time they realized this, they could no longer prevent this from happening. "

General Logan nodded, "Just do it this way, this time I'm going to surprise the Orumi Federal Army."