Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3678: Canavian Liberation Army

Lin Rui was too familiar with this gesture, just asking for money. This is because the rebels do not have much normal income, so they often rely on such things for blackmail.

Lin Rui and the others had already taken offense to this kind of blocking tolls.

So Lin Rui leaned against the car window and asked, "How much does it cost?"

"100, 100 dollars." The black militant gestured, "Hand over 100 dollars and I will let you pass. Otherwise, all get out of the car for inspection and seize the vehicle and your weapons."

Lin Rui nodded, and put a color on the scar face on the side, "Here it!"

Scarface reached into his pocket and took out a pistol, which was shot at the front door of the black militant.

The crazy horse suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle rushed forward. Knocked an militant in front of the vehicle to the ground and ran over them directly.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy, killing their people on the territory of the Canavian Liberation Army?" An AU official turned his head in surprise.

"Calm down, sir, they are not the Canavia Liberation Army. Look at that guy's boots. The Canavia Liberation Army is so poor that they can't even wear pants. They can't afford them.

In addition, on such a hot day, you have seen some of the thick clothes that the Kanavia Liberation Army would wear, wrapping themselves tightly. Because they want to hide the body armor they wear inside.

So this guy is a fake, and they are here for you. Lin Rui said calmly, "They chased from behind, Crazy Horse, and opened the roof of the car. "

Crazy Horse opened the roof window because he took a rocket launcher and stuck his head out, and then it was a rocket.

The rocket followed a trail of white tail flames and hit the chasing vehicle behind. The armed truck instantly exploded into a ball of flames.

"Keep driving, don't stop." Lin Rui sat back in the car seat.

"God, what are you doing? You just killed a car of people without asking any reason." An AU official shook his head in surprise.

"That's because we want to protect you and your companions. If I need to spend time to reason with them, then I guess it will take more time to collect the dead bodies for you." Lin Rui said calmly.

"Sit down. They have more than one car. There are two more behind." Crazy Horse suddenly shouted into the rearview mirror.

"Quickly throw them away and form a guard formation after pulling apart." Lin Rui shouted in a deep voice.

The vehicle behind was firing, bullets roared past, Crazy Horse continued to change the trajectory of the vehicle, driving the vehicle to do irregular left and right evasion.

The mercenaries in several other vehicles also stuck their heads out of the windows and shot backwards.

"Eric!" Lin Rui shouted in a low voice.

"Understood!" Eric agreed and took out a weapon and put it on the roof of the car. It's the sniper grenade gun.

"Boom!" A gunshot sounded and the car that was the closest to it exploded. The wreckage of the explosion was flying everywhere, and due to inertia, the broken and burning car body continued to roll forward.

The other car that pursued them also lost control because the driver was shot. Suddenly turned over and fell to the side of the road.

"Let's go, let's go and take a look." Lin Rui got out of the car and led the team members to the side of the overturned car.

Several people in the car had long since been shot and overturned. Sergey dragged a corpse out of the car.

"Untie his clothes." Lin Rui nodded.

Now I cut the coat of the corpse with a dagger, revealing the black bulletproof vest inside.

"Kevlar's vest, with bulletproof guards." Sergey shook his head.

Mr. Gary Nason, the head of the African Union Observer Group, hurried over and asked loudly, "What the **** is going on?!"

"I'm afraid some people don't want you to meet with the Canavia rebels, and of course they don't want them to reach an agreement with the Canavis government to jointly fight against the Orumi Federal Army's invasion." Lin Rui pointed to the corpse on the ground.

"Do you have any evidence?" Gary Nathan asked.

Lin Rui pointed to the corpse on the ground and said, "They are the evidence themselves. The Kanavia Liberation Army is currently very difficult.

However, if you look at their weapons and equipment, Kevlar bulletproof vest, a brand new weapon made in Switzerland. It is no exaggeration to say that if the Kanavia Liberation Army had this kind of equipment, they would not be rebels, because they had already killed the government army and became the boss. "

"But who are they? Why do you want to kill us?" Mr. Gary Nathan asked strangely.

"I don't know this, and we are not Sherlock Holmes. We are just your bodyguards. Get in the car, Mr. Garenason, we'd better join the real Canavian Liberation Army as soon as possible.

If this happens only once or twice, we still have the ability to deal with it. But if there are too many enemies, we cannot stop such an attack every time. "Lin Rui replied.

"Well, I didn't expect this to happen." Mr. Gary Nathan nodded.

"Please all get back to the car, for your safety, please cooperate with us." Lin Rui snapped his fingers.

The members of these AU observer groups can only return to the car one by one. Lin Rui took them and moved on. After an hour, the convoy arrived in the southern city of Bugatán in Canavia.

This is also the main camp of the rebel Canavian Liberation Army. In their barracks, Lin Rui and the AU observers finally met the main leaders of the Kanavia Liberation Army.

This is a very honest-looking middle-aged black man. He walked over to Mr. Gary Nathan, the head of the AU Observer Group, and stretched out his hand, "Hello, this is Horns. The commander-in-chief of the Kanavia Liberation Army."

"General Horns, I am the head of the AU Observation Mission, Gary Nathan." Gary Nathan stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

"I have heard of the name." Hols nodded, "Please, let's talk in the conference room."

Hols was greeting Gary Nathan and the others, but two people walked down in the other car. These two people are representatives of Canavia.

Originally, they were both Kanavia's rebels, but now in response to the call that I want the president, they gave up continuing to confront the government and chose to cooperate with the government to deal with the Orumi Federation invasion.

These two people, Hols knew each other. He walked in front of the two men and nodded. "I didn't expect you to come too."

"We are on behalf of the Canavian government, well, I know you sound awkward to say that." One of them smiled and said, "I'm also awkward."

"No matter what, please come in. Come to our meeting room and talk." Hols nodded.