Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3693: Pursuit art

Almost anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mekas has made a desperate move. The entire Orumi temporary barracks did not even stay in the reserve team. There is no room for all the troops detained. However, the source of troops in other areas of Gilando is still Constantly gathering to the south, this is entirely meant to desperately break through.

Mekas knew that if he was surrounded by enemy forces, he would definitely be trapped to death, so he desperately wanted to break out to the south, because from the current point of view, the enemy forces to the south should be members of the Kanavia guerrillas and the Hammer organization. They should be the weakest link in the enemy camp.

Lin Rui also understood that if he persisted, there would be no effect except for the increased losses of the troops. In fact, as long as the enemy forces withdraw from Gilando, their mission has been completed. At this stage, as long as he orders the withdrawal of troops. A large number of enemy troops will break through the encirclement and complete the breakthrough from the south of Gilando.

And this is exactly what they planned. The reason why he has to delay for a while is to continue to consume these enemies, so that when these enemies fall into the final encirclement, morale will drop to the lowest point. What he wants is to make the enemy lose his courage and have no intention to fight again, not to fight with the beast with the heart of death.

An artillery shell exploded in the southeast corner of the Olumi Army temporary barracks with a screaming sound. Flames and air waves overturned a tent. The Olumi Federal Army soldiers ran around screaming and busy. Put out the lit tent.

Mekas's face was extremely ugly. After he led the army to capture Gilando, he was full of confidence, and he was full of ambition to make a great contribution to win the appreciation of his superiors. But now it was like a blow, trapped under the double double-team of the Anmor Army and the Canavian Army. The only thing I can do now is to lead the team to break through.

But he still has one last hope, which is to preserve strength to the greatest extent, reduce casualties, and try to fight again.

Another artillery shell exploded at the entrance of the barracks, and an Orumi Federation officer rushed in, "Report! The enemy finally retreated under our repeated attacks. They retreated!"

"What? They retreated?" The ecstatic smile made Mekas's face muscles struggle for a long time before shouting loudly, "Send my order: all evacuate from the south of the city! Be fast! Judging from the current signs , The enemy army has not been completely defeated, so it is very likely that they will only retreat temporarily. Once they complete their reorganization, they will block our retreat again!"

"Understand!" Several officers stood at attention.

Mekas turned around heavily, looking at the topographic map on the command post wall with complicated mentality. Gillando's gains and losses made him very unwilling. But now the situation is better than humans, and he must accept this fact. Although it is very difficult, as long as this unit is still there, there is still the possibility of a comeback.

"Quick! Bring your important things, and throw away everything you don't need! Burn all paper documents and take down the computer hard drive." The Orumi Federation officers shouted loudly in the camp, and the order to retreat was immediately issued. .

They were afraid of chaos during the retreat, and the enemy would take advantage of the chaos. The officers of the Union Army of Orumi used their organizational advantages to the extreme.

The guerrillas in the Canavia position had already suffered a long time ago, even if they had already pushed the Orumi Federal Army into a hurry, but the price they had paid was already considerable.

Hearing the order to retreat from the Crazy Horse behind, all were overjoyed and fought desperately. The Orumi Federal Army thought that the enemy was going to make the final madness, but these guerrillas screamed everywhere and fired a few shots in a state of indignation. After only a few seconds, they turned around and ran away.

Scarface’s shoulders were wrapped in white hemostatic gauze, and he was holding a double-mounted gun to cover the evacuated Crazy Horse and others. These armed trucks used bullets to protect their comrades from evacuation on the battlefield. Just in case, because the enemy on the opposite side obviously has a bit of red eye. Scarface fears that the enemy will be forced to jump over the wall in a hurry, and cause unnecessary casualties to the troops led by Crazy Horse.

In fact, the Orumi Federal Army has decisively issued an order not to pursue it. Their main purpose now is to break through, and they don't want to continue to entangle here. In this campaign, the Orumi Federal Army almost paid the price of two squadrons, abandoned most of the supplies and equipment, and then escaped from Gilando.

Lin Rui is also deploying urgently. He has asked General Logan to send an ambush with more than two thousand troops. Lie in an ambush on the only way between Gilando and Drumman. But he can't and let the enemy run too easily, he must keep the enemy tense.

So Lin Rui asked the evacuated Crazy Horse and Scarface to regroup the troops, and then pursued them all the way. The requirements are very simple, try to avoid contact with large groups of enemy forces, and specifically select singular and small groups of enemy forces to start. In this way, there is no difficulty in combat, and it can form a posture of maintaining the pursuit of the enemy, making these escaping enemies physically and mentally exhausted.

However, Lin Rui also ordered that after exceeding 15 kilometers, he should immediately stop and stand by and stop chasing.

"Boss, why don't we keep pursuing? Isn't there a large number of our ambushes ahead? We can drive them all the way to the ambush point." Crazy Horse asked.

"This way they will continue to be tense. I need them to have a temporary relaxation." Lin Rui smiled slightly, "This is like physical training. After you run for ten kilometers, in fact, you can grit your teeth and run again. Ten kilometers. But at this time I let you rest for five minutes and drink some water. If you run again, I guess you will not be able to hold on. Because you have completely relaxed, especially when you are physically and mentally tired. Relax completely and it will be difficult to get nervous again.

Similarly, these enemy forces finally managed to break through, and there were no pursuers behind them. Moreover, after being exhausted physically and mentally, after a sudden relaxation, I am afraid the thing I want most is to have a good night's sleep. Even if they can persist in this way, it will be difficult for them to have too strong combat effectiveness. If they fall into the ambush again at this time, I am afraid they will not have any mood to fight again. Lin Rui explained.

"It seems to make sense, I didn't think of it." Sergey nodded.

"Because your brain is not very useful at all." Crazy Horse shook his head.

"Okay, stop bickering, set off right away and chase these enemy forces." Lin Rui nodded and said, "Turn on the armed trucks and chase down the remnants with machine guns. This job is much easier than before.

Bring the Canavian guerrillas and let them experience how to chase down the enemy. From now on, don't mess around with Lao Tzu on the battlefield. If you can't do order prohibition, any tactical order is in vain. "

"Understood." Crazy Horse nodded.