Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3716: Trekking

The flood came fast, but it disappeared but not so fast. Because the terrain of this place is relatively low. The upstream reservoir burst, and the surging flood flooded the entire area.

The Oromi Federal Army vehicles and personnel were soaked in waist-deep water. Colonel Buck was rescued by his soldiers, but he was not washed away by the flood.

When he saw the entire battlefield, he almost wanted to cry without tears. The entire battlefield has almost become a big bath.

Thousands of soldiers and their equipment are soaking in the muddy water. The officers were busy reassembling the soldiers and rescuing supplies, the scene was messy. Where is the aura of combat troops, like a refugee camp.

"What the **** is going on!" Colonel Buck roared loudly.

"It should be the upstream reservoir. They blew up the upstream reservoir and flooded the area." An officer braved waist-deep water and walked to him.

"Count the personnel and equipment, report the loss!" Colonel Buck ordered loudly. But their communication equipment has all been soaked in water.

His order can only be transmitted by personnel. A simple order, from issue to implementation, took almost half an hour.

"Colonel, we lost some of our personnel, but it is not too serious. But most of our equipment and vehicles are soaked in the water. Almost all vehicles are out of service." Several low-ranking officers reported to Colonel Buck Tao.

"Colonel, what shall we do now?" the officer asked Colonel Buck. "The bridge was destroyed, and most of our vehicles and equipment were soaked in the water. Although some were rescued, if most of the equipment and supplies were damp."

"Colonel, let's go around from other places," the officer persuaded.

"We must never go around, we must rush to Alkane in the shortest time possible. Now our vehicles are soaked in water and cannot start normally.

If we want to go around, it means we have to walk a long way in this muddy place. The enemy wants us to be like this, we can't waste any time! Colonel Buck took a deep breath.

"Notify all the troops that we will cross the river with arms and let the brothers relax as much as possible. Give up all unnecessary supplies.

After crossing the river, seize the commanding heights across the river. Cover the follow-up troops to advance. "

"But Colonel, there are enemy troops on the opposite side. They will definitely stop us." A second lieutenant hesitated.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. The water was so strong just now, and their first position must have been completely submerged.

They either retreated to the high ground ahead or were washed away by the water. As long as we rush up, there should still be a chance. Colonel Buck said loudly.

Several other Oromi Federation officers thought about it, and now there is indeed only one way. Therefore, the soldiers can only be organized to prepare to cross the river.

On the other side of the river, Lin Rui and others were also in a panic. They did not expect that such a huge flash flood would erupt after the dam was blown up.

Even if they were prepared, they were a step too late. The two anti-tank guns of General Logan did not have time to **** them out, and they were still in the water.

Lin Rui himself was half wet. While letting the brethren organize defenses on the hillside again, they held up the telescope to observe the enemy's situation in the distance.

"They are much worse than us." Sergey shook his head. "The terrain there is lower than ours. Most cars can only see a roof.

Only some large trucks were not completely submerged. However, it is estimated that none of them can be opened. "

"The **** sausage is really cruel. He almost drowned us all." Scarface sat staggeringly beside Lin Rui.

He took off his army boots and poured a puddle of water from them. Because when the flash flood broke out just now, he retreated a bit slowly, and the water flooded to his knees. The two army boots were also filled with water.

"Boss, how is the enemy's situation?" Crazy Horse asked in a low voice.

"They are regrouping their troops. It seems just as I thought, they still want to get to Alkane as soon as possible. For this reason, they are desperate and want to swim across the river." Lin Rui said with his telescope.

"Knowing that we are waiting for them on the other side, do they dare to swim across the river armed?" Crazy Horse shook his head. "Is their commander a fool?"

"He is not a fool. The enemy commanders are still very smart. Judging from their formation, they want to spread out as much as possible and extend the swimming area.

He is betting that we don't have such a long line. In fact, we did not. "Lin Rui put down the telescope said.

"I understand. They want to disperse across the river, except to prevent us from defending all the river crossing troops.

We can also find out our general defense position through this trial. "Lin Rui smiled slightly.

"That's true. They think we used to mainly defend the bridge above the river. So we will definitely concentrate our forces on the bridge.

Now they scattered all the troops by the river. If we attack them while crossing the river, they can know our general defensive position based on the attack situation. Then make adjustments based on this situation and bypass our line of defense. "Scarface nodded.

"However, we still have a chance. We can launch an attack while they are in the water. The turbulent flow of the river limits their mobility, and it does not take much effort to attack the enemy in the water." Sergey said loudly.

"That's right. Tell the brethren, once they start crossing the river, we will open fire. All firepower points are aimed at the enemy crossing the river to hit them to the greatest extent." Lin Rui nodded.

"Boss, wouldn't this expose our defense status?" Scarface asked.

"It will indeed be exposed, so even if it is exposed to him, it doesn't make much sense. We try to stop them from crossing the river. Their primary goal after crossing the river should be to occupy the beachhead and cover the follow-up troops.

We will give them that piece of ground. "Lin Rui smiled and said, "Once they rush to the beachhead and start to organize defenses, we will withdraw. "

"What? Once they succeed in grabbing the beach, we will evacuate? But isn't our goal to stop them?" Sergey said strangely.

"We really want to stop them. But when the other party gritted his teeth and came to us desperately, the best way is not to fight with them, but to take a step back temporarily. It won't be necessary for them to have any energy." Lin Rui smiled. .

"It makes sense." Crazy Horse nodded, "Just as they are embarrassed, it is estimated that they are still suffocating.

After a wave, we simply evacuated. The Oromi Federation soldiers, who had no vehicles, no supplies and no dry clothes, followed us behind their ass. "