Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3761: High alert

Jiang An frowned, "Los Alamos National Laboratory? There is a world-renowned scientific research institution, mainly responsible for the design of nuclear weapons in the United States. What are we going to do there?"

"Go catch someone or kill him." Lin Rui replied.

"Yes, Los Alamos National Laboratory? Are you sure this is not a joke?" Jiang An asked in surprise.

"Aladdin is serious, I don't think it is." Lin Rui shook his head mockingly.

"Wait, I know there. You can't go anywhere." Jiang Jian shook his head, "Especially recently. The US Congress approved a series of bills to improve the state of nuclear arsenals. The United States will not only improve the combat readiness of existing nuclear arsenals, It also needs to promote the upgrading of nuclear weapons. At present, there are at least three types of new nuclear warheads listed-warheads for LRSO new nuclear cruise missiles, small-yield nuclear warheads for Trident missiles, and GBSD new intercontinental missile warheads.

These new warheads cannot use the trigger components of previous nuclear weapons and need to be re-developed. Under this circumstance, the United States restarted the production of nuclear weapon trigger cores, with Los Alamos National Laboratory being the focus.

The new plan proposed by Lisa Gorton-Haggett, Director of the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear and Military Administration NNSA, is to restore the ability of the Los Alamos Laboratory to produce at least 30 plutonium cores per year-this is the key to the trigger of thermonuclear weapons part. Can you imagine the security situation there? Not even insects can fly in. "

The big Jon nodded, "It's true. Los Alamos National Laboratory has experienced many accidents in recent years, including the loss of plutonium material, the mistaken transportation of nuclear material to other federal facilities by commercial freighter, etc. In addition, there have also been incidents. Failure to properly package nuclear waste led to radioactive leaks. As a result, the only underground nuclear waste storage facility in the United States had to be partially closed temporarily for three years.

Therefore, they have recently changed their contracting units. Triad National Security Corporation is now responsible for it. The United States spends 2.5 billion annually to improve a large number of security vulnerabilities and failure to complete tasks at specified nodes. It is said that now it can be said to be the most invulnerable place. "

"I have a feeling that this task will kill us all." Sergey shook his head. "Where is it, Yankee's nuclear weapons laboratory?"

"Yes, the research and development site of the first atomic bomb of mankind, until now, has undertaken the task of nuclear weapons production in the United States." Jiang Jian shook his head, "I am sure that the security level after the transformation is extremely high."

"According to what unit is responsible for security?" Lin Rui asked.

The big Jon replied, "One of the four partners of Los Alamos National Security Company, BWXT Technology Company. BWXT Company has more than 50 years of important nuclear management, operation and manufacturing experience, while still ensuring safety, Provide strong leadership in security and production work environment."

Jiangan nodded and said, "I know this company. BWXT is headquartered in Lynchburg, Virginia. They have a long history in the Department of Energy’s nuclear manufacturing and operations, and they are unique, high-security and private. It manages and operates nuclear production facilities and laboratory facilities in an integrated manner.

The company has provided nuclear products and services to the US government and commercial customers for more than 50 years. BWXT has extensive experience in nuclear safety and security. BWXT is also responsible for the operations of the Department of Energy's National Nuclear and Defense Administration's Pendex plant in Texas, the Y-12 National Security Consortium in Tennessee, and the Idaho National Laboratory. "

"It's also a private security company?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes, but they are not the same as us, and there is not much overlap in business. They are mainly responsible for the alert and security maintenance of nuclear facilities, and are responsible for domestic tasks. We are more focused on US military operations overseas. But It was a company that was more than 50 years old. Their long-term cooperation with the U.S. military and research institutions is enough to show that they are not a good crop." Jiang An frowned.

"Damn, it feels like we are fighting against the entire United States." Scarface couldn't help cursing.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Rui turned to the big Jon and said, "Aladdin won't ask me to come to you for no reason. What can you do to help?"

"The good news is that I used to be an employee of BWXT technology company." Jon replied, "I learned some security insider through some old relationships. Maybe it will help you."

"Oh? Then, tell me, what do you know?" Lin Rui nodded.

"The security of BWXT Technologies at Los Alamos National Laboratory is the highest level. However, many adjustments have been made to the particularity of this place. The first is the monitoring system, which is different from inside and outside. The external use is the monitoring provided by Texas Instruments. Systems, Texas Instruments, is the world's leading semiconductor multinational company, well-known for its development, manufacturing, and sales of semiconductors and computer technology.

Mainly engaged in the research, manufacturing and sales of innovative digital signal processing and analog circuits. In addition to the semiconductor business, it also provides solutions including sensing and control, education products and digital light source processing. They provided the latest designed sensing instruments and digital monitoring for this laboratory.

Let me tell you this, there is almost no blind spot monitoring on the periphery of the laboratory. There are hidden camera surveillance and digital sensing equipment everywhere. If you follow the ordinary way, you will be discovered as long as you approach that area before entering the laboratory. Then the security forces will be notified immediately and quickly surround you.

From discovering the target to reaching the scene and putting it into action, their reaction time only takes 30 seconds. "Jon replied.

"Damn, such strict monitoring?" Sergey shook his head. "Doesn't this mean that we have nowhere to hide?"

"Not necessarily. Although their monitoring is tight, there are ways to bypass it. The easiest way is to use electromagnetic interference. The high-power electromagnetic interference devices we get on the European black market can play a role. Especially at night, they There are not many ways to find you. I can find you mainly by relying on infrared detection.

Current monitoring does not actively emit infrared rays, but detects whether it is invaded by receiving infrared rays. If you want to cheat, just don't emit infrared rays. We have a batch of equipment to help you. "Jon replied.

"Anti-infrared equipment." Jiang An nodded.

"Yes, according to the basic principle of infrared imaging, objects above absolute zero will emit infrared radiation. Infrared stealth technology reduces the intensity of the target's infrared radiation by shielding and reducing emissivity, but infrared radiation still exists.

The methods of anti-infrared stealth mainly include improving the sensitivity of the infrared imaging system, from integral imaging, to infrared index detection spectral imaging, the band expansion from medium wave, long wave to very long wave, the expansion of THZ wave, and multi-band fusion imaging.

There is a fabric material in Europe that is made of selected colors as dyes and mixed with special chemicals. The anti-infrared reconnaissance cloak is roughly similar to the reverse infrared light waves of the surrounding natural scenery, and the color effect is closer to the natural color environment. It can confuse the enemy's vision and interfere with infrared reconnaissance equipment, so that invisible people who are moving close to the enemy will not be found, and the suddenness of combat is improved. "Jon whispered.