Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3871: Deadlock

The fierce battle lasted more than ten minutes. Under the siege of mercenaries led by Lincoln. The remaining Red Devil troops realized the danger and tried to retreat into the building again, fighting stubbornly.

But Lincoln realized this a long time ago. A squad of mercenaries under him interspersed with the enemy’s rear in advance, blocking the enemy’s retreat, and the high-altitude machine gun fire blocked the Red Devil’s force. route.

Lincoln and the others had discovered the body of the mercenary guard before, and witnessed the death of so many companions, making Lincoln and the mercenaries extremely hate the Red Devil army.

There was no reservation in the start, and in the end, amidst bursts of explosions, the part of the Red Devil's troops occupying the top of the mountain were all annihilated.

But the madness and brutality of these people still made these battle-tested mercenaries feel their heartbeats speeding up.

Although the mercenaries took advantage of the raid and were more familiar with the terrain than the opponent, these members of the Red Devil army continued to fight until the last person, and none of them surrendered.

The last soldier of the Red Devil Army, hopelessly breaking through the surroundings, detonated the bomb on his body, and the scene was horrible.

After the battle was over, Lincoln immediately returned to the satellite signal relay station on the top of the mountain and asked the technical team to start repairing the damaged communication line.

At the same time, Lin Rui and others were already in a bitter battle. The Red Devil army poured almost all of its strength into a storm of mercenaries on the black island near the port.

Lin Rui and the others completely relied on the advantages of the terrain and the pre-deployed fire support points to withstand waves of enemy attacks.

Bruno, the commander of the Red Devil Army, looked at his watch, and it has been more than half an hour since they launched the attack on the mercenaries.

Within half an hour, the mercenaries outside the port did not retreat in the slightest. Judging from firepower, their number should not be large. However, relying on the favorable terrain, the offensive of the Red Devil troops was firmly suppressed.

Bruno faintly felt something was wrong, and the combat capabilities of the mercenaries on the opposite side were somewhat beyond his expectations.

This ability is reflected in the execution of the opponent. They seem to be temporarily organized defense lines, but they can complete mutual support, often playing some jaw-dropping partial cooperation.

These extremely tacit cooperation with each other enables these mercenaries to make up for their disadvantages in numbers and produce an effect of one plus one greater than two. That's why I can stick to it for half an hour, but never let go.

What made Bruno more disturbed was that his troops could not break through the front, and were often hit by other mercenaries on the flanks.

Those sneak attacks that he thought were just one or two scattered mercenaries became more and more serious, and it seemed that there were more than one or two people.

It is more like two small combat teams, constantly harassing their flanks and rear.

In order to maintain the strength of suppressing the mercenaries in the port, Bruno could not transfer his forces to the two flanks.

Because he is very clear, this will make his troops more dispersed. And spreading out to search for those mercenaries who attacked on both wings would not have a very good effect.

Because of the complex terrain and dense vegetation on the island, these small groups of mercenaries can completely avoid their own hunts and can even use the terrain to launch guerrilla attacks against the Red Devil troops.

So Bruno is now in a very embarrassing situation. The mercenaries who raided the port were still entrenched around the port, and the Red Devil troops could not attack them for a long time.

The rear and flanks of the Red Devil troops have also been attacked and harassed by mercenaries, resulting in casualties, and the trend of casualties is increasing.

Bruno believes that the main problem lies with the mercenaries in the port. Although they are under the strong pressure of the Red Devil troops, the entire line of defense has been shaky, but they just don't.

"Sir, we can't go on like this anymore. Could the mercenaries at the port just be a fake target to attract us?

They use this obvious false target to hold us, and then use the force of the flanks to continuously consume us? "A member of the Red Devil Army reminded him in a low voice beside Bruno.

Bruno's face was gloomy, "Do you think I haven't thought about it this way? But the mercenaries outside the port obviously have the majority in firepower and numbers.

It is impossible for them to hold us with the majority, but attack us with a minority of troops. This is not in line with common sense.

Another point is that the port is the important goal. The reason they attacked the port was probably because they took the ship and fled.

If we disperse our forces to deal with those small groups of mercenaries. Then the black island mercenaries in the port may directly attack the port and flee.

And they are likely to carry important confidential information of the Black Island military company. That is our real goal. "

"Yes, sir." The member of the Red Devil Army can only nodded with interest.

Bruno whispered, "Order the troops to increase the intensity of their attacks and completely annihilate these mercenaries before they take the harbor.

Then we clean up the remaining small groups of mercenaries on the island. I want to make sure that all the black island mercenaries on this island never survive. "

"Sir, our raid has already received miraculous results. And we have successfully destroyed the headquarters of the Black Island Company. Why should we stay here?

Once the Black Island Company detects the abnormality, but we have not left in time, it will be very detrimental to us. "The member of the Red Devil Army whispered again.

"I understand what you are talking about. But this is a death order from the Baron. The Black Island Company has repeatedly antagonized our organization. This time, the Baron wanted to completely eradicate them.

Therefore, such a small fight is not enough, we need to completely eradicate the foundation of the Black Island military company. "

"Do you mean to completely destroy this island?" The members of the Red Devil army beside him were surprised.

"What is the destruction of this island? After destroying an island, the Black Island Company can find another place to rebuild an island.

We must find their transaction information. A military company like Black Island cannot be absolutely clean. Although they are cooperating with Western powers such as Britain and the United States, they are flawless on the surface.

But in fact, there are many ulterior transactions between these mercenaries and their employers. In their jargon, this is called ‘dirty work’.

This type of task includes many details that must never be exposed. And it is very likely to involve many interests.

As their employers, they demand absolute confidentiality, and as a black island military company, they must keep these secrets completely within one day of existence.

Therefore, the information is very important. Once leaked, the interests of all parties, including the employers of the Black Island Company, will jointly coerce the Black Island Company.

We don’t even need to deal with them, they will fall apart. Bruno said in a low voice, "This is our real purpose." "