Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3937: Death trap

With the subsequent offensives of Black Island Company mercenaries, the soldiers of the Red Devil Army launched a crazy counterattack.

They defeated the mercenaries of the Black Island Company in individual combat capability and small-scale cooperative operations. The firepower of various types of firearms has brought them into full play.

Although the mercenaries of the Black Island Company have the advantage of surprise attacks and the number is far higher than that of the Red Devil troops, they are helpless in the face of this situation. At least it will be impossible to win this camp in a short time.

Then Black Panther Gulei, Lin Rui and others could not delay the battle for too long, because if it was too long, there would be greater variables. And this kind of variable may be extremely detrimental to them.

Because so far they still don't know whether the Red Devil Army has only this camp.

If the Red Devil troops have secret camps in other locations, they will soon receive support from the outside world, and this operation will become extremely difficult.

In the end, Black Panther Gulei accepted Lin Rui's opinion and withdrew from the position where the battle was most intense. This is also the weakest link of the mercenaries on the black island.

A large number of lethal firepower was deployed outside the encirclement, including the French VBCI infantry fighting vehicles, which can be regarded as light vehicles.

After seeing the hope of breaking through the siege, the soldiers of the Red Devil Army went crazy, and they stepped up their offensive desperately.

Bullets from machine guns and automatic rifles poured like rain, blazing streams of light across the air. The explosions of mortars and grenades one after another made dust everywhere.

The dead Red Devil soldiers fell down at the intersection almost one after another. The following soldiers of the Red Devil Army drove their combat vehicles and rushed forward frantically.

The combat truck drove the disabled vehicle in front, crushing the bones of the compatriots and rushing forward. Bullet marks and blood stains are all over the body of almost every car.

But as long as they don't die, their eyes are still full of blood-colored beasts, and they fight endlessly.

This unit, composed entirely of descendants of Japanese prisoners of war, still retains the beast-like fighting spirit of the Japanese in World War II. And this barbaric fighting spirit and bloodthirsty fanaticism has disappeared in the contemporary Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

Although the contemporary Japan Ground Self-Defense Force frequently participates in various peacekeeping operations, its capabilities are worrying. Both in Iraq and South Sudan have proved unbearable.

Even in South Sudan, there have been jokes about five land-based peacekeepers being captured by two black militiamen.

However, in the body of these Red Devil troops, in addition to still maintaining the combative and bloodthirsty style of martial arts back then, they are more integrated into the rugged and wild character of the Russian nation.

As Colonel Yamamoto said, the Red Devils are neither Japanese nor Russian. They are just people who lived and died for war.

Just as a large number of members of the Red Devil army drove out of the siege, they were waiting for several steel monsters. The VBCI infantry fighting vehicle blocked the way they escaped.

The eight-wheeled armored vehicle weighing 18 tons is not only equipped with a powerful M811 cannon. There are also auxiliary weapons, a 7.62 mm parallel machine gun, located on the right side of the 25 mm machine gun.

The armored vehicles that had been prepared a long time ago immediately fired at the armed trucks that rushed out.

Not to mention the M811 cannon, a single shot can destroy a truck. Even the 7.62mm parallel machine gun can have a fatal effect on armed trucks.

The several Red Devil armed trucks that rushed out were immediately destroyed. One was hit on the side and the other was hit head-on.

The armed truck that was hit by the front suddenly turned into a ball of flames, and lost control of its direction. The forward trend did not weaken and rushed out, hitting a sand dune not far away.

The luck of the truck hit by the flanks was even worse. The huge explosion overturned the truck. The truck was rolling and burning. One of the wheels was blown up, and it was still burning when it soared and landed on the ground, emitting dense smoke.

Subsequent members of the Red Devil army continued to pour into this gap, but without exception, they were hit and blown up and burned. Their armed truck can't stand a shot.

The follow-up troops frantically fired at several armored vehicles, but after the bullets shot on the armored vehicles, they bounced off one after another.

It is obviously not realistic that ordinary 7.62 bullets want to penetrate the VBCI infantry fighting vehicle. After all, the VBCI infantry fighting vehicle is an armored vehicle.

The armor density value of the whole vehicle reaches 0.55 tons cubic meters. The armor density value is a comprehensive index to measure the armor protection of a tank, expressed by dividing the total combat weight of the tank by the total volume of the tank.

The higher the armor density value, the better the armor protection. The armor density value of wheeled armored fighting vehicles is generally 0.45-0.60 tons per cubic meter, while the armor density value of VBCI infantry fighting vehicles reaches 0.55 tons per cubic meter, which is already quite high.

They must be destroyed unless anti-armor weapons such as bazookas are used.

Of course, the members of the Red Devil Army did not give up this attempt. Several armed soldiers rushed out carrying bazookas, but there were few exceptions. One rushed out and one was killed.

Black Panther Gure deliberately ambushed a group of snipers nearby to deal with soldiers holding bazookas.

These armored vehicles are Silver Wolf's treasures, and they are rarely used in ordinary times. Panther Gulei can't rest assured that these cars have any losses.

So he mobilized the troops in advance, regrouped the snipers with guns, and laid ambush nearby. Of course, even without these snipers, the parallel machine guns on the armored vehicles may effectively deter the Red Devil troops.

The members of the Red Devil Army were not willing to be stuck here for a long time. Therefore, the vehicles in front of them were destroyed one after another, and the soldiers behind were rushing forward desperately.

At this moment, Lin Rui patted Black Panther Gulei on the shoulder, both of them were smiling.

Their goal has been achieved. By deliberately opening a hole, a large number of enemy troops have been concentrated in this gap, and the defense of the surrounding area of ​​the camp will be greatly weakened at this time.

Black Panther Gulei immediately ordered to shrink the encirclement. Let other mercenary units around you press towards the middle of the camp.

Due to the failure of the overall command and deployment of the Red Devil troops, each small unit is relying on its own fighting, lacking overall coordination.

So when they came to consciousness, they had already suffered a lot, and the original activity space was further compressed.

That seemingly only escape gap has turned into a desperate trap that continues to cause them a lot of casualties.

Although the members of the Red Devil are not allowed to follow suit, they are not afraid of death. But this does not mean that they will not die. Under the combined force of machine guns and a large number of machine guns, the passage became a veritable passage of death.

A large number of soldiers of the Red Devil Army continued to attack, and they continued to fall on this gap. In just half an hour, the casualties of the Red Devil troops doubled, and by the time they realized this, it was already too late.