Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3982: Danny Jones

Lin Rui looked at Sausage and smiled, "Yes, I really can't be careless. However, don't think about things too complicated. The rebellious company should not be here, because Danny Jones still doesn't care about the number of militias at this point. .

He is likely to be hiding here temporarily, and his troops are likely to be deployed elsewhere. "

"Boss, why are you so sure?" Sergey asked.

"First of all, it must be the rebel company who attacked the Yankees. With the local armed militia, it is impossible to beat the Yankees so badly.

Ah, Danny Jones will definitely not stay with the rebellious company. He wanted to create a false impression that the Yankee thought he was still in Mopti. So the rebellious company should be there, and he hid here.

This means that the Yankee, even if the position of the rebel company is locked, is impossible to find him. And if the rebellious company stays here, even the perimeter defense will not be handed over to the armed militias.

So I'm sure that Danny Jones is here, and there are only a few bodyguards around him. Because his stay here is only a temporary move, he is waiting for news from Rauda. By the way, I also want to kill people.

When Rauda is resolved, he should leave immediately. So he will not bring too many people around. "Lin Rui replied.

"In that case, what are we waiting for? I have seen the terrain just now, and the northwest side is almost empty. There are only a few armed militias there, like symbolic sentry.

We can completely bypass them and go directly inside. With luck, we might be able to find Danny Jones soon. "Quick horse whispered.

"But what if you are unlucky? If we are caught by these armed militias, it is easy to be entangled by them. They have a lot more numbers than us. Once we are entangled by them, it will be more difficult to get out.

Besides, we don't know much about the internal situation, if this Danny Jones is hiding inside the mine. Just a dozen of us, I am afraid that after a day of searching, we may not be able to find him. Lin Rui shook his head.

"Then what to do? We are on the periphery, it is impossible to understand the internal situation." Yelena frowned.

"I have investigated the information. This mine was still in normal production two years ago. It is a French company that is responsible for the mining. I have managed to ask Cobain to investigate that company. Such a mining company will issue safety reports every quarter. .

So as long as you find that company, you should get information about the inside of the mine soon. We only need to wait more than half an hour to understand the situation inside the mine. Lin Rui whispered.

"Will this be too time-consuming? After all, Rauda hasn't appeared for a long time, will it arouse Danny Jones' suspicion?

What if he perceives the danger and is unwilling to wait any longer and chooses to leave by himself? "Quick horse whispered.

"This is not a problem. We are going to set up an observation point on that hillside. From there we can see most of the mine.

As long as there are vehicles coming out, the observation point can definitely be seen. Therefore, if Danny Jones wants to leave, we will notice it as soon as possible.

Then we can follow him and do it on the road. To be honest, I hope he can get out of the camp. At least if we do it halfway, we can save a lot of money. "Lin Rui replied.

"I'm going there." Yelena nodded, "Eric can go to the other side, so all three entrances and exits of this camp will be under our surveillance.

And if Danny Jones comes out, it will be within our sniper range. "

"Very good." Lin Rui nodded, "The commanding heights on both sides will be handed over to you. For the time being, this is the arrangement for now.

If Cobain can obtain internal information about this mine, then we will choose to make surprise attacks on this basis. Do you have any questions? "

"No problem." The players nodded.

But things did not develop as they expected. In the camp of the mine, several people in desert camouflage uniforms are sitting together.

One of the white men was tall, with short hair and a pair of sunglasses. A black team member walked to his side and whispered, "Sir, there is news from Mopti that our anti-raid operation has been successful. Now the CIA has turned into anger, looking for us everywhere."

"Then let them find it," Danny Jones wearing sunglasses whispered. "They can't find us even if they turn Mopti upside down."

"But our whereabouts have been exposed, I'm afraid we can't stay in Mali any longer. Why does the sir insist on waiting here for Rauda?

This person is just a person who sees money open. Now that the matter has been done, we don't need to care about his life or death. "The members of the rebellious company whispered.

"What do you think I am waiting for Raouda for? You made a mistake. I care about his life and death.

The CIA is still very capable. If that Rauda falls into their hands, it is likely to have unpredictable consequences.

So I am waiting for Rauda here to solve this problem completely. As long as he is dead, no one will hold us accountable.

People from the CIA will not find evidence of my presence here, and they will think that Black Island Company has provided them with false information.

At that time, the unfortunate thing is their Black Island company. This type of our future follow-up tasks has great benefits. The mercenaries of this black island military company are quite annoying, and we can take this opportunity to make them a target. "Danny Jones smiled.

"Okay. But sir, our action this time resulted in the loss of more than a dozen US troops..." The members of the rebel company whispered.

"So what? Remember, since we decided to go our own way, we are no longer Americans. That's no longer our country." Danny Jones sighed.

"Although it says so, but..." The player lowered his head.

"Think about it, we love the country, but does the United States love us? We fought blood for the federal government, but what did the government give us?" Danny Jones turned to look at him.

"We shed blood and sacrifice for the federal government. And they treat us as heroes when they need us; when they don't need us, they abandon us like rubbish.

Is this country the free country that we and our ancestors were willing to fight for?

The chaebol controlled the government, and the government deceived the people. The United States is no longer the one we are willing to sacrifice for. "

"That's why we decided to follow the officer and fight for ourselves." The member of the rebellious company nodded to Danny Jones.