Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4061: Will count

Lin Rui nodded, "We do still have a chance. I have an idea to let the secret society lift a rock and drop it in the foot."

"What are you going to do?" the actuary asked, looking at him.

"The secret society used the name of the Popular Front of Western Sahara to launch an offensive against Morocco. Their intention is to let the Popular Front of Western Sahara bear all the pressure.

Now we can follow their line of thought. Just let the People’s Front of Western Sahara issue a statement to make them claim responsibility for all armed attacks.

In this way, no matter how hard the armed organizations in Western Sahara work, they will only make wedding dresses for them.

And at the same time, let the Popular Front of Western Sahara declare that it is only responsible for its own armed forces.

The local militia is an armed group organized spontaneously by the people of Western Sahara. The Popular Front of Western Sahara respects these popular groups, but does not have the authority to direct them. "Lin Rui replied.

"This trick is cunning enough. It means that those armed militia groups have caused trouble, and the People's Front of Western Sahara is not in the wrong.

But if those armed militias are hit, the Popular Front of Western Sahara will support them and condemn the Moroccan army.

Putting the blame away, yet firmly claiming to be the master of the Sahara region. The Moroccans are helpless. "The actuary Jiangan sighed, "I just don't know how it works." "

What they didn't expect was that the effect was surprisingly good. The Popular Front of Western Sahara held a press conference and condemned the Moroccan invasion and the atrocities of shelling civilians in a long form.

Ernest also pointed out very smoothly that the People's Front of Western Sahara is only responsible for the armed organization to which it belongs.

As for the civilian armed rebellion against the Moroccans, the Western Sahara People’s Front does not advocate it, but it cannot stop the patriotic enthusiasm of the Western Sahara people. Therefore, they do not advocate or encourage, but they will never prevent and suppress the people's patriotic actions.

When the Red Baron organized by the secret society saw the long talk of the People's Front of Western Sahara in the newspaper, he was so angry that he tore the newspaper to pieces on the spot.

"Baron." Several secret society militants under the Red Baron cautiously said.

"Stopping, these Western Saharan People’s Front. It’s simply playing sloppy. Originally we planned to support the local armed forces of Western Sahara to replace the Western Saharan People’s Front.

The most important thing is to highlight their weaknesses, encourage more young people to join the local armed forces, and eventually completely replace the People's Front of Western Sahara.

Unexpectedly, they actually came to the plan, which made them look like the master of all actions. And we cannot expose it publicly.

It is equivalent to all the achievements of the local armed forces in Western Sahara are recorded on their heads. The key is that they also cover up, which seems to other people, is simply trying to cover up. Everyone would think that the local armed forces in Western Sahara are completely at their disposal.

As a result, their prestige has not been reduced, but has increased a lot. Coupled with the failure of the attack, we did not live up to our original expectations. "The Red Baron knocked on the table annoyed.

"But Baron, we still have the advantage in the long run. As long as the fighting on the border continues, Morocco will compromise at that time." A secret agency militant replied.

The Red Baron shook his head coldly, "From the current situation, even if Morocco compromises and Western Sahara is independent, the People's Front of Western Sahara will be in power.

Have we spent so much time and energy and spent so much money, but we have all achieved the People’s Front of Western Sahara? "

The secret agency militant was a little embarrassed and speechless.

The Red Baron said coldly, "You people don't understand the root of this plan. The root of the plan is to promote the independence of Western Sahara on the one hand.

The second aspect is that the local warlords under our control can successfully replace the Western Sahara People’s Front and take control of Western Sahara after independence.

Otherwise, we have spent so much time, energy and resources, so is it to help the People’s Front of Western Sahara for free? "

"However, why did the People's Front of Western Sahara suddenly uncharacteristically, first admitted that they were willing to take responsibility for the attack. Did they notice our intention?" Another member of the secret society frowned.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. There is also the private military company that cooperates with the Western Sahara People's Political Consultative Conference. Have you found any news?

What is going on with this private military company of Russian background? I need to find out right away, I don't like to be one step behind others in everything. "The Red Baron lowered his voice.

"About this private military company, we conducted an investigation. Now it is almost certain that this company has a close relationship with the Black Island military company." A secret agency militant replied.

"Black Island Military Company? So they are from the Silver Wolf?" The Red Baron asked in a low voice.

"That's not the case. According to what we have learned, the company was originally based in Russia. Recently, the company name was changed and most of its main business was moved to Africa.

And once they arrived in Western Sahara, they signed an expandable contract worth tens of millions with the People’s Front of Western Sahara in a short period of time.

At this time, Silver Wolf and his Black Island company should be in Libya. Did not see any details that can be linked to the Popular Front of Western Sahara.

So our view is that these two private military companies have a certain connection, but they are actually two different companies. The same is true for the composition of personnel.

Silver Wolf’s Black Island company has a complex staff composition, including both European and American companies. And they have some connections with Ugandan mercenaries.

Many Ugandan professional mercenaries are also helping their black island company. There are more temporary employees recruited from Africa.

But that company is different. They are dominated by Russian mercenaries in their personnel composition. Many of their employees are former members of the Russian Special Forces, and many of them were once military officers with combat experience and command capabilities.

They seem to rarely hire mercenaries from other places. This may be related to their long-term active in Russia. We have investigated some business conditions of this company.

I found that this company is very professional, and we can't find out many things they have done. Finally, we also found that this company has a few special people who once worked for Black Island.

I think this is the reason that will link them to Black Island. But this is normal for mercenaries. Some high-level mercenaries sometimes work for several companies at the same time. "The secret agency militants answered cautiously.