Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4380: Dark game

Lin Rui's heart was slightly startled. This bishop was not a person waiting to be idle. He would not be fooled by a few words of his own. And you have to take the initiative to submit a copy of the name certificate.

The bishop smiled, "Don't look at me that way, it's not my invention. The Prohibition in the United States from 1920 to 1933 made the Italian gangsters who controlled the underground smuggling business a lot of money.

With the advent of the Great Depression in 1933, they even took over the criminal business of smuggling, fraud, and loan sharking in the east. Become the ancestor of organized crime.

It is said that in order to ensure loyalty, anyone who wants to join their inner circle must first kill a policeman to show that he is not a police undercover agent or a leaker. This trick is not creative, but it works.

You killed Oscar in front of me. I can control you at any time with the video of your killing. If you don't help me, I will give these things to the French. Unless so, I can believe you. "

"Boss, you can't do this. Although Oscar is a bastard, although he lied to us and got us into this situation. But he is French and an official of the External Security Agency.

Killing him is like fighting the French. Working against the French in Africa is basically seeking a dead end. "Scarface lowered his voice. "He wants to drive us to a dead end. "

"Yes. But according to my understanding, you are already on the road to the end." The bishop smiled. "It's not about how I persecuted."

Lin Rui nodded, "If you want me to kill someone else, I really feel a little uncomfortable. But you want me to kill Oscar? I can tell you that I am very happy to do so.

Lie us into the game and make us desperate. I don't have to be polite to him at all. "

"The grievances are clear, this is like a man." The bishop smiled. He beckoned, and Oscar was pushed up by a group of militants.

"Mr. Rick." The expression on Oscar's face was extremely unnatural.

"Okay, Oscar. Your rescue mission is really a good idea, and it tricked us into it in one fell swoop." Lin Rui looked at him blankly.

"It's all arranged by Mr. Bishop, I'm just following orders. I hope Mr. Rick will not be offended." Oscar said calmly.

Hewitt by his side almost jumped up, "What about me? What am I? You are planning to harm these mercenaries, why do you bring me along?"

"Hewitt, you are not very likable. In addition, we always need someone to increase the credibility of this mission. You are serious and responsible and never lie. So as long as you don’t tell you the truth, anyone will think you are Did not lie.

Using someone who can't lie is the one who can really deceive people. "Oscar sighed.

"Then did you hear that just now? We have to kill you to prove ourselves." Lin Rui looked at Oscar and said. "You are worthless at all. Even if you get into a place like the French intelligence service and become a supervisor, they seem to be a **** that you can sacrifice at any time."

"Yes. I knew it a long time ago. Those of us were ready when we joined the secret society. We accept this result because we are only part of this huge system." Oscar nodded. "And we are willing to give our lives for it."

"What?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Dedicating yourself to some cause is itself a kind of glory rather than a tragedy. You don't understand, but we do. Come on, let's do it." Oscar stood in front of Lin Rui.

A pistol was handed over and the lights were bright. Lin Rui knew that under this kind of lighting, he should be photographed clearly by the camera. These people are filming the whole process of his shooting Oscar.

As long as you pull the trigger, these videos will be used as evidence, and you will be controlled by the bishop at his mercy.

But if you refuse, the result will be a burst of random shots, and today you and your brothers will all die here.

Lin Rui's heart beat violently twice. Suddenly raised the gun and fired several shots at Oscar's head. Oscar fell to the ground on the spot, and the video recorded everything.

The bishop looked at Lin Rui with surprise, "I didn't expect you would really choose this path. I used to think you would shoot me with a gun. I didn't expect you to choose to cooperate, which really surprised me. I thought you would Not such a person."

"Because I know that if I don't cooperate. Everyone will die." Lin Rui looked at the bishop. "I am a team leader, and I have to help my brothers think about it. At least give them a chance to live.

It's easy for me to be a hero by myself, but it's too difficult for me to watch them die. So I chose to cooperate. Besides, we might get rid of the Red Baron through cooperation. "

The bishop was silent for a while and nodded, "Well, in order to avoid doubt, I will let you go. But I need to grasp your dynamics. How do you plan to help me find Aladdin?"

"We know his daughter's contact information, maybe we can find him through his daughter." Lin Rui replied.

"A good way. But it's best to be careful, Aladdin is not that easy to deceive. Once you know where he is. You must notify me as soon as possible. I have to personally send him on the road." The bishop said coldly.

"No problem." Lin Rui nodded. "Can we go now?"

"Of course, don't forget wherever you go, you can't get rid of this." The bishop shook the video file in his hand.

Lin Rui smiled, "Now you are holding onto our handle, make good use of it." He led the team members to push away the terrorists and walked out.

"Wait, you just left?" the bishop said loudly.

"To deal with Aladdin, we must have a complete plan. We have to think about every aspect. If you don't go back and make careful calculations, will you stay here and continue to be your prisoner?" Lin Rui said coldly.

"So, you already have a plan?" the bishop hesitated.

"It's just a basic idea. After I go back, I will report the relevant information to you in time. You and your people just have to sit and wait for the news. Also don't forget, you promised to help us get rid of the Red Baron. This is Transaction." Lin Rui didn't look back.

After they left the village and boarded the pickup vehicle, Lin Rui remained silent.

"This time the matter is serious." The actuary said in a low voice, "You killed Oscar."

"But if I don't kill him, all of us will die. So I can only take a gamble." Lin Rui lowered his voice.

"You bet everything on it." Jiang An whispered. "What are you going to do now?"

"Find a way to get in touch with Aladdin, we have to make a round to make the bishop think we are helping him. But in fact, we have to cooperate with Aladdin to be the bishop." Lin Rui whispered.