Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4542: Nothing to lose 2

"Well, probably talk about your plans." Lin Rui looked at the hammer and said.

"There are 12 cities in total, and uprisings are held at the same time. Among them are several more important cities, such as Redmai. It is only more than 50 kilometers away from the federal capital of Orumi.

There are almost no government forces in this city, only some police forces. They are mainly responsible for the security in Redmey and the guards of the two labor camps outside the city. In addition, two labor camps are imprisoned, nearly 20,000 people sentenced to forced labor.

In the first time, we must control the downtown area of ​​Redmai and then armed liberate the two forced labor camps. We can arm these people and greatly expand our strength. "The Hammer replied.

"A group of people detained in labor camps. Did you know that they have to work 16 hours a day? And they often don’t have enough food. Most people are hungry and injured, but you want to group these people together. An army.

Have you ever considered that many of them can't even stand up. You want them to take up arms and fight. What's more, those workers still face the police forces that often oppress them. Do you think they are likely to have the courage to resist? "Lin Rui sneered.

"We will guide them. Our people will tell them at the right time. Although these people are very oppressed, they have not lost the courage to resist. Once we give them a head, they will spontaneously resist. "The hammer replied, "The rest of us will support them at that time.

My plan is to split into two ways, some people attack the labor camps and liberate those people who are forced to labor. Other insurgent troops, brandishing weapons and daggers, hoes and bicycle chains, flocked to the city center from all directions.

We will also convene people to distribute a large number of leaflets on the streets, accusing the government of violating the constitution and allowing the secret agency to enslave the country. The main force of the rebel army will command the tank to occupy the national radio station. Subsequently, he delivered a speech to the whole country and announced an armed coup.

I will capture the leader of the police department alive and ask him to personally confess his surrender. The pro-government police will waver. We estimate that after two hours, we should be able to control various locations and key road sections in the urban area.

Several other cities will also carry out similar operations at the same time. Eventually we will ensure that several cities around the Orumi Capital Region will complete their assembly in the Orumi Capital Region. And launched an offensive against the capital area.

And our follow-up troops will carry out shelling on the Orumi capital area. And organized troops to quickly win the Orumi Federal Capital Territory. "

"Sounds great, the garrison in the capital area, how do you plan to solve it? They have a certain number of armored vehicles and heavy weapons, and even have some armed helicopters. If they plan to stick to it, you won't be able to defeat it." Lin Rui nodded. nod.

"Mr. Rick, this is why we need you. Your people are good at disguising infiltrations and raids. So you can try to disrupt their communications before we launch a large-scale operation. If possible, attack the enemy commander. Perform beheading operations.

By destroying communications and beheading the command and center, the only force that could stop us was plunged into chaos. And this chaos does not take long, as long as it lasts an hour or two. We can gain a great advantage. Because at this position, we ambush an artillery unit in advance.

We have multiple 152mm cannon howitzers seized from the military, and a small number of multiple rocket launchers. Once you have completed the decapitation, we will immediately conduct fierce shelling on the enemy base camp.

The enemy is in a state of poor communication and loss of command. They should suffer heavy losses after suffering such a big blow. In this case, the threat to us is much smaller.

Even if they gathered the remnant army, once again organized to attack us. We have also completely suppressed our momentum. The elite of our rebel army will focus on them, plus we have artillery cover. They can't struggle for much time. "The Hammer explained carefully.

"You are very thoughtful, so that counts us. But I have to tell you, it's not that easy. There are at least nearly 1,000 enemy troops in the capital area. And this is not even a police force. More than 2,000 people from the local police force joined.

Then there are at least 3,000 armed forces in the Federal Capital Territory of Orumi, which is slightly inferior to your insurgent troops in overall numbers, but they are well trained and well equipped. Coupled with the defensive position, it is very possible to start street fighting with you in the city. Lin Rui nodded.

"Even if it is street fighting, we will not fear them. Because in the surrounding cities, we have more insurgent troops that can continuously support the capital area." Iron Hammer said decisively.

"Don't be too full of words, come and look at the map of Orumi Federal Capital Territory. I have been to that place, and you must be more familiar with it. Basically, this city develops completely according to the fortress model.

The federal capital of Orumi is divided into 6 regions, each of which can be relatively independent, as an independent combat area, and can also cooperate with each other. The base camp of the garrison of the Capital Region is here, and here is the Federal Parliament Building.

They are likely to organize and defend these three areas. Form a relatively strong triangle defense. Especially these areas are residential areas, surrounded by schools and hospitals. It is impossible for you to shell these areas frequently, as this will cause a large number of civilian casualties.

The enemy can pass through these three areas and withdraw in different directions. Similarly, they don't need to flee too far, here and here, there are towns where they can continue to stand for help. This will drag your insurgent troops into very cruel and difficult street fighting.

They only need to persist for 2 to 3 days, and the surrounding police forces and a small amount of Orumi Federal Army will quickly assemble to help them. The most important point is that they were originally stationed in a regiment in Anmore, and it is very likely that they will return quickly. That is from here to here. Lin Rui drew a line on the map, "Have you considered this?" "

"I thought about it. This is the Sixth Regiment of the Orumi Federal Army. They are one of the troops most likely to return to the Capital Region. But if we get ahead of them and defeat the garrison. Then even if they kill back, It's hard to shake us anymore." Hammer thought about it.

"It takes time, and you have to be sure to defeat the defenders before they arrive. And I have to remind you that this sixth regiment is an independent armored regiment. This means that they have a very high mobility. And we have to fight them for time." Lin Rui nodded.

"Well, maybe we do have to be more thoughtful." Hammer nodded.

"I'm just giving an example, but you and I know that once your plan starts, we have no room to look back. So we can't afford to lose." Lin Rui looked at him calmly.