Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4586: A showdown

After receiving additional troops and firepower, the Orumi Federal Army outside the town of Sagunwe quickly began a new round of offensive to the northern suburbs. This time their artillery fire was particularly fierce, and a small number of anti-tank rockets were mixed in various types of artillery to destroy general fortifications.

After the shelling ceased and before the infantry charged, the Orumi Federal Army still allowed the infantry fighting vehicles to go forward. The rapid advance of multiple BMP-1 tanks immediately opened up the situation. After many insurgent soldiers lost their cover, their combat effectiveness dropped sharply. Many of them fell under the intensive bullet rain before they could resist.

Taking this opportunity, the Orumi Federation launched an offensive. At the second position, the reconnaissance force found that a unit of Orumi Federal Army had occupied several houses in the suburbs, trying to establish an observation post. Scarface immediately led a dozen mercenary soldiers into the house, and he obliterated all these enemy forces with grenade and assault rifle.

In the Orumi Federal Army's main attack position No. 1, after the continuous charge was blocked, they again shelled the position. Taking advantage of the massive artillery fire suppression, the Orumi Federal Forces organized some assault teams with light machine guns to grab the roofs of several large buildings in the suburbs.

After the rebel army discovered this situation, it immediately organized a squad to carry bazookas and assault rifles to flanks these unsteady Orumi federal forces. After a fierce and cruel close-range battle, the Orumi Federal Army's assault team was driven off the roofs by rebel grenades.

Although the Orumi Federal Forces attacked again and again, they were unable to break into the town before night fell. In the final general offensive, there was even a platoon commander of the Orumi Federation Forces who completely lost the courage and confidence to charge again. This is very rare in the Orumi Federal Forces, known for their belligerence.

By 7 o'clock that evening, the federal army outside the town of Sagunwe had completely stopped the offensive and began to prepare for night defense. This day is almost a disaster for the Federal Army participating in the war. They never thought that the resistance army, which has always been regarded as a fish belly, was so tenacious this time.

Although the assault troops of the Federal Army have rushed into the streets of the town several times, they have never returned to the starting position without heavy casualties. By the end of the day, the Orumi Federal Army had been engaged in battle in a total of more than 2,200 people, not to mention the reserve team, they even sent logistics troops.

But these insurgents have always relied on fortifications and occupied the town steadily. They were clearly shaky, but they just didn't. The cost of the Orumi Federal Forces blindly increasing troops was nearly half of the casualties. Facing the terrible killing field before the small town, there are corpses everywhere. After a day of exhaustion, the Orumi Federal Forces had to ignite the fire and start the night, while waiting for the new offensive that would begin tomorrow morning.

But Lin Rui didn't give these Orumi Federation forces a chance to fight again in Japan. After the night was late, they had quietly detoured to A Heights and started a surprise attack. When their breakout operation was about to succeed, they were suddenly discovered by the enemy, who immediately fired tracers and blocked the road with machine guns.

However, the experienced mercenaries opened the way with grenades and bazookas, broke through the patrol post of the Federal Army of Orumi, and raided the enemy command. In this case, most of the Japanese troops were sleeping soundly due to fatigue, and the defense of the command headquarters was lax, and there was only one company directly under it.

They quickly ended the battle and safely highlighted the siege. The Orumi Federal Army, awakened from sleep, never expected that the command post deployed a few kilometers away would be attacked.

When they received the news, they were still tightly surrounding the town of Sagunwe, but they could only rush back after receiving the news. The rebels in Sagonwe had long been informed that they all stayed up all night. Just wait for the enemy to return to help, launch a wave of counterattack behind them.

The actuary planned very carefully. He guessed in advance that once the command headquarters was attacked, these Orumi federal forces would definitely return. In response to this, a night attack plan was formulated long ago. During the enemy's retreat, a small number of troops blocked the enemy's evacuation channel and blocked both ends. Create the illusion that the enemy has been surrounded on a large scale.

The enemy army in the chaos mistakenly thought that the other troops of the rebel army had arrived early, and launched an encirclement and suppression of its own side. In addition, the command headquarters was also inexplicably attacked. Under fright, it became more and more chaotic. There were even incidents of killing each other due to tension. In the end, although some soldiers still escaped, the losses were great.

Almost within a day, the insurgents fought **** battles for more than ten hours relying on the fortifications in the town, and dealt a heavy blow to the Orumi Federal Forces. In the Orumi Federal Garrison alone, a regimental commander was killed. More than 600 officers and soldiers were killed and more than 300 wounded.

The Orumi Police Force, which cooperated with the Federal Garrison, suffered about 200 casualties; the total number of enemy casualties exceeded 1,200. The losses on the insurgent's side were only a lot more than theirs. More than 800 casualties were caused by the Anmor prisoner of war troops alone.

When the battlefield was cleaned at dawn, Lin Rui and others had returned safely. Seeing the mess in Sagonwe Town and the corpses being carried aside to gather, everyone was all moved. Lin Rui sat on the ground a little wearily, watching his brothers clean the battlefield. There was a cigarette in the silent place.

"It was terrible. Most of those insurgents have no combat experience. If it weren't for the Anmore prisoners of war to cover them on the flanks, the result would be worse." Quick horse walked to him, "However, we Still held it."

"Where are our people?" Lin Rui turned his head.

"Our people are all veterans, they know how to fight. So the loss is much better than them. But many brothers have died, and a few seriously injured. I have probably seen it, even if they can survive, basically It's all gone." Yelena walked to Lin Rui and sat down.

Lin Rui closed his eyes and sighed. "We should have done better. Damn, if everything goes according to plan, at least we won't lose so much. This battle can be wrong from the beginning."

"I understand what you mean, but it also reminds us. Most of these insurgents are members of the Hammer's resistance organization and passionate civilians. They don't have much fighting ability, even some of their officers are not. Qualified commander. We must make some adjustments to this point. Otherwise, this kind of thing will happen again." The actuary walked over.

He didn't sleep all night, his face was pale, but his eyes were red. And there was a **** bandage on the waist. Obviously, he was also injured in the battle.