Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 467: True and False Royal Family

"Hunger is more unbearable for them than death." Black Panther Gulei patted Lin Rui on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, come with me. I will show you something." Lin Rui followed Gulei's Behind him, he walked to the row of cabins on the side of the training camp.

Gure took out a document from the drawer and put it on the table, "Look at this."

After Lin Rui took it over, he turned around and said, "What is this?"

"A new employer of Morningstar, I just received the news. Just a few hours ago, Morningstar accepted a military outsourcing contract." Gulei said lightly. "Look at who this employer is?"

Lin Rui looked at the photos in the profile and frowned, "It says that this person claims to be the descendant of the last royal family of the African Mavor, who is ready to regain his royal power through arms and restore the glory of the empire. Is this guy returning to the country? I sound so awkward."

"There are even more awkward things. I am the only son, the only descendant of the Mavor royal family. And this guy who doesn't know where he came from is posing on my name." Gulei said indifferently.

"Well, I have indeed heard about you. You are a real African prince, but what about it? You have lost your country for a long time. You have been in exile since you were a child, and now you are just a mercenary. That's it." Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes. But the people of this country don't know. Some of them still believe that their king will come back again and end the current state of warlord melee. And this person is obviously taking advantage of the people's mentality to fake my identity. It may win the support of the people. This is a trap. He wants to tie the people who are still hopeful about the Marvo dynasty into his chariot and drag the entire country into war. Because of the contract he signed with Morningstar, It’s for Morningstar to assist him in an armed rebellion.” Gulei sneered, “and everything is in my name.”

Lin Rui said in surprise, "But this is not right. Even if you are an exiled royal family, you are a well-known person. They can't hide from everyone, this person doesn't look like you at all."

"Yes, I have a close relationship with the senior leaders of the AU, and maintain good contacts with many leaders. But ordinary people don't know, they know my existence, but they don't know my situation. So this liar is very confusing." Gu Lei sighed, "I'm worried, this is another method used by the secret society to provoke Marvo's civil war."

"Using the ancient royal status in exile, coupled with the dissatisfaction of the people in Mawo with the warlords, launched a justified war of resurrection. It sounds logical, much like the secret society. If they succeed, they can take the opportunity to plunder and fail. It's just putting the crime of war on you." Lin Rui analyzed.

"Yes, this is what I worry about." Gu Lei said slowly, "In 1983, some soldiers overthrew the Mavor Empire with the funding of the colonial forces. My father, the king at the time, and him Several of my brothers were executed. I went into exile with the prime minister at the time, living on deposits in overseas banks.

Although the people around me have been constantly educating me, let me not forget the responsibility of restoring the country. But I have personally experienced everything overseas, and I have long realized that this is no longer a world of royal power. "

"You don't want to return to the country anymore." Lin Rui looked at him and said.

"I thought about it, but in the end I didn't want to. Lin Rui, look at these people outside. Illness, famine, years of war, they live too hard. Sometimes I even think that their situation is not even as good as those who were The black slaves sold to Europe and the United States. At least for now, the descendants of those black slaves no longer have to bear what their ancestors have endured. But we are getting back more and more." Gulei sighed.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Lin Rui looked at him.

"I may have given up the kingship, but there is still my country and my people." Gulei said slowly, "I can't see them being dragged into the war like this, meaningless to die for interest groups like the secret society. . I must stop them. So I decided to accept another commission."

"Another commission?" Lin Rui said in surprise.

"The government of Marvo," Gure said slowly, "I want to accept the commission of the government of Marvo to destroy the group of rebels under my banner for them."

Lin Rui couldn't help but said, "I heard you right? Are you going to help your enemy?"

"They are not my enemies. The warlord who hanged my father has been overthrown for almost a dozen years. After the warlord, he is the warlord. Several big clans almost take turns in power. Whoever has more guns and more people is the boss. But recently There have been few civil strife in the past few years, because they have learned to compromise with each other and understand that everyone's interests are based on a relatively peaceful and stable foundation." Gulei said slowly. "It is a great progress to replace war with negotiation. But someone wants to break this situation, and it is in my name."

"But they are just a group of warlords, and they are very unpopular. Otherwise, even if the fake prince yelled to death, no one would follow him to rebel." Lin Rui shrugged. "So no matter how you fight, it is not a good choice. Whether it is the false prince supported by the secret society or those warlord forces that have the upper hand, it will eventually only drag the entire Marvo into the turmoil of the war over the years. And this One point, it is in the arms of the secret society. They are good at using this kind of opportunity to make money, but the ultimate damage is the forces of both sides and the whole country."

"This is an endless loop that cannot be solved. The constant wars lead to poverty and hunger, and poverty and hunger in turn lead to constant wars. This is the case throughout Africa. Fighting around has supported a large number of mercenary companies and secret agencies. Military organization." Gu Lei said helplessly.

"So I don't think you should accept this commission. And have you thought about it, your identity is not a secret in Africa, many heads of state know you, and have a lot of friendship with you. Those warlords may know who you are, Otherwise, why provide such a military outsourcing contract to a new company like Black Island?"

"Because they know my identity very well, and their fear of me is far higher than that of the counterfeit. That's why they came up with such a commission and wanted me to deal with the counterfeit personally. It is best to destroy him. If not with him, my vitality is also badly hurt. This is what those warlords think. Of course I have thought about these issues." Black Panther Gulei smiled slightly.

"Do you know why you are fooled?" Lin Rui asked in a puzzled way, "They are just using you."

"I know. But I still choose to accept." Black Panther said solemnly, "There is no other reason, just because I am a Marvo."