Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4719: Serious consequences

After the accident of the French mediation delegation, the influence rapidly expanded. A group of 21 people, most of whom are French, have no survivors.

This is undoubtedly a heavy slap in the face of the French who have always said one thing in Africa. The French authorities immediately stated that this was an appalling terrorist attack. This matter will definitely be investigated.

The Orumi Federal Army and the local militia armed forces in the Western Sahara region also expressed their respective positions. Claiming that this matter has nothing to do with oneself.

Lin Rui clearly felt that this matter was extraordinary, just when he discussed with the actuary and General Quinn and General Hassan. An even more shocking news broke out. The one who brought this news was Mr. K from the CIA.

Lin Rui and others heard the news this morning, and Mr. K arrived at noon. It was only a few hours apart.

Mr. K took only a few CIA agents this time. After finding Lin Rui, he distracted everyone and whispered to Lin Rui. "Have you heard of that?"

"The attack on the French delegation? I just heard. I heard that all 21 people were dead, and none of them were left alive. To be honest, it's a bit unlike terrorist methods.

If it is a terrorist. They should choose to take hostages alive and use this as a means of blackmail. Negotiate terms with the French.

But all 21 people were put to death, not even the driver and guide were spared. It’s not like a terrorist act. "Lin Rui replied.

"It's good to know. As far as I know, you are in big trouble with this matter." Mr. K nodded.

"What? They didn't have an accident in Odarat. What does it have to do with me?" Lin Rui frowned slightly.

"I got news that the French suspected that you did this. Although they have no news now. But I believe it must be because someone deliberately blocked the news.

They seem to have learned from some intelligence channels that you are violating the arms embargo. Illegal purchase of heavy weapons and equipment. They suspect that the death of the delegation may be related to knowing that you are engaged in illegal arms trade. "Mr. K replied.

"That is to say. They think the delegation knew in advance that we are dealing in illegal weapons. So we are going to kill people. Do you really believe this nonsense?

The UN sanctions on arms embargoes in conflict areas have never worked. Which conflict zone does not purchase weapons and equipment. Which of the five major nations of the United Nations is not selling weapons and equipment?

The arms embargo sanctions were first proposed by you Yankees. But in fact, smuggling weapons is what you Yankees sell the most. Although these cannot be stated on the surface, everyone actually knows them.

How could it be possible to kill people because of such a thing? Lin Rui shook his head.

"We all know, but there are some things that can't be said on the surface. If someone wants to use this to target you, unless they want to plant and blame for you.

Those French guys are also slick, even if they know there are others. But they will stare at you too. The reason is simple, because someone wants to frame you. Explain that this person is related to you.

Maybe they want to find the real culprit from you. Maybe it's the people who also have secret agencies on their side. They are trying to pour this dirty water on you. Of course, mercenaries like you have a bad reputation.

It is simply the most appropriate to put charges of assassination on your heads. It is a perfect match, without any discordance.

What is more difficult now is that they will throw all the pressure on you. Offending the French in Africa is not fun. "Mr. K sighed.

Lin Rui shook his head, "So after you learned the news, you immediately ran over. In order to see my jokes? To see how I got into this state of embarrassment, is it really that enjoyable?"

"That's not true. I'm not the kind of boring person. I came to you because I reached an agreement with the above on the last time. You will be our general contractor in Africa.

We will provide you with enough backing, but the premise is that you have to help us handle all kinds of things. In essence, this is still a win-win cooperation for everyone. But now it seems that you have to solve your troubles first.

If this matter is not resolved, the French will step in to help the Orumi Federal Army. You should know that this unit of the Orumi Federal Army is theoretically a joint counter-terrorism force.

The six-nation coalition against terrorism was originally led by France and the United States. So carefully speaking, they are a family. "Mr. K looked at Lin Rui and smiled.

"If you want to say that, you and them are also a family." Lin Rui sneered.

"You can say that. But now you are our in-depth partner. I think I should provide you with additional assistance." Mr. K smiled slightly.

"What is your extra assistance? Dollars or arms?" Lin Rui shrugged.

"My extra assistance is to help you through this difficult time. Let the French stop trouble with you. But this is too much trouble, and the French need a step downstairs. So we need this person." Mr. K took out a photo and placed it in front of Lin Rui.

The picture shows a young white man. His face was pale, he looked decadent, and his chin and beard were not shaved clean. He also held a sign in his hand.

"Prisoner?" Lin Rui felt a little surprised.

"That's right. Find this person and hand him to me. The problem on the French side can be solved." Mr. K said seriously.

"What is the origin of this person? Why is there him? You can solve the problem over there." Lin Rui frowned.

"This person is called Iyad. The French want to catch him in their dreams. Starting in August 2014, the French military launched Operation Crescent Dunes in the Sahara-Sahelian region of Africa. Adjusted the deployment of troops and cooperated with Mauritania and Mali. , Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad and other countries have launched military cooperation.

In response to the spread of international terrorism in the region, it replaced the African Lynx operation previously implemented in Mali. However, the whole operation ended in failure because the information was leaked.

After investigation, the person named Iyad is suspected of major leaks. The suspicion is that he disclosed important information about the operation to terrorists.

Directly led to the failure of the entire operation, the French army lost many officers and soldiers. Two helicopter gunships were even shot down. Because the whole process was so embarrassing, the French still refuse to admit that there was such an action. "Mr. K replied.

"So this is a leaker." Lin Rui looked at the picture.

"Yes. I am afraid the leaker is not enough to describe him. According to the latest investigation, this person joined the terrorist organization very early, and then became an undercover agent within the French army. Long-term intelligence is provided to the terrorist organization.

After his identity was revealed, Iyad fled to the Sahel region. Became the leader of terrorists in the Timbuktu area of ​​northern Mali. "Mr. K explained.