Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4828: Deterrent

"Then according to your judgment, the Red Baron deliberately gave up Sasiris. But Sasiris is a very important strategic position. He always needs a reason to give up there, right?" Lin Rui frowned.

"He has a reason. In fact, the Red Baron has begun to show dissatisfaction with the Duke of the Secret Society when his own power has soared in recent years. He is dissatisfied with the Duke of the Secret Society's careful approach.

Because he believes that the secret society organization has accumulated enough capital after decades of accumulation.

They can completely appear in front of everyone with a more distinct posture, without the need to continue to forbear and develop. This speed is too slow. "The Iceman replied.

"But this is contrary to the secret agency's consistent development strategy. In fact, the Duke of the secret agency has always advocated low-key development." Aladdin frowned.

"Yes. So there is a certain contradiction between them. The Red Baron even had the idea of ​​completely replacing it. But he is still not the opponent of the Secret Society.

So he changed his strategy. He knew that once he was at a military disadvantage, he would force the Grand Duke to show his true strength. Sasrimi's defeat gave him just such an excuse. "The Iceman replied.

"Although the Red Baron controls the Orumi Federation military and some of the secret society armed forces. In fact, the real core power is still in the hands of the secret society chief.

Although the Grand Duke of the Secret Society never showed up, he held everything firmly in his hands. So he wanted to retreat as an advance and force the Grand Duke to take action. At the same time, it also allowed the secret society organization to truly emerge. Aladdin sneered. "He played a good game." It's just that the Duke of the secret society can be manipulated by others? "

"This is the point. The Red Baron has now made it clear that he has been defeated, and has retreated to an area close to the Algerian border.

And that area is the area where the People's Front of Western Sahara is active. If the Red Baron fails again and again, the secret society organization will not be able to gain a foothold in Western Sahara.

This will affect the overall strategic deployment of the Secretary-General in the Western Sahara region. So it's impossible for the Duke of the secret society to watch him fail again.

The Red Baron is tantamount to pushing the Duke of the Secret Society to the extreme. In this case, the Duke of the Secret Society must act. "The iceman lowered his voice. "And the Red Baron also understands this. This secret meeting between him and Nautilus Ruan Ji is likely to make his own arrangements for this series of situations. "

"It seems that the drama of the Secret Service's high-level palace fighting is far from over. But that's okay. The conflicts between the Secret Service Duke and the Red Baron are better than their concerted efforts." Lin Rui nodded.

"The secret society is a very special organization. The high-level struggle within the secret society has never stopped. But this will never affect the development of the secret society." Aladdin shook his head. "It is impossible to expect them to have civil strife. It is like a battle between me and the Grand Duke of the secret society, which lasted for decades.

In the end, the secret society developed into the world's largest secret organization, with amazing wealth and armed strength. Because they are fighting for leadership, not fundamental differences. "

The actuary shook his head, "But we don't even know now, what are they still planning?

All the information we have so far is that the secret society organization has retreated to the northeastern part of Western Sahara, close to the Algerian border.

And judging from the current situation, they will not launch other major military operations in the short term.

Some Western analytical media even believe that it is only a matter of time before the Orumi Federal Forces withdraw from Western Sahara. "

"The professional analysis provided by the so-called military experts in the West is mostly unreliable. Because you want to analyze, you need to understand first.

In fact, none of the military experts can really understand the secret society. In their view, the Orumi Federal Army is all the secret society organization.

In fact, it's not even a fraction. The secret society armed organizations have more powerful forces, even they have biological and chemical weapons and nuclear bombs.

If they are pressed into a hurry, they can launch a large-scale biochemical attack, and even have the ability to launch a tactical nuclear strike.

Those big countries, as well as the International Atomic Energy Organization, know nothing about it. "Aladdin said disapprovingly.

"Are you saying that the secret society organization may launch a large-scale biological and chemical weapon attack, or even a nuclear weapon attack? But this is impossible.

Once they do this, they are bound to become the thorn in the eyes of those big countries. Biological and chemical weapons and nuclear weapons are the things that big countries fear most.

No country in the world dares to do this. Lin Rui shook his head.

"It seems that you still don't know what Chunlei troops mean? Chunlei exploded and shook the earth. Do you think it's really just a slogan?" Aladdin whispered. "For most countries in the world, thermonuclear weapons are indeed an ultimate deterrent. But no one will use it lightly.

Because a country must first assume national responsibilities, and the greater the country, the more it must assume the responsibilities of a major country. But the secret society organization is different. They have no so-called state responsibility at all. After all, they are just a group of terrorists.

Their restrictions are much smaller than that of a real country. And in recent years, the secret society organization has been secretly developing its own nuclear power.

I can tell you very responsibly that at present they have the power of tactical nuclear strikes. And no one can tell whether they will use such power. "

"What you mean is that the Chunlei troops are actually the nuclear strike force organized by the secret society." Lin Rui was shocked.

"I'm afraid it is." Aladdin said calmly. "Of course, so far, they have not yet reached the time to use this power. The Grand Duke of the Secret Service will not agree at all. Because he has been emphasizing steady development in recent years.

The so-called nuclear strike force is used as a means of deterrence after they become strong to a certain extent. "

The actuary Jang Ki finally nodded. "All the development trajectories of the secret society organization. They are all following a path modeled after the Middle East country Israel.

As early as the early 1970s, Israel had informally possessed a nuclear deterrent. Although it has never been admitted, no matter how it is concealed, Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons is an open secret internationally.

As a non-Arab country in the Middle East, this has undoubtedly had a great geopolitical influence.

Since the launch of the plan, the security situation in Israel has been eased, and the regional-dominated scale has become more and more inclined to Israel.

And now the secret agency wants to replicate this model. In fact, it is to develop its own nuclear program on the one hand, but never publicly possess nuclear weapons. On the one hand, it maintains close ties with Western powers. Take the initiative to assume some responsibilities in Africa.

Just like Israel’s responsibility in the Middle East. Let those big powers think that the secret agency is a worthy ally in order to acquiesce in this state. "