Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4909: Man, be brave

"Boss, how about it, should we do it?" Scar licked his chapped lips with his tongue.

"Wait again." Lin Rui observed with the telescope, and waited for another ten minutes. He turned his head and arranged tasks for the players.

Lin Rui divided all the players into three groups. The first group circled along the edge of the jungle to the flanks. They had to get stuck between the militant camp and the church.

The second group of team members walked around from the side door of the church to the back of the church and occupied the annex building behind the church in time.

The third group of members launched a surprise attack from the side door of the church. Occupy the abandoned chapel as quickly as possible. Rescue the trapped people and solve all the secret society militants.

Finally, cover the Viper Yelena and Eric, board the church tower, and occupy the commanding heights. Prevent the secret society militants on the flanks from counterattacking.

After dividing the work according to Lin Rui, the team members dispersed their actions according to the tasks of their respective teams.

The assault team formed by Lin Rui and Kuai Ma. After surreptitiously clearing the armed guards of the two secret agencies, they concentrated on the side entrance of the chapel.

Before they acted in secret, now it's time to see Tuqongdi. Lin Rui made a gesture, and Kuima suddenly rushed up and knocked open the door.

Just when he slammed the door open on one side, Scarface pulled him sideways to ensure that he would not fall due to inertia. Other mercenaries broke in with guns.

They rushed in like this, causing an exclamation inside.

"Da da da……"

"Boom..." The gunshots continued.

Because of the dense vegetation, the interior of the church is already dimly lit. The only thing that can see the sun is a few broken windows.

Lin Rui held his weapon and moved forward in small steps. In the process of advancing, keep aiming and firing.

Several militants were shot and fell to the ground. The spattered blood was sprayed on the chairs of the church, and then dripped down the chairs to the ground. There was a clear ticking sound.

Lin Rui looked around vigilantly, he wasn't sure if there were any secret society staff hiding around.

"Don't shoot, it's me..." Someone stood up behind the chair.

Lin Rui immediately raised the gun to aim, but did not pull the trigger. Because he noticed that this man has no weapons in his hands.

Lin Rui straightened his index finger and pressed it against the trigger guard, carefully observing the man.

"Mr. Rick, it's me," the man said loudly. The sunlight coming in from the broken window can roughly see the person's face.

"It's from the technical department of Cobain and others. It seems to be called Bran." Sergey whispered in Lin Rui's ear.

Lin Rui lowered the muzzle, nodded, and asked, "Hello Bran, where are Cobain and the others?"

"I don't know, they may be elsewhere." Bran raised his hand and shook his head blankly.

"Calm down, Bran, you are safe now, you are fine." Sergey walked over and patted his shoulder.

Lin Rui looked at Bran and nodded, "I have a few questions for you."

"Of course sir..." Bran nodded tremblingly.

"You are safe, why are you still so scared?" Lin Rui looked at him and said, "There is another question. Looking at it from here, the light where I was standing just now is very bad. How can you see my face clearly? ?? And called my name accurately?"

The Bran yelled, throwing away Sergey like crazy and ran out. But as soon as Lin Rui stretched out his hand, he grabbed his collar. Pull him back into the chair again.

"Please, Mr. Rick, don't kill me. They forced me to do this, I swear. All of this has nothing to do with me, I was just caught by them. I just want to live." Bran trembled, his face The muscles are twisted because of extreme fear.

"Say, what the **** is going on?" Lin Rui took out the pistol and put it on his head. "I want to listen to the truth."

"Well, don't shoot. I said, I said everything..." Bran said in a panic. "After the Black Island Company was disbanded, we were arrested by a group of people following Boss Cobain.

They are planning some terrible things and forcing us to work for them. Cobain took advantage of the opportunity to have access to computers and communication equipment and sent several distress emails.

He told us that Rick would bring someone to rescue us. But several days passed without anyone coming.

These terrorists discovered the clues. They tortured us and forced us to tell the truth.

They also shot several people on the spot, but I couldn't help it, and I told you about Cobain secretly contacting you.

I dare to swear that this is not my intention, I just don't want to be beaten again. So I told this story.

So they took all the others and Cobain away, I don't know where they were locked up. But they must not be on the island anymore, and I watched them get pressed into the boat. And I was left by them as bait.

In order to make you believe, they are still on the island. I swear, this is all I know. Others, I don’t know anything. Please don't kill me. "

Bran curled up under the gun, shaking constantly.

"So you **** a traitor!" Sergey grabbed him furiously. "You told us about the contact between Cobain and us. It caused them to transfer all the textbooks and other members. Does that mean? "

Bran didn't dare to speak, but shivered and hid in the corner, curled up into a ball.

"He has never been trained, and he is in the hands of the secret society. It is difficult to survive the torture." Kuaima shook his head.

"If what he said is true, there may be more enemies on the island than we expected. They know that we will come to rescue Cobain, and they will definitely use this information to make plans and arrange more manpower to wait for us to get the bait." Yelena Angrily stomped on the ground.

"Sorry, Bran. I know you were forced, but you broke the rules. There is a dirt pit over the jungle where there are three corpses lying there, all your original companions.

They should have known the news, but they did not say it until they died.

And you choose, tell the matter. Be a leaker. Lin Rui knelt down and patted Bran on the shoulder, "You know our rules." I know you can't do it, but we can't do it either.

In the next life, if you are still a man, please be brave. "

Lin Rui pulled the trigger and shot Bran in the head.

Lin Rui stood up, ignoring the corpse on the ground, and said to the other mercenaries, "We are in trouble, one person at the door of the church. Yelena, Eric, you go up to the bell tower.

In addition, call the other two groups and ask them to move closer to the church. We may need to deal with a large number of enemies.

The good news is that it is close enough to the base of the US military, although gunshots cannot pass. But the sound of artillery is fine, so they will never use heavy weapons to alarm the US military. "