Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 4981: Deadlock

There was another explosion in the distance, and a shell fell in front of the position.

Sergey was startled and threw himself back. "Damn, this **** still has a cannon?"

"Do you think that one round of shelling can kill all the opponent's artillery? There must be fish that slip through the net." Kuaima was beside him, biting half of a cigarette in his mouth.

"But from this perspective, the guy aiming is definitely a layman, too big. The most funny thing is that he deviated so far from the target that he fired again without even correcting the trajectory.

This shows that the enemy’s artillery has been hit hard. There are barely a few usable cannons left, but the aimer may have been killed or injured. Lin Rui smiled, "This is good news for us." This kind of accuracy is a waste of ammunition. Let them fight if they want. "

Lin Rui looked up at the sky. It was already around three in the afternoon. Both sides entered a state of considerable fatigue.

The opponent was not launching a charge, Lin Rui also let the brothers rest for a while. The battle has been fought until now, basically never stopped.

Soldiers are also human beings, and they are also tired, especially in this state of high mental stress. A brief respite is already a rare break for them.

The commander of the Jihadist League is a mustache with a red checkered turban on his head. He is losing his temper in his command post.

He really had enough. Originally, he was ordered to support, how could he make him seem to be the main attacking force.

First, he was dragged by a group of local militants, and finally got rid of them. Here again encountered a stronger resistance.

This battle lasted for several hours. He watched his subordinates continue to charge, retreat, charge again, retreat.

The loss of the troops made the mustache commander heartbroken. They just couldn't pass by the Wadi Hart in front of them.

The dry river in this desert, like the cracked mouth of a monster, constantly devours his troops. What made him even more annoyed was that his artillery troops had been completely maimed.

Several armored vehicles that could still be relied on have now become wreckage and remain on the ground.

The fighting power of the opponent surprised him, and it was not a local armed force of Western Sahara at all. Judging from the information obtained, the opponent should be some mercenaries.

And by no means the kind of general mercenary. Their battles are very organized and their positions are perfectly arranged.

This is definitely a professionally trained unit. The combat effectiveness of these people is not at the same level as those of the armed forces in Western Sahara.

The mustache commander could only contact the headquarters of the Jihad Alliance and ask for more support. But the answer was negative.

The Alliance Headquarters asked him to break through the enemy's obstruction at all costs. Must rush to Emery Keli as soon as possible to participate in the defense operations of Imile Keli.

Don't allow the enemy on the opposite side to have any breathing opportunities, otherwise Emery Kli is likely to fall.

After getting the order of the Jihad Alliance. The mustache commander was quite angry.

Because all he saw from this order was arrogance.

This mustache commander does not receive much attention in the Jihad League. Because within the Jihadist League, there are many factions.

The faction of this mustache commander is not very strong. Therefore, he is not taken seriously.

But at the same time he also looked down on these jihadist leaders.

He has no power background, but is the leader of a branch of the Jihadist organization in West Africa. But these did not affect his ability to fight. He was also an African child soldier, and he had his current position by fighting with one shot and one shot.

The brethren under him are all his own troops.

So what this order says at all costs. The officer with the mustache couldn't help but feel angry.

These are all his own troops, and every soldier has weight in his heart. The leaders of these armed organizations rely on people and guns.

You let him at all costs, just let his own people do their best.

But now he has nothing to do. The order of the Jihadist League has been issued, Commander Mustache. Also know the result of disobeying orders.

Moustache stared at the opponent's defense position temporarily drawn on the map, with a cruel look in his eyes.

The little bosses of several other Jihad League organizations are also looking at Mustache, waiting for him to issue further orders.

Moustache stared at the map, "The focus is still on the junction between the opponent's flank position and the front position.

We had breached there once before, and our artillery had hit it the most. Where is the defensive offensive relatively severely damaged.

Moreover, the terrain there is high and it is an important position for the enemy to stop us. The crossfire from this position and the auxiliary positions on the flanks caused us great damage.

Moreover, due to the terrain, the machine gun firepower of the opposing troops cannot provide effective cover for the troops attacking here.

So my opinion is to continue to attack the joint of the opponent's position and use that as a breakthrough.

If we break through this joint, it is possible to take down the flank positions. Then we can use the advantage of this position to cover the enemy's firepower. "

"When will the sir attack?"

"Don't worry, wait until it's dark. When it's dark, they may not be able to figure out our offensive line. As long as we are fast enough, this plan can be successful." The bloodshot eyes of the mustache gradually became feverish. stand up.

"But sir, we no longer have artillery support. At present, there is only one armored vehicle left, and the rest are armed trucks. If you want to cover this charge, I am afraid it will be difficult." A small terrorist leader replied.

"We don't have artillery support, and they will not be much better than us. It can be seen that although they still have a certain number of infantry support weapons, they are all mortars and the like, and some are 107 rockets. The quantity will not be too much.

Even if there were enough, they had wasted so much ammunition just now. I don't believe how much ammunition they have, which can continue to suppress us. "The Mustache Commander said sharply.

"But the enemy on the opposite side is very powerful. They have a lot of machine gun firepower, and they are deployed reasonably. Our repeated failed charges have proved this." Another little boss lowered his voice.

"That's why I want to attack in the dark. They are very tired and can't let them rest. Visibility is low at night, and their machine gun firepower can't suppress us well.

Moreover, their machine guns are easily exposed at night. We must use armed vehicles to cover the offensive and suppress the opponent’s firepower as much as possible. The cover troops rushed up. "The mustache said sharply.