Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5079: solution

"You mean, if you want to exchange his information, you really want to save him? And you won't kill him afterwards." Mr. Minister frowned.

"I'm afraid so." Lin Rui nodded, "Edmund Gay is very shrewd, and ordinary tricks can't fool him.

For him to confess the truth, we must rescue him. And after getting his information, we must also abide by our agreement and will not kill him. "

"But he is a **** terrorist, his hands are covered with blood, and he has caused many murders." A Moroccan official said angrily.

Lin Rui nodded, "I also think he is a **** terrorist. And I don't think he has been wronged ten times. But what?

We have to do it if we agree, and even if he is a **** terrorist, we can't break our promise. Because credit is the foundation of our company. We cannot make an exception for anyone.

Another point is that Edmund Gay is an old and cunning habitual offender. If he is not sure of his safety, it is absolutely impossible to disclose valuable information to us. "

"Okay." The Moroccan minister was silent for a moment, "Then follow your method. But if he escapes from your hand... we may never catch him anymore."

Lin Rui spread out his hand, "This is the action risk. I tell you all of this, so that you can weigh the risks.

Then make your choice. No matter how you choose, I will respect the employer's choice. After all, you paid me. So what you say, I will do it. "

"I don't think we can agree to such a plan. Edmund Gay is an extremely dangerous terrorist. We have been hunting him for several years, and this time he was finally caught.

Are we going to let the tiger go back again? If he escapes this time, we don't know what he will cause in the future.

We don’t know if the information he provided is valuable? If we let him go because of this, we might have extremely serious consequences. "An official shook his head.

"I admit what you said, but if we release a dangerous criminal, we can stop an upcoming major terrorist attack and save more lives. I think this risk is worth it." Mr. Minister said.

"Mr. Minister, I agree with you." Lin Rui nodded, "but there is one more point, I want to remind you. Judging from the information currently available, the terrorist attack is not only large in scale, but also sufficient to change the Moroccan side. Current counter-terrorism stance.

It is even possible for Morocco to withdraw from its military presence in Western Sahara. At least these terrorists think so.

If this is the case, I personally feel that stopping this attack is the key issue we need to solve most. "

The Moroccan minister was silent for a while, and finally nodded, "I agree with your plan, but I need you to ensure that you can get important information from Edmund Gay."

Lin Rui thought for a while, "Mr. Minister can rest assured about this. Although we can rescue him from here, it is not easy to escape our hands.

If he doesn't confess key information, don't want to leave our hands alive. I can assure you of this. "

"Very well, this matter will be handled by you. I will report to the above, other pressures, including this action, the possible consequences will be borne by me. Mr. Rick, I hope you will not let me down "Mr. Minister buttoned the suit button and stretched out his hand to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui also stretched out his hand and shook it with the other party.

For several days, the Moroccan side left Edmund Gay in this way. Not only did he not use any more punishments, nor did he even arraign him.

This abnormal situation finally made Edmund Gay panic. He took the initiative to speak out many times, hoping to start a dialogue with Lin Rui again.

As agreed, Lin Rui saw him again.

"Edmund Gay. See you again, I hope you have considered it carefully. By the way, we have caught several of your accomplices this time, and even took away one of your temporary strongholds in Casablanca." Lin Rui arranged a few photos on the table.

"Look carefully, your accomplices. You should see that this background is your temporary base.

You should also be able to rule out that these photos are not forged. Three more people are caught, and you are the fourth.

So you should be clear that even without your information, we are still not helpless. And as you said, intelligence, like news, is time-bound.

Once the information you provide loses value, then your life can only be rotten here. "The actuary knocked Kishi's knuckles on several photos on the table.

Edmund Gay just glanced at it and nodded, "I understand. My time is running out, but this time my request will not change. You must get me out, and then I will give you the key intelligence.

This time it is true, everything you want is in my mind. "He pointed his head with a finger.

"Then say something valuable, and see if we are worth the risk to save you." Lin Rui nodded.

"A large-scale terrorist attack was not in a single city in Casablanca. It was concentrated in several major cities in Morocco. They were launched at the same time during the same period of time. The operation was codenamed Deterrence.

They plan to create appalling bombings in these cities, and they use chemical weapons. "Edmund Gay replied.

"So you are planning a chemical weapon attack, and it happened in the same place in multiple cities." Lin Rui nodded, "It's a bit interesting at first, continue on."

"We have a total of more than 30 people participating in this attack. We are divided into eight groups, so it is useless for you to hold me alone.

And I know the list of everyone, and know the location of most of the other action points. But I can only say so much.

The rest of the content is a key secret, and I must use it to ensure my safety.

Only if you get me out of this place, I will tell you the information I know without reservation.

Otherwise, just guess it slowly. And I promise you will never guess. "Edmund Gay leaned back in the chair, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Rui.

Lin Rui was silent for a while, "If you had said this long ago, we would have saved a lot of trouble. I can try to get you out, but it may take a little tricky."

"No matter what you do, as long as you can manage to get me out. I don't want to stay here for a moment." Edmund Gay gritted his teeth.