Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5110: Retreat

"I think this matter must be reported to the Grand Duke, and proceed according to the Grand Duke's ideas." Black Panther Gulei said with a tough attitude.

"Do you think the Grand Duke really doesn't know about this? I can't hide anything from him." The Red Baron sneered, "I can be sure that this information was already on his table before it came to us.

Since he did not give a clear order, it means that he entrusted this matter to me to handle it.

I am the commander-in-chief of the organization in Africa, and I have the right to act according to my own ideas. "

"But what do you want to do with this situation now?" Black Panther Gulei asked.

"We let the Jihad Alliance continue to advance and take Orpheus. Then we have cut off the south passage of the Jihad Alliance, and continued south along the Assag River to take Adam Welg and Getar Simet.

These two towns are very close to Bir Enzalan. It can effectively deter local warlords from counterattacking and ensure that the jihadist alliance goes south to capture Khatovbar smoothly. "The Red Baron traced his fingers across the map.

"This is not something that can be done within a week or two. It will take at least two to three months to complete what you said.

And within two to three months, earth-shaking changes will occur within the Orumi Federation. Once the Hammer organization and the Anmor warlord joined forces, they overthrew the existing Orumi puppet government.

They will announce to the public that after the completion of the regime change, we will lose the legal status of the Orumi Federation.

Losing the legal status of the Orumi Federation also lost the legal seat of the six-nation anti-terrorist coalition forces.

To be honest, I don't think this is a wise move. There are too many risks hidden in this. If our strategic goals cannot be completed quickly, then the Orumi Federation must return to aid. "Black Panther Gulei whispered.

"I don't care so much. Even if the Olumi Federation is completely lost, as long as we completely control Western Sahara, it is worth it. Because Olumian State is a landlocked country with limited room for development.

But Western Sahara, close to the west coast of Africa and on the verge of the Atlantic Ocean, can provide us with a large amount of phosphate mineral resources. Enough to become the foundation of our development.

This is also the fundamental reason why we have been obsessed with taking control of this land. In comparison, the Orumi Federation is not worth mentioning. "The Red Baron suddenly turned around.

"When this happens, the secret society organization will be exposed to everyone, and everything that the entire organization has developed in a low profile for decades will be unreservedly displayed in front of the world.

We are not yet ready for this. Black Panther Gulei shook his head.

"But we must always take this step. If you want to wear the crown, you must first bear its weight. If you want to win a new life, you must first endure the pain." The Red Baron raised his head and looked out the window, slowly and authentically.

"You are taking risks. Taking the future of the entire organization is taking risks." Black Panther Gulei couldn't bear it.

"So what? You have to take risks when you should take risks. We dormant and low-key, just to one day, be able to soar into the sky. When the time comes, we can't miss it." Red Baron sneered.

"I have to go to the Grand Duke and discuss with him." Black Panther Gulei sighed.

"Go, take my greetings." The Red Baron turned around coldly.

Black Panther Gulei turned and walked out of his office, and behind him came a sneer of disdain from the Red Baron.

One day later, Lin Rui got the news. The forces of the Jihadist Alliance are advancing westward.

General Hassan and Quinn convened an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

"Since yesterday, the enemy forces of Metmar Fagor have been mobilizing frequently. They have left Metmar Fagor this morning and continue to move westward. Their current location is unknown. I want to hear your opinion." General Quinn Pointing to the map in a low voice.

"If they continue westward, they have two options. The first is to go to Limeside and control the southwest line of Laayoune.

Another option is to set the goal to the southwest in Kavo Bojador.

I think it is not very likely that they will go to Lemside, the more likely it is to go to Kavo Bojador.

Because going to Lemside, although it can lock Laayoune's south road, it is easy to arouse Morocco's vigilance.

The Moroccans are very determined towards Laayoune, although they have publicly declared that they will not intervene in the anti-terrorism operations in Western Sahara.

But Laayoune is still their untouchable cake, so any behavior that threatens Laayoune will arouse Moroccans' alertness.

On the contrary, the strategic significance of occupying Cavo Bojador to the southwest is more obvious. They can use this to control Bohador Cape. Occupy the first city on the west coast. General Hassan frowned.

"My opinion is the same as that of General Hassan. The Jihadist Alliance will leave a certain amount of leeway and try to avoid confrontation with Morocco.

So it is unlikely that they will attack Limeside. The focus should be on Cabo Bojador. Lin Rui nodded.

"Currently, there are only a small number of local troops in Cavo Bohador. The Jihad Alliance has dispatched a large number of troops this time. It seems that it is determined to win.

And from our point of view, we may not have a good way to stop them. "An officer whispered.

"We really have no way to stop them from taking down Kavo Bohador. Judging from our current cases, it may be difficult to do so.

But in a week, our backup troops will arrive. I don’t think we should give up Carobo Hador so easily. This is an important city with obvious strategic significance.

Not only does it control the most important highway on the west coast, it is also an important strategic city. When necessary, it can go east from Kavo Bojador, directly threatening the area under our control. "The other officer shook his head.

"But the reinforcements will not arrive within a week. Within this week, we will not be able to prevent the enemy from taking control of Kavo Bohador." Lin Rui shook his head, "Even if the brothers are required to fight hard, it is difficult to guarantee that we will be in a week. Within, the wind will not fall.

So I have a relatively compromised plan. "

"What kind of plan?" General Quinn asked quickly.

"We don't prevent the enemy from taking Kavobogador, but at the same time we concentrate our forces to take down the city on the south side of Kavobogador." Lin Rui nodded.

"Take down the city on the south side of Kavobogador? Isn't that..." General Hassan frowned. "You mean to take Orpheus?"

"Yes, Orpheus is also a very important coastal city, and it is not far from Kavobojador. After we take this place, we can stop the terrorists from continuing to move south.

At the same time, when the reinforcements arrive, we can take advantage of the situation to recapture Kavo Bohador. "Lin Rui put his finger on the map." This is to retreat to advance. "