Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5173: Black pearl reproduction

"This time it's not a new task, but an old account that needs to be settled." The actuary looked at him and said in a low voice, "The intelligence team recently intercepted news from the secret agency."

"What is it about?" Lin Rui asked in a low voice.

The actuary whispered, "Remember the woman in the secret society? Black Pearl."

"Black Pearl Betty, of course I remember her. One of the most powerful assassins in the secret society organization, before was also considered a high-level secret society organization.

It's just that she was following the puppet Vasily of the Secret Society at that time, so the relationship with the Red Baron was not very good. After Vasily's death, it seems that he has never been reused.

What's up with her? "Lin Rui frowned.

"The intelligence team has been trying to track down the movements of the top secretaries. One day ago, we received secret information from the intelligence team.

This woman appeared in Egypt, and it had been rumored that she was dead. But from now on, she is still alive.

And what are you planning to plan in Egypt? "The actuary replied Jiangshi.

"I don't have much interest in this guy." Lin Rui shook his head, "After the death of the puppet Grand Duke Vasily of the secret society, this black pearl Betty has been excluded from the core leadership of the secret society.

It seems that she is of little value right now. At best, it's just an important member of the secret society, not even a high-level member. "

"You can't say that." The actuary shook his head, "I have carefully investigated the details of the Red Baron before. I found that this man is not only cunning and vicious, but also extremely vengeful.

For a person like this, it is never possible to show mercy to his defeat. In particular, the power struggle at the top of the secret agency will either win or die.

This black pearl Betty has been following Vasily of the secret society before, and can be said to be a rival of the Red Baron. And several attempts to pass Vasily to suppress the Red Baron.

Such a person, after the Red Baron took the throne, was actually still alive. It's incredible in itself.

And not only was she alive, but she also showed up in public. There was only one explanation. The real secret agency saved her life. This shows that the Duke of the Secret Service wants her to live.

And this public appearance shows that the black pearl Betty has started activities again. And we all know, what is her activity? "The actuary said in a low voice.

"Assassination mission, and it may be an important person." Lin Rui nodded.

"Black Pearl Betty is not only responsible for the assassination, but in fact there is another task she is best at, that is, intelligence spying." The actuary reminded the shore.

"That's right, such a beautiful woman, whether it is murder or stealing information, will be overwhelming." Lin Rui nodded. "What do you think their purpose will be?"

"I don't know their purpose for the time being. But I'm clear about it. Recently, Egypt has been undercurrents.

Many intelligence dealers are swarming. "The actuary said in a low voice.

"Did something big happen?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Have you heard of the Forty-Nation Conference on Disarmament?" The actuary looked at Lin Rui.

"What?" Lin Rui looked inexplicable.

"Well, it seems that you don't know much. This is an international conference. Founded in 1979, the Conference on Disarmament is the only multilateral disarmament negotiation forum in the international community.

The terms of reference of the Conference on Disarmament actually cover all multilateral arms control and disarmament issues.

At present, the main goals of the Conference on Disarmament are to stop the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament, prevent nuclear war and all related matters. Prevent an arms race in outer space.

Reach effective international agreements to ensure that nuclear weapons are not used or threatened to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries.

New types of weapons of mass destruction and new weapon systems including radiological weapons, comprehensive disarmament programs and transparency in armaments. "The actuary replied Jiangshi.

"It sounds very tall, there should be a lot of important people, and a lot of important intelligence information. I am afraid that these are the targets of Black Pearl Betty." Lin Rui said.

The actuary nodded with a serious look, "This meeting is held three sessions a year. In order to ensure that the annual meeting is harmonized in working methods, it has established an informal coordination mechanism since 2006."

In fact, the Conference on Disarmament originally had 40 member states, and then its membership gradually expanded to the current 65 countries.

Moreover, the conference will also invite other UN member states and observer states who are interested in participating in the substantive discussions of the conference to participate in its work.

So in fact, the countries involved in this conference are quite extensive. And this time they will focus on the prohibition of development, production, storage and use of chemical weapons, and the destruction of such weapons. "

"Chemical weapons, I'm afraid this involves many issues." Lin Rui frowned.

"The secret society organization has been secretly developing chemical weapons and nuclear weapons since its establishment.

In recent years, they have been very interested in the process of destroying chemical weapons in various countries.

Of course, they are not interested in the negotiation of weapons destruction, they are more concerned about the weapons themselves. "The actuary said in a low voice.

"You mean they want to use this to obtain more information, and maybe even try to obtain these destroyed weapons?" Lin Rui frowned, "This is too risky, isn't it?

The destruction of chemical weapons has strict restrictions, and it is impossible for countries to allow the outflow of such weapons.

Even if the secret society organization has hands and eyes open to the sky, I am afraid it may not be able to accomplish such a difficult task. "

The actuary smiled bitterly, "The secret society organization has always dared to think and dare to do. They have not done similar things before.

Remember those bizarre incidents of missing nuclear materials?

In the past ten years, radioactive materials have been lost more than 30 times in Britain alone.

At the same time, information about nuclear smuggling and the nuclear black market is also frightening.

The Information Technology Conference of the World Customs Organization once revealed that a total of 50 incidents of illegal transit and transfer of nuclear materials took place last year alone. Twenty-six of them involved the transfer of uranium.

According to statistics, the International Atomic Energy Agency receives 150 to 200 reports of the loss of nuclear materials and illegal transactions every year.

There is also news that the black market for illegal sales of nuclear materials in the countries surrounding the former Soviet Union in Georgia is very active.

These black markets are constantly flowing with cesium and iridium used to make dirty bombs, as well as nuclear-bomb-grade uranium and plutonium. "

"This is really troublesome." Lin Rui frowned. "Although it is very difficult to manufacture a nuclear bomb, once you have mastered the required technology, nuclear materials, and capital, you can theoretically manufacture simple, mass-destructive and nuclear devices."

"It is said that one of the topics of this meeting will discuss the disposal plan of a batch of seized nuclear materials. In this way, the appearance of Black Pearl Betty is not without reason." The actuary looked at Lin Rui.