Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5199: Enemy's Lair

"Oh? Come and listen." Lin Rui looked at the boss.

"I don't know the details. But it is said that this person has recently done a big business.

But you also know that business like ours is done privately. I can hear some rumors among colleagues, but I will never understand the details.

After all, no one will tell others about his business.

There are rumors that this hapless guy encountered a group of terrorists. They bought weapons from him and finally killed him. "The owner of the weapon shop shrugged.

"You should be grateful that you don't know much." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder. "Give me the name of your colleague."

"His name is Du De, you can know this person after a little inquiries." The boss nodded.

"Very good." Lin Rui smiled and patted the boss on the shoulder.

As he turned and walked back, Lin Rui said in a low voice, "Notify the intelligence team to check the situation of the weapon businessman Du De. Focus on his recent developments."

"The Horus team has withdrawn. We can only use other means. Fortunately, we still have the contact information of one of Vitalk's subordinates." Hurry up nodded.

"Hurry up." Lin Rui nodded.

In the afternoon, Lin Rui and others received all the weapons smoothly.

At the same time, a message came from Vitalk's men.

Du De, a weapon businessman who died unexpectedly recently, commissioned an intermediary to purchase a small food processing plant.

"Food processing plant?" Kuaima frowned.

"If nothing happens, there should be a new hiding place for the secret society organization." Lin Rui nodded.

"Boss, how can you be sure?" Blackbeard asked.

"The secret agency is very careful in its actions. The people they send to perform the task should have nothing to do with this place.

Because there is no involvement, there is no doubt. But this also has a problem.

That is, they are local and do not have sufficient social relations. Lin Rui said.

"What does this mean?" Blackbeard was somewhat inexplicable.

Sergey smiled and said, "For example, if you go to an environment where you are unfamiliar with your life, it will always be inconvenient to do things.

And completely unfamiliar faces can easily attract attention. So this group of secret agencies are acting here, and they will definitely have an agent. "

"You said that the arms dealer who was killed was an agent of the secret society organization." Blackbeard thoughtfully.

Lin Rui nodded, "Yes. I'm almost certain that the secret society organization got the weapons from this arms dealer.

Being able to attack the French special forces shows that these people have very good weapons. Such weapons are indeed a big business for that arms dealer.

Of course, the secret society organization has money, and they don't care about it at all. So why did they kill that arms dealer?

There is only one reason. The arms dealer also helped them with other things. This matter must never be known to outsiders, so the arms dealer must die.

To outsiders, it was the arms dealer who did the wrong business and was killed by his client.

But in fact, what the secret agency wants to cover up is their hiding place.

That is, the food processing plant that the arms dealer bought before his death.

The lower cover has been positioned by satellite before, and the trajectory of the secret society organization member has been determined.

As long as we follow his satellite positioning trajectory to find the food processing plant on this trajectory.

We can find the secret society organization, the temporary lair in this city. "

Sergey had taken out his mobile computer and started searching for nearby addresses.

"Judging from the satellite positioning records, the secret society member we tracked is the waiter we met in the hotel before.

I have been to many places in the city, and a few places have the most active activities. And stay there for a long time.

I just focused on searching these areas. Found a place that meets the conditions. A location called Hamama Food Processing Factory.

Judging from the satellite reminder, this is a small processing plant that produces canned food.

And this place was sold a few weeks ago. I found the information that this factory was sold. But no information about the arms dealer could be retrieved," Sergey replied.

"It's normal. The arms dealer also handled this matter through an intermediary. So I couldn't find any information about her, especially after the arms dealer was killed.

Don't even think about it, and connect this place to him again. Lin Rui nodded.

"The factory is not big, but hiding a dozen people shouldn't be a problem." Sergey nodded, "It looks like we have found their hiding place. What should we do next, boss?"

"The weapon is in hand, and the location is determined. Guess what I will do, I thought you wouldn't ask this question." Lin Rui smiled.

"That said, we can go and kill them." Black Mamba geared up.

"Don't worry, send someone to observe the situation. Let's go down and beat them by surprise." Lin Rui nodded.

"Boss, this is downtown Cairo after all. It's not appropriate for us to make too much movement." Kuaima asked with a frown.

"Yeah, what if the police are alarmed?" Eric asked.

"Seize the opportunity, fast in and out. Who knows that this matter has something to do with us?" Lin Rui smiled.

"Okay, send a brother to investigate the situation, and we will do it at night." Yelena nodded.

The one who was sent out to listen to the news was sausage.

Because he has been in Egypt for a while, and he will be more familiar with the terrain and human heads.

And although he is a German, he has been in the Middle East for a long time, and he is habitually closer to Arabs, so he is relatively unsuspecting.

Sausage easily completed the reconnaissance mission and returned to report to Lin Rui and others.

"It was a small independent courtyard, not large in scale. It seemed to be a small factory for canning food." Sausage whispered.

"How is the alert status?" Lin Rui asked.

"On the surface, there is no alert. But in fact it is not. I found this around." Sausage took out the camera and zoomed in on the photo on the camera.

"Wireless monitoring with infrared night vision." Lin Rui looked at the photo.

"There are several key intersections. And they all seem to be newly installed.

In addition, although the small factory is closed, there is a small shop on this side of the building and a small shop on this side of the building. There were people sitting at the door, although they looked like ordinary merchants.

But I suspect that this is the eyeliner of the secret society organization, who is specifically responsible for staring at the surroundings. So I didn't get too close, just took some related situations with a telescope and camera. "Sausage replied.

"It seems that they are quite alert. But they should not be guarding us, but also guarding against the French intelligence services and the Egyptians." Lin Rui nodded.