Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5220: Reckless

Because of the attack, the entire terrorist camp was noisy.

Lin Rui and a few others approached quietly on the flank of the terrorist camp.

In order not to attract attention, they dispersed their actions.

Several people secretly entered the flank of the camp without being noticed, and began a sneaky sabotage operation.

The number of them is too small, and it is impossible to rush in and kill as I said before.

That's death, not battle.

Black Mamba, Black Beard and others followed Lin Rui lurking all the way, planting bombs everywhere in the camp.

Some are simple booby mines made of grenades, and some are remotely detonated bombs.

These people planted or hung bombs in every hidden place as much as possible.

Using bombs to create chaos is their only hope that they can complete their mission alive.

A black militant was patrolling. He thought it was safe now because the enemy had been driven away and the other brothers were pursuing them with all their strength.

However, he met the black mamba.

The black mamba, like a black lightning, rose into the air from behind a tent,

The dagger in his hand pierced his neck accurately, and once again used the blade to tear open the wound.

Hold the militant for a few minutes, wait for him to die, then gently drag him aside.

Blackbeard stared at another terrorist dangling in the camp.

When the terrorist came over, Blackbeard just hid in the shadow of a tent.

The terrorist seemed to hear something and felt that there was something behind him,

However, when he turned around, there was no one behind.

But he was patted on the shoulder.

The terrorist suddenly turned his head, holding the weapon in his hand and lifting it like lightning, it was still slow!

The three-sided bayonet in Blackbeard's hand, just after he turned around, penetrated his heart accurately.

Khan approached a sentry position in the camp.

There is a terrorist sentry here. Seeing Khan's face, he raised his gun while asking for a password.

However, although he is vigilant, he has to judge.

However, Khan didn't give him time at all, and ran into him all at once.

The terrorist's heavy body was hit to the ground in an instant.

Wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu are Khan's best fighting techniques.

The Mongols have a tradition of wrestling, and this khan learned a Russian military fighting technique in the army.

After the fall, he immediately turned over and pressed the sentry, his hands faltered suddenly,

The sentinel's neck immediately made a sound of bone fracture, without even making a call, and he was out of breath.

The mouth, ears, nose and even eyes began to bleed,

He didn't catch it again, and as Khan let go, his head was softened.

Lin Rui lurked motionless in a hidden corner.

There were many terrorists wandering in the camp, but they did not come to where he was lurking.

He didn't say a word, the soft brimmed hat on his head had already been taken off, and he was wrapped in a dirty headscarf.

Just like the habits of many nomads in the desert,

The turban was wrapped around the head, and by the way, the face was wrapped.

Several passing terrorists had also seen him, but they were not surprised.

They thought this was just a pious accomplice, kneeling there and praying.

Seeing them pass by, Lin Rui's mouth smiled slightly.

Because in the communication headset, he had already heard several companions and signaled that he was ready to attack.

At this moment, a few more terrorists came over.

Their location is the only way for Lin Rui and others to enter the terrorist command tent.

Several people were getting closer, and Hei Mamba and others also noticed this unexpected situation.

Khan made a gesture. The three of them rushed forward, and three daggers plunged into the backs of these terrorists.

Suddenly a gunshot broke the silence of the camp.

The sound came from the northwest corner of the camp. It should be that the terrorist patrol found the body of the killed companion.

The terrorist patrols were originally along a fixed route, doing routine patrols.

A terrorist found his companion's body, immediately exclaimed, and went away in a panic!

But just as these patrolling terrorists inspected the corpse on the ground, a grenade rolled out from under the corpse.

The fuse pin of the grenade was pulled out, and it was already in the triggered state.

Several terrorists exclaimed, reflexively evading backwards!

But as the exploded steel **** scattered, they were knocked over several times at once.

This is a booby trap set by the Black Mamba in advance.

The air wave of the explosion made the terrorists stagger, but the sound of the explosion also exposed Lin Rui's existence.

Terrorist leader Jared was attacked by a sniper before, and he just breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting in his command tent, drinking water nervously, suddenly heard gunshots and explosions.

A sip of water almost choked him.

He immediately jumped up and commanded loudly: "Where to shoot, immediately notify people to check in! Other people protect me!"

A group of terrorists outside acted one after another, but for a while, many people touched the booby traps laid by the Black Mamba and others.

There were explosions and attacks everywhere in the camp, and the whole camp was in chaos.

Lin Rui and the others knew that they had been exposed, but the bombing of the booby trap successfully attracted most of the terrorists.

Everyone rushed to the location of the explosion.

Khan had already taken this opportunity to drive the desert assault vehicle over.

Blackbeard held up his machine gun in the car and fired it "click".

Khan drove on a rampage, and the automatic rifle in Black Mamba's hand also opened fire violently.

He hissed loudly: "Keep away, keep advancing, and fire violently!"

Lin Rui also sat in the car, his face that seemed to be always calm, still so calm.

Just when he drove past, he raised his hand instantly and threw a grenade out.

The grenade exploded in a nearby tent, killing and wounding.

Several terrorists were shot on the ground by machine guns and couldn't lift their heads.

While Blackbeard’s machine guns were still roaring, they first blasted the blocking terrorists with machine guns.

Then rushed straight towards the command tent of the camp.

Several terrorists were directly knocked down by the assault vehicle,

Although the assault vehicle is light, the steel frame still beats all flesh and blood.

Crudely crushed all the way to the past.

The inaccuracy of Blackbeard's previous sniping made him quite depressed.

Controlling the machine gun at this time, he roared like venting.

Grab the machine gun with both hands and shoot as many enemies as possible.

There were no extra vehicles in the terrorist camp, and the rest of the tanks had been chasing in the direction of the dry river before.

No vehicle-mounted weapon can match their firepower.

Blackbeard continued to shoot and rush forward. Amid the loud curses of the terrorists, more people outflanked the camp from all sides.

But the booby traps and bombs that the Black Mamba had deployed before effectively confuse them.

Khan did not retreat but moved forward and drove them forward with them.

The terrorist command tent is in front.