Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5274: Fish in troubled waters

Lin Rui thought for a moment, "You mean deliberately creating a panic to make them think that the Hammer Resistance will attack their arsenal.

Then they will ask for help, and judge whether the missile weapon base will be in that underground facility based on the direction of their reinforcement. "

"Yes." Zhao Jianfei replied, "Once the situation is tense and they receive the corresponding information. It is impossible for them not to attract attention.

As one of the three mobile missile launch bases in the Orumi Federation, they cannot afford any loss.

So they will definitely ask for help from above, and the Orumi Federation military will definitely send people to help.

If the missile weapon base is indeed inside their barracks, then reinforcements will definitely enter the barracks. Strictly guarded.

If the missile weapon base is in another location, this is just a trap. They are very likely to set aside some people to protect there.

As long as you keep a close eye on their movements, you can find suspicious places in their movements.

If the missile weapon base is not in this barracks, then we will save the steps of continuing to spend a week here.

On the other hand, this greatly saves our time. It also reduces our trial and error costs. "Zhao Jianfei replied.

Lin Rui nodded, "It's good in theory. It's okay to create tension, but how do we make the Orumi Federal Army think that we are going to attack this arms base?"

"I want to catch it." Zhao Jianfei pointed to his head, "Think about the strategies and tactics taught to us by our ancestors.

First we managed to capture an officer of the Orumi Alliance. I think the officer who inspected our military police was a good choice.

This guy's arrogant attitude made me want to beat him when I saw him. Let's catch him and beat him up and ask him about the defense of the missile base, but don't ask him where the missile base is.

In this way, he will think that in fact we already know the location of the missile base.

Then we have to let him see that we are carrying a lot of explosives. Enough to blow up an arsenal.

Guess what he thinks? "Zhao Jianfei whispered.

"He would think that we are members of the Hammer Resistance Organization, and already know the location of the arsenal where the missile is hidden, and are trying to ask him about the defense situation there." Lin Rui nodded.

"Yes. Then we have to give him a chance to let him run away. Guess what will he do after he runs back?" Zhao Jianfei blinked.

"Is it necessary to say? He will definitely report this incident when he ran back, and brought a large group of men and horses to hunt us." Gerbil replied, "Maybe they will turn this place upside down, I am afraid we will all be unlucky. "

"So we can't let him think that we are in this town. Instead, let him think that we are from the desert.

We need a truck without any markings, a lot of explosives or something that looks like explosives. "Zhao Jianfei made a gesture. "And people from the military police are stationed in the town. They are not in the barracks.

So we have a much better chance of starting with him. And after we caught him, we immediately took it outside, creating the illusion that we were coming from outside.

In this way, he would not fight against the people in the town, and would only think that the people of the Hammer organization were hiding in the desert, waiting for an opportunity. "

The gerbil nodded, "I think I can try. If you can tell him the truth, or confuse him.

It can indeed save a lot of time and avoid all kinds of useless efforts here.

But this plan will be very dangerous. What if this officer doesn't even know about the arsenal? "

Zhao Jianfei shook his head, "I think he should know a little bit. Moreover, these gendarmerie units were sent later, and their role is to supervise the Olumi Federation forces here.

The guards at the entrance of the barracks had also revealed the corresponding meaning. Even the chief of the Orumi Federal Forces should not have a headache for these military policemen.

This shows that this military police force has the power to supervise other forces, and the authority is above them.

The officer of the gendarmerie unit probably knew some inside information, but it was probably not comprehensive.

I think he should know that this unit is protecting a secret facility. But he didn't know what this secret facility was used for.

If he doesn't know, then we will tell him.

We interrogated him on the surface through persecution and torture, but in fact we secretly handed over our details to him. "

"I feel like I can give it a try. Although it is a risk, it is worth trying." Lin Rui nodded. "So we have to minimize the degree of danger. Make all kinds of plans.

In terms of implementation, it is relatively simple. "

Zhao Jianfei nodded and turned to the gerbils, "Those who inform you immediately, start active activities throughout the Orumi Federation.

Explosions, assassinations, as long as they are aimed at the Orumi EFF. I don't care, you use any means. Only two things are required to be powerful and at the same time to avoid self-exposure.

Is there a problem? "

Gerbil shook his head, "We people are trained to do this. Within two days, I promise to make enough movement."

The gerbil immediately sent a message via radio, like the headquarters of the Hammer Resistance Organization.

The next day, the Hammer Resistance Organization, which was dormant in the ground, was fully deployed. Within the territory of the Orumi Federation, various sabotage activities have emerged one after another.

The main goal is to target the Orumi Federation military. Almost overnight, incidents of the assassination of military officials of the Orumi Federation erupted everywhere in the Orumi Federation.

Some people even blatantly threw bombs into the barracks at night, causing many casualties. There were also large-scale arson.

The original resistance movement of the Hammer Resistance Organization has been suppressed by the Orumi Federal Army for several months, and it has already been calm.

Unexpectedly, this sudden outbreak would be so powerful.

Several important cities in the Oulumi Federation have temporarily declared martial law. A large number of Orumi Federation troops came to move back, and the situation suddenly became tense.

And this tension lasts for two or three days.

The small towns here have become extremely tense. There were twice as many soldiers patrolling the streets as usual, and there were several guard posts in important positions. It is also gradually increasing.

The gendarmerie in the small town is like an enemy, and anyone entering or leaving the town must conduct a rigorous search.

And all this was solemnly taken care of by Zhao Jianfei, Lin Rui and others.

What they want is this effect. The so-called fish in troubled waters, you have to muddy the water first, and then you can start.