Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 538: Take risks

Lin Rui thought for a while and said, "With a distance of two kilometers, there is a chance. Your army's second line of defense is less than two kilometers away from the headquarters. With the maximum range of your sniper rifle, you can hit there. As long as we pass through the first line of defense of this group of government forces, it is entirely possible to kill their commander, the White Scorpion, with one shot."

"But the government army is very strict on the first line of defense. It not only checks the passing vehicles, but also interrogates the soldiers. We can't get in without a password." Jason shook his head.

"Actuarial, why did you Lin Rui turn to Jiang An.

He put his hand on his glasses and said slowly, "It is daytime, so it is naturally difficult to sneak in. But at night, this shouldn’t be a problem. It’s just that I’m worried that the road to retreat will be blocked after I’m done, so let’s go tonight. I will lead the action. Lin Rui, you and Jason will meet us on the periphery. Once you hear the gunshots, you will immediately launch a surprise attack on the government’s first line of defense. Distract their attention and we will withdraw here immediately after the incident.”

"How did I become a perimeter support force? Rick and I have always been the best commandos. Every time we take the lead." Jason frowned.

"But this time the situation is different." Jiang Jian shook his head, "You are good at assault operations, and what we want this time is not to fight hard and fast assault, but to strike with precision to eradicate the enemy commander. If possible. It is best to kill all high-level officials in the opponent's entire command system. This requires calmness, concealment, and patience."

"I can do what you said," Jason shook his head.

"But you are more suitable for attacking fortifications, are you fortifications? That is their strongest perimeter defense line! Once we succeed, you and Lin Rui must make a gap for us before the enemy can quickly encircle. This is the point. Otherwise we will all die here." Jiang An whispered.

Lin Rui thought for a while and said, "I agree with your point of view, but I must add one point. If the opportunity is not good enough, we would rather give up the next action and look for another opportunity. Without sufficient assurance, we can never force it. Because there is only one opportunity, and We still have three days. If we find that the situation is not good, we will give up decisively and reorganize the next operation."

"I understand." Jiang An nodded and said, "I will make the most favorable judgment based on the situation. You can trust me."

"Yes. I trust you." Lin Rui put his hand on Jiang An's shoulder, "If things succeed, Jason and I will wait for you to break through. Don't let us down."

Jiang An nodded and lowered his watch, "I suggest that we start taking turns to rest now, and the two take turns on duty, waiting for night action."

"Okay, everyone rests. The old rules, I take the first post." Lin Rui said to everyone, "Tonight's action is very important, I hope everyone can have a full rest."

"I will accompany you on the first post." Yelena said.

Lin Rui didn't speak, and walked far away with his gun, alertly in the woods.

Yelena walked to his side and whispered, "Hi, why don't you speak?"

"Because I don't want to talk much." Lin Rui sighed.

"Jiang An didn't want you to take risks, so he decided to let you stay on the periphery. Moreover, he left Jason to let him protect you." Yelena said slowly, "This is what we all think. You are a wounded after all. ."

"I understand." Lin Rui nodded, "Just being protected by others makes me feel a little ashamed. I originally promised to protect my team members, but now the situation is reversed. I became protected. Object."

"Hey, we are comrades in arms." Yelena said.

"Just a comrade-in-arms?" Lin Rui smiled slightly.

"Well, maybe a closer comrade in arms." Yelena shrugged.

Lin Rui smiled, lowered his head and said, "Zhao Jianfei once said that only the weapons in his hand and his comrades in arms are reliable. I always thought his words were too absolute, but now I suddenly know what he said. Meaning. Maybe we are just relying on each other, trying everything we can just to survive."

"Promise me one thing, okay?" Lin Rui said slowly.

"What's the matter?" Yelena said.

"If I die, help me scold that Long Fatty." Lin Rui gave a wry smile.

Yelena said in a strange way, "What does this have to do with Long Zhengwu?"

"If it weren't for him, our situation might not have become so difficult." Lin Rui sighed.

Yelena said sharply, "You don't seem to act this time?"

Lin Rui was silent for a while and nodded, "Anyone with normal thinking will not act again. In a heavily entrenched place, risk attacking the enemy's headquarters. Even if it succeeds, it is an accident that is not enough to imitate. Not just me. Think, even Jiang An thinks so."

"Then, why do you continue this action?" Yelena frowned, "You are so smart, don't you think of other ways?"

"Because there is no other way to think of, and there is no time to think of other ways. Tekrit is in danger, and the railway bridge of the middle road may fall at any time. Once either of these two points is breached, the National Liberation Organization will lose all of it. Advantage. The entire southern region under their control will lose two-thirds." Lin Rui said slowly.

"As far as you should be concerned, we have at least the new force of Black Panther Gulei. Besides, the leader of the National Liberation Organization, Dikal, is also there. They are still capable of fighting, and we may not be defeated." Yelena was a little unconvinced. typical.

Lin Rui shook his head, "Jiang An and I have carefully studied the situation. The railway bridge on the west road and the railway bridge on the middle road are horns to each other. Once Tekrit is captured or the railway bridge is lost, it will lead to another There is no defense at all. In this case, the entire west and middle roads will be completely opened up. All the government forces can drive along the middle road and sweep the entire south controlled by the national liberation organization.

In such a situation, the remaining Gure and Dikal will also be difficult to do. There are no more than two choices waiting for them, one is to go abroad, and the other is to hide in the southern jungle and continue to fight guerrilla. Both of these choices mean that we have failed. The power of the national liberation organization will gradually diminish, and the terror rule of the Gansu sect will continue. In this mercenary game between us and Morningstar, we have also become the loser. "

Yelena was silent, what Lin Rui said to her was basically the truth. This is also the only reason why they have no choice but to take the risk.