Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5447: Weird empty building

Lin Rui nodded and passed the wireless communicator. Let the other mercenaries of the squad retreat to a relatively safe area first, and stand by in hiding.

Viper Yelena continued to lurch near the periphery of the camp as their observer.

The waiting time is quite difficult, but mercenaries like Lin Rui and Sergey know how to use this time to recover their strength.

They chose a more concealed position and sat down against the wall to rest. Although it was a rest, he did not dare to relax his vigilance about the outside situation.

Unexpectedly, this afternoon was very quiet. It seems that this place has indeed been abandoned for a long time, and no one will come.

Those mercenaries only seemed to be active around the building. As for the terrorists of the Holy Land organization, they all gathered in the container camp area.

The two groups seem to have a good understanding and do not interfere with each other.

The sun gradually went down, Lin Rui and Sergey finished their rest, stood up and moved their bodies. Observe the situation outside by the way.

It was getting dark, and it was still quiet outside. The good news is that there are no guard dogs in this camp.

If you want to sneak into a place silently, sometimes the biggest threat is a guard dog with a keen sense of smell.

Enemies, you need to see to find out. And these dogs can smell you from a few hundred meters away. No matter how well you hide, you can't hide your smell.

Sergey moved the joints of his body, took out a large bundle of nylon rope from his backpack, and slowly sorted it out.

Lin Rui was observing several nearby buildings with binoculars at the broken window.

The nearby buildings are not too high, about four floors, and it is not clear whether there is a basement.

But Lin Rui discovered that there are several buildings that are close together, and they are connected to each other by sky bridges. This is equivalent to connecting several scattered buildings together.

Lin Rui observed patiently, and drew all the locations where these buildings were connected to each other.

"What's this?" Sergey lowered his head to look at what he was drawing, and whispered.

"Several buildings over there, these buildings are all connected together. Have you rushed to the overpass over there? It's like a corridor in the sky, connecting these buildings together." Lin Rui did With a gesture, he passed the telescope in his hand to Sergey.

"This is good news for us. These buildings are connected and connected, which means that we can move from one building to another without going downstairs." Sergey nodded.

Lin Rui frowned, "However, such a construction method seems to be rarely seen. Especially in military buildings, if it is bombed, such a flyover can easily be destroyed.

Therefore, almost all military buildings emphasize their robustness. Such a structure will naturally not be adopted.

These terrorists have built such a base here and built some messy buildings. What does this mean? "

"Maybe..." Sergey said in a low voice, "I don't know if I'm right. Maybe it's like a command center. So we must ensure that people from the other buildings can quickly reach the middle building.

And you see, butterfly antennas are installed on the roofs of these buildings. These antennas should be used for satellite communications. "

Sergey looked at Lin Rui, "I know what you want to say, you don't think these terrorists have satellite communications capabilities.

But maybe these terrorists are just small characters, and the real main viewers are those hiding in the building. And these mercenaries are here to protect them.

In this case, we will go upstairs from the outside and go directly to the middle building. "

"But in this case, we have to go around. This increases our chances of being discovered." Lin Rui shook his head, "Since these buildings are interconnected, I think we'd better get closer. From that side, Start with the building."

"Of course I listen to you, you are the boss." Sergey shrugged.

The two sneaked out of the abandoned straw shed, avoided the attention of several guards, and came under the building.

Sergey observed, "It's less effort than we thought. They used the old-fashioned cable fixing method. Although this is convenient for maintenance, it leaves us with opportunities that we can take advantage of.

Can you see the cable lines in these corners? The corners where they are fixed are made of a large wall nail cone. Approximately one more than one meter apart, extending all the way upwards.

We can use these spikes to climb up. No rope is even needed. "

Lin Rui nodded, "It's a good idea."

"I'll go up and you will help me stare down. When I get up, I will throw the rope down. Then I will drag you up." Sergey made a gesture.

"Be careful of someone upstairs." Lin Rui also nodded at him.

Sergey took a deep breath and used the spike on the wall to quickly climb upward. In fact, this action is quite dangerous. This is the wall nail cone used to fix the cable. Although it is thick, it is likely to loosen.

The problem below is not too big. If you climb up, if you miss your hand, don't say anything about the fall, it will make a lot of movement.

Even Lin Rui was not sure to do this, but Sergey could.

His body is light, and he has been trained for extreme sports for a long time, and he has excellent control over the body. Whether it is coordination or strength, he is an excellent extreme rock climber.

He didn't climb up fast, but he was very steady and light, so he could hardly make a sound.

Soon he climbed upstairs and opened a window easily.

Sergey looked at his head and observed it, and got in through the window silently.

After a few seconds, he dropped the rope and pulled Lin Rui onto it.

"Where is this?" Lin Rui lowered his voice and observed the surroundings.

"There are fire doors here, like corridors, but they are not often used. This means that there are elevators in the building." Sergey frowned.

"How high is a four-story building, install an elevator?" Lin Rui also frowned.

Both people realized at the same time, "There are underground floors."

The two winked at each other and walked slowly near the safety gate. But because they didn't know the situation outside, they were not eager to push the door out.

Sergey took out the sight glass, pushed it out along the lower edge of the door, and observed it through the video equipment on the helmet.

About half a minute or so, he made a safe gesture to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui slowly opened the door, and the two people walked out slowly, keeping a guard posture one after the other. There seems to be no one in the building, there are many rooms here.

But most of the rooms are empty, with desks and computers inside. It looks like an ordinary office building.

But Lin Rui knew that this place would definitely not be that simple.