Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5618: Hammer dense electricity

Lin Rui thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything unusual about the Orumi Federation Forces' dynamics?"

"According to the latest report. They haven't had any unusual developments so far." The actuary replied Jiangshi.

"This is what I worry about." Lin Rui nodded. "The importance of Clover is self-evident. When Clover was about to be captured by our side, the secret society organization did not have any unusual reactions.

This in itself is the biggest anomaly. How are their activities in each district? "

"There is no movement along the Kemm River, and it seems that it is impossible for them to launch an offensive against the Kemm River fortress group.

The D area position is over there, although it is still fighting with our army. But they have lost control of the station in Zone D,

At present, it is only relying on their two large military strongholds to confront our army,

However, it was impossible for the Anmor Northern Alliance to capture their two military strongholds.

In particular, they still hold No. 9 Heights, which is enough to form a full-scale confrontation with us. "The actuary shook his head.

"In this case, their combat power should also be concentrated in Clover.

But their follow-up reinforcements did not fully implement the reinforcement strategy. This is also not quite right. "Lin Rui paced back and forth.

"The Red Baron is a very powerful person. He will never allow anyone to violate his combat decisions.

If he decides to reinforce Clover, he will never allow unresolute execution.

Unless this is just the decision of the Orumi Federal Army, not the order of the Red Baron. "

The actuary thought for a moment and asked. "In other words, the Red Baron may not have ordered any reinforcements to Clover from beginning to end.

Therefore, the Orumi Federal Forces had no idea. They wanted to reinforce Clover, but the Red Baron did not give a clear order.

But if you don't care about Clover, once Clover is recaptured by Anmor's Northern Allied Forces, the Red Baron may not be happy.

Therefore, the Orumi Federal Army has no bottom, so they hesitate in tactics.

Because they were hesitant about this matter, their actions seemed so inefficient. "

Lin Rui nodded, "Maybe this is the reason. But I want to know, if he doesn't even care about Clover, then what else does he want to do?

Is there a more strategic goal for him than Kolov? "

"It's impossible." The actuary frowned. "We have been monitoring each other's actions. If they have other intentions, it is impossible to leave no trace.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible for them to attack other targets in Anmore. "

Lin Rui sat down slowly, "Yes. But I always feel that something is not right. Red Baron is not the kind of person who can suffer from silence.

The sneak attack on Clover Town was his proud work. It's impossible to see us take Koloover back again, but he doesn't respond at all. "

"Of course it is better to be careful. I have asked Kassan to give orders. If any abnormal situation occurs in each department, they will immediately report to the headquarters." The actuary replied.

"But in my opinion, this is unlikely."

Lin Rui leaned back in the chair and smiled tiredly. "It's best to be like this. If we can successfully win Clover, then we won't be in vain this night."

"Let's have another cup of coffee, no sugar. It's enough to make it until dawn." The actuary patted Lin Rui on the shoulder.

Lin Rui smiled, "How many cups have I drunk. The caffeine is almost useless for me."

"Report!" a mercenary ran over, "the latest information from the hammer organization."

"What? Hammer organization?" Lin Rui was startled slightly. "What content?"

"Yes, Hammer Organization. But the content is an encrypted file, and I don't know the content. The key is said to be sent to you separately, sir." Mercenary Hui reported.

The actuary Maeki got up immediately and took the mobile computer from the mercenary.

The above is indeed an encrypted file that has just been received.

"What is this?" The actuary frowned, then looked at Lin Rui, "Do you have a key?"

Lin Rui checked the mailbox and nodded, "Encrypted mailbox No. 4, there is a key file.

Let's see what the **** these guys are up to. "

They completed the key verification on the computer and opened the file. But the information they got surprised them.

"The secret society organization intends to attack Delai Town?" Lin Rui said in surprise. "How can this be?"

The actuary Jiang An also shook his head, "It should be impossible. Although we don't have much deployment in Delai Town, we are in the back of Delai Town. We control Songshi Town very well. The Orumi Federal Army has not yet taken it. , Kam River Fortress is still under our control.

Even the town of Clover will be taken by our army soon. It can be said that all our territory is south of Delai Town, and the north of Delai Town is even more core cities such as Anmore City.

If the Orumi Federal Forces want to do anything there, they have to see how much power they can use. A major offensive must first pass Songshi Town and the Kam River line. "

"Is it possible not to disturb Songshi Town and the front line of the Kam River Fortress?" Lin Rui asked rhetorically.

The actuary nodded, "It's okay. Then you have to enter from the eastern border. But the eastern border belongs to the Republic of Tanilo. Taniro and the Orumi Federation are not friendly neighbors. They had a border dispute before. There have been many conflicts.

It's just that Taniro was defeated, and several border towns are still under the control of the Orumi Federation. But Taniro is determined not to give up his sovereignty. Both sides are now engaged in a war of words.

If the Orumi Federation wanted to borrow their way, it would have to cross half of the border to attack Drai Town. How could the Tanilo people allow such a thing? In any case, the two sides have been in conflict before, how can they allow the other's armed forces to enter their own territory?

Moreover, the Tanilo and Anmor also have a mutual defense agreement. Speaking of them, they are one group. It is even more impossible for the Union Forces of Orumi to pass. "

"How many transport planes and airborne troops does the Orumi Federation Force have? How much airborne operations can they accomplish?" Lin Rui asked suddenly.

"You mean they will airborne and attack Drei Town?" The actuary thought for a while and shook his head. "Although they have certain airborne capabilities, they cannot complete large-scale airborne operations.

The force put into a battalion is already their limit. Airborne operations require unified planning, trained personnel, and the delivery of equipment.

The airdrop of a battalion must have supporting facilities. The necessary materials and light vehicles have to be airdropped too, right? With the current capabilities of the Orumi Federation, they can also send a battalion to their deaths.

The key to the strength of this battalion itself is very embarrassing. Offense can't solve any problems. Sneak attack, no matter how large an airborne drop, it is impossible to conceal the Anmor Army. "