Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5699: Raid Engineer Battalion

"I...they just reported that they, they...were harassed by a small unit of the Anmor army on the way, and it was delayed for some time...but the number of the other side is very small, and it may be the enemy's collapsed army." The staff officer was nervous. As he explained, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

A cold air suddenly emerged from under Yves feet, and the subconscious immediately realized that it was not good.

"Where is the enemy army?" General Yves asked eagerly, anxiously searching the map for the location of the Anmor army...

The staff officer hurriedly pointed out the location on the map.

General Yves realized that something was wrong, and at the same time felt a little inexplicable.

The Anmore army appeared just behind him, and there were signs of continuing to move forward. It only took a few hours before they could cut off their retreat.

But it is only a small force, and it is impossible for such a small size to pose a threat to its own side.

General Yves suspected that while he was calculating the Anmor army, the Anmor army was also quietly calculating him.

Could it be that when he thought he had successfully lured Anmore's main force to the front line of Pine Stone Town, the other party was quietly putting a bigger trap on his head.

But it's not right, if that's the case, they should have a large number of troops. This small group of troops, and only collapsed at a touch.

There are two main regiments behind him, and this small group has no chance at all.

Thinking of this, General Yves felt at ease again.

But the presence of enemy troops in the rear was always a very uncomfortable thing for him.

General Yves thought for a moment, and finally asked again, "Is there really no problem?"

"There is really no problem. Our 4th and 3rd regiments are in order to ensure that there is no problem. So we stopped to scout carefully and confirmed that this was just a small group of the enemy's defeated army.

For now, they have moved on, and will be able to join us after tonight at the most. They personally guarantee that the delay will not exceed six hours. ' the staff officer replied immediately.

"Well, in this case, it is right to be cautious. Since it has been confirmed that it is just the enemy's defeat, there is no big problem.

Let them speed up, meet tonight, and in six hours tomorrow, we'll be ready to attack. General Yves nodded. "How are the preparations in the engineer battalion?" "

"They originally planned to arrive before three o'clock in the afternoon, but they haven't arrived yet. There is no news yet," the staff officer replied.

"To urge their progress. I know they have more machinery and baggage, but the circumstances are special, so they must speed up. They must reach the front line around three o'clock." General Yves got up and looked at the map.

The staff officer agreed and left. After about ten minutes, the staff officer came back.

General Yves looked at him and frowned, "What's the matter?"

The staff officer's face was a little ugly, "The engineer battalion lost contact."

"What?" General Yves was stunned.

"General, we tried to contact them, but there was no response. But it is said that we received a communication from them half an hour ago, and there is nothing special to report." The Orumi Federal Army staff replied.

"Inexplicably initiated a communication, but didn't report anything?" General Yves was suddenly stunned, and immediately jumped up and said, "Contact them again immediately!"

At this time, someone from outside rushed in to report. "The 3rd regiment sent a message that the engineer battalion in the rear was attacked a few hours ago and was almost wiped out! Even the signal for help was not sent out in time. It should be the work of those Trident mercenaries."

"Trident mercenary..." General Yves thought of this name, and the old problem of headache happened again.

He was almost out of breath.

These mercenaries are indeed cunning opponents, extremely insidious, and he seems to have completely fallen for the trick.

These Anmore troops did turn their heads to reinforce Pinestone Town as they expected. Let the Orumi Federation feel that they are completely hooked.

But in fact, these men ostensibly retreated from the South Bank position while reinforcing Pinestone.

The other team also secretly made a plan to reverse the package, and quietly dispatched a part of the troops to copy their own retreat.

And their goal is not the two main groups of the Orumi Federation Army, but quietly cut into their rear and directly kill their own engineering battalion with the ability to build bridges.

General Yves almost fainted with anger, and took out the medicine bottle from his arms tremblingly.

The staff officer of the Orumi Federal Army noticed that the general was shaking violently, and there was a thin cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly brought a cup of hot water.

General Yves took the medicine and drank the water in one breath, and then he felt that he had returned to normal a little, but after a short period of time in his mind, he still seemed quite confused.

There is no doubt that in this battle, the initiative that the Orumi Federation Army thought it had completely mastered had always been in the opponent's hands.

They have seen through the plans of the Orumi Federal Army, but they have not shown it in the slightest, and General Yves himself has not noticed it at all.

This was what annoyed him the most. He was a professional soldier, a famous general of the Orumi Federation, and he actually let a group of warlord troops and mercenaries play tricks.

General Yves was in a hurry and smashed the water glass in his hand. The officers in the headquarters were so frightened that no one dared to speak again.

General Yves finally found that he was in a huge quagmire, that is, the Anmor army had returned to Songshi Town in large numbers, and now they could neither eat the Anmor army of Songshi Town, nor gnaw the hard bone of Mirto.

What's worse, he failed to deceive the opponent successfully, and the annihilation of the engineering battalion's boat and bridge completely disrupted his offensive deployment.

This is the only troop under his command that has the ability to erect boat bridges, and it is also the reliance for them to quickly cross the river to carry out blitzkrieg warfare.

Without this force, their light armoured units could not cross the river quickly. It is also impossible to use a quick raid to bypass the Anmore fortress group.

The main force of Mirto's Anmore Northern Coalition Army continued to launch a fierce attack on the positions of the Orumi Federal Army. After breaking through the first line of defense, they began to divert their artillery fire.

Seeing that a large number of heavy artillery were approaching step by step, the Orumi Federation army in the second line of defense did not dare to take a breath.

The battle between the northern coalition army of Anmore and the Orumi federal army has been divided into several independent small battlefields.

On every battlefield, in terms of strength, the Orumi Federation army has the upper hand.

But as far as the actual situation is concerned, the Orumi Federation Army has lost the possibility of a quick surprise attack.

The Oromi Federal Army's combat strategy is very clear, that is, to use the local strength and firepower advantages of its own large triangle defense area to quickly consume the living strength of the Orumi Federal Army.